Feb 11, 2025  
Undergraduate Catalog | 2016-2017 
Undergraduate Catalog | 2016-2017 Previous Edition

University College

General Education Program

University College serves all undergraduate students at UNC Charlotte through the General Education Program which it coordinates on behalf of and with the support of all of the academic colleges that make up the campus community. This curriculum reflects this university’s commitment to the principles of a liberal arts education, a broad training that develops analytic, problem solving, and communications skills and also awareness of bodies of knowledge and new perspectives that prepare students for success in their careers and communities in the 21st century.

University College serves as the academic home for all undergraduate students who are exploring their options before choosing a major. Before students declare a major they are advised in the University Advising Center. The professional advisors in the center are specially trained to work with students to assess their interest and likelihood of success in possible majors. University Advising Center staff are also able to refer students to a variety of support offices available to assist students.

See the Degree Requirements and Academic Policies  section of this Catalog for details on the General Education Program at UNC Charlotte.

Prospect for Success

University College coordinates the University’s Prospect for Success program. Prospect for Success is a campus-wide academic engagement initiative for all incoming freshmen. The Prospect course that all new students take addresses three learning outcomes: commitment to success, inquiry, and cultural awareness. Prospect also provides structured activities that engage students with their advisors, campus resources, and co-curricular opportunities. Students in University College can choose from three Prospect options:

Learning Communities

Learning Communities bring new students together with courses and extracurricular activities that are focused around a common theme or topic.  Learning Communities require a full year commitment.  University College students can choose among several Learning Communities.  These include the joint University College/College of Liberal Arts & Sciences (UCLAS), Global Village, Gender Excellence, Leadership, and UTOP.  For more information, visit the Learning Communities website.

Freshman Seminars

Freshman Seminar courses (UCOL courses at the 1000-level) have been offered for more than 10 years. These courses are taught by a diverse group of faculty, professional advisors, and Student Affairs professionals. Their primary intent is to assist new students in making a successful transition to college by providing information and tools to help students gain awareness of campus resources, by encouraging students to make connections to the University community, and by developing strategies for academic and personal growth. Individual sections may take a particular thematic focus while others are more general in their approach. A small program of Transfer Seminars (UCOL 1011 ) is also available, providing similar support for new transfer students.

Prospect General Education Courses

These are regular general education courses, typically courses in the LBST curriculum, that have been adapted to cover the Prospect learning outcomes. They include break-out sessions to provide small-group interaction, and intentional coordination with advising offices.

Common Reading Experience

The Common Reading Experience at UNC Charlotte is designed to provide a shared academic experience which serves to assist all First-Year students in their transition to UNC Charlotte. This program offers unique opportunities for self-reflection, critical thinking, student interaction, and understanding of diverse perspectives.  For details, visit the Common Reading Experience webpage.