Jan 22, 2025  
Undergraduate Catalog | 2016-2017 
Undergraduate Catalog | 2016-2017 Previous Edition

Campus Life and Student Resources


The University of North Carolina at Charlotte provides a comfortable and enjoyable environment for students that is conducive to learning. The services, facilities, and programs of the University promote individual student development and foster a community which promotes the involvement of students in their intellectual, cultural, spiritual, emotional, and physical development.

Students at UNC Charlotte are encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities. Athletics, the Student Government Association, the Campus Activities Board, and Student Media are a few of the available activities that can play a significant role in each student’s development and total education. Participation in activities, ranging in type from service and religious to athletic and social, and from creative arts and crafts to wilderness experiences, increases a student’s opportunities to acquire leadership skills, to experience the responsibilities involved in functioning within a self-governmental process, and to develop personal talents and interests.

Note: Students are entitled to participate in several student groups and organizations as long as they are academically eligible to continue their enrollment. However, participation in some activities requires students to be in good standing with the University, both academically and in accordance with The Code of Student Responsibility (located in the “University Regulation of Student Conduct ” section of the Catalog).

Academic Services


The Academic Services unit at UNC Charlotte enriches the academic community by offering a broad range of initiatives promoting student success, ensuring access, and enhancing the educational experience of all students. Through transition programs, learning communities, support for student-athletes, career services, experiential learning, honors education and services, disability services, tutorial programs, and initiatives for underrepresented students, Academic Services cultivates life skills critical to successful graduation and global citizenship. Addressing the needs of a diverse student population, Academic Services utilizes an integrated student-centered approach which reinforces rigorous academic expectations and encourages student engagement from the time of enrollment through graduation.

Athletic Academic Center

The Charlotte 49ers Athletic Academic Center provides assistance to all Charlotte varsity student-athletes to achieve academic and personal success at the University by providing support services designed to meet their unique needs and ensuring the student athlete’s compliance with all National Collegiate Athletic Association, Conference, and University regulations. Academic advisors provide academic advising services, priority registration, tutorial services, supervised study sessions, a computer lab, résumé writing assistance, a life skills program, and academic recognition. Contact information is available online at charlotte49ers.com.

Disability Services

The Office of Disability Services works with departments across UNC Charlotte to ensure that educational programs and campus facilities are accessible to individuals with disabilities.  Students with disabilities who wish to receive accommodations must provide documentation from their healthcare provider to Disability Services.  After a determination of eligibility is made, students schedule a registration appointment with a Disability Services counselor to determine appropriate and reasonable accommodations.  Disability Services offers a wide range of accommodations based on specific, documented disability needs.

It is the mission of the Office of Disability Services to provide access to education and campus life and to support a culturally rich, inclusive, and accessible campus environment.  The Office recognizes that services and accommodations can be different in college than in high school, and can even vary from college to college.  Students are encouraged to contact Disability Services with questions they might have about eligibility, services, and accommodations.  Learn more at ds.uncc.edu.

Honors College

The Honors College offers academically talented and highly motivated students opportunities for intellectual breadth, undergraduate research, service learning, and a community feeling within the context of a large public research university. Comprised of several distinct honors programs, each with its own standards for admission and requirements for graduation, the Honors College is a campus hub for undergraduate honors courses, enrichment opportunities, scholarships, study abroad, community service, faculty lectures, and advising for pre-health professions and prestigious award nominations. Please see the individual Honors College  section of this Catalog for complete details.

Learning Community Program

UNC Charlotte’s Learning Community Program is transforming the way students live, learn, and succeed in their academic endeavors.  Learning communities help new students transition through academic and social challenges by providing small, supportive living and learning environments.  Students interact closely with UNC Charlotte faculty, staff and peer mentors through areas of common interest, enroll in 2 or 3 of the same courses and in many cases live together in the same residence hall.  Through the year-long learning communities, students make friends and develop close relationships.

While most learning communities are residentially based, some do not require living on campus.  Most learning communities designed for freshmen; some are specifically designed for new transfer students.

Whether students are interested in business, communication studies, computing, criminal justice, engineering, English, gender studies, health, history, international relations, leadership, liberal arts and sciences, politics, psychology, teaching, or are not sure yet, they are likely to find a community of interest. 

Contact and application information for UNC Charlotte’s Learning Communities can be found online at lc.uncc.edu.

Multicultural Academic Services

The Office of Multicultural Academic Services, while open to all students, emphasizes academic support to students from the following populations:  African American, Asian American, Hispanic/Latino, Pacific Islander, Native American, multi-racial, LGBTQ, first generation, students from rural communities, and students who have a reported disability. 

Services, for individuals and groups, include: secondary academic advising; tutoring in math, science and engineering; weekly study halls; mentoring; workshops; monitoring of academic progress; recognition of academic achievement; personal, cultural and leadership development; resources and referrals for students, faculty and staff; academic support for undergraduate and graduate students. Programs include:

University Transition Opportunities Program (UTOP)

UTOP is a summer academic bridge program designed to facilitate the transition from high school for first-time freshmen. In UTOP, a limited number of incoming freshmen participate in a structured collegiate experience prior to fall semester enrollment. Seven hours of credit are awarded for the successful completion of UTOP coursework, which consists of English Composition, Supplemental English, Liberal Studies, Intro to Chemistry, Geography, or a subject-specific Freshman Seminar. Participants also have the option of participating in a one-year Learning Community in which students are engaged in coursework and activities that emphasize growth and development in liberal arts education, diversity, and campus connections. Learning Community participants continue to enroll in courses together and share living/learning environments during the fall and spring semesters. UTOP is designed to help build a solid foundation for students from traditionally underrepresented populations and first generation college students.

Student Advising For Freshman Excellence (SAFE)

Co-sponsored by the Office of the Dean of Students, SAFE is a peer mentoring program designed to facilitate the transition from high school to college for all incoming freshmen. SAFE combines academic support with personal development programming to encourage academic achievement, positive self-concept, and increased personal growth. SAFE is structured on three pillars of success: mentoring, academic support, and social networking. The SAFE program has proven to be highly beneficial for students from traditionally underrepresented populations and first generation college students.

Producing Readiness Of Diverse University Cohorts in Education (PRODUCE)

UNC Charlotte is one of the eight schools in the University of North Carolina system participating in the Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) National Science Foundation Grant to: (1) improve the quality of the learning environment for underrepresented students in science, mathematics, engineering and engineering technology; (2) increase the number of underrepresented students graduating with degrees in science, mathematics, engineering and engineering technology; and (3) develop and implement effective techniques of attracting talented underrepresented students who would otherwise not choose science or engineering as a career. PRODUCE participants receive faculty and peer mentoring, peer tutoring, opportunities to attend professional meetings/conference, internships, and scholarships.

Building Better Brothers (B3)

B3 is an academic and social support program designed to increase the retention and graduation rates of male students from traditionally underrepresented populations. B3 assists program participants in becoming graduates with high academic achievement and preparedness for post-graduation life. Students complete an application of interest and select a variety of educational and social programs in which to participate throughout the year. For more information about Multicultural Academic Services, visit mas.uncc.edu.

University Career Center

The University Career Center (UCC) offers comprehensive career services designed to assist undergraduate and graduate students in all stages of career development.  Each student has a specific career advisor (based on the student’s major and including undeclared majors).  Career advisors assist students with exploring majors and careers, gaining experience, conducting job and internship searches, and transitioning after graduation.  In addition to individual appointments and group workshops, the UCC hosts career fairs and events throughout the year and provides a host of resources online at career.uncc.edu.  UCC staff collaborate with academic colleges to coordinate experiential learning, and career advisors teach career-related sections of freshman and transfer seminars.  The UCC offers the following programs.

Part-Time Employment Off-Campus

The UCC’s Job Location and Development (JLD) Program assists students in obtaining off-campus jobs including part-time, summer, temporary/seasonal, and full-time (non-degree).  Job listings may be viewed online in Hire-A-Niner and often include career-related positions in various fields.

Experiential Learning Programs

The majority of UNC Charlotte students (over 90%) are expected to and do participate in University-sanctioned experiential learning programs. Opportunities are available for both undergraduate and graduate students to receive course credit, or other recognition for supervised experiences in public and private agencies within the community, nationally, and internationally.  These opportunities are offered through experiential learning programs including over 670 courses involving clinical rotations, cooperative education, internships, and practicums.  For full description of related courses, see the Course Descriptions  section of this Catalog.

Cooperative Education

This career-related professional program is available to students in the Colleges of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Business, Computing & Informatics, and Engineering.  Participants must be enrolled full-time in an undergraduate degree program, and have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5, and complete course requirements specified by their department.  Transfer students must complete 12 hours at UNC Charlotte before applying to the program.  Co-op students work two to three semesters either part-time or full-time (depending on college requirements) with an employer in a paid work experience.  Participants receive transcript notation, not academic credit. 

Academic Internships

Some academic departments award students credit for completing relevant internships.  Students are encouraged to check with their academic department for further information and academic eligibility requirements.

Job Shadowing/Networking Experiences

These experiences provide one-on-one and group shadowing experiences that give students the opportunity to “shadow” professionals in a career field of their choice.  Students are able to explore career options and academic interests by conducting informational interviews and observing professionals in various fields, many of whom are alumni.  The shadowing experience may include a brief visit or can last for one day or longer, depending on the schedules of the students and professionals. 

University Professional Internship Program

The University Professional Internship Program (UPIP) offers paid on-campus internships to full-time sophomores, juniors, and seniors.  Internships are designed to provide professional knowledge and skill development consistent with the student’s major/career goals.  Students work through their home academic department for approval of academic credit for their internship.  UNC Charlotte faculty and administrators serve as mentors to interns, with each internship paying $10 per hour for 10-15 hours per week during the Fall and Spring semesters.

University Center for Academic Excellence

Designed to improve academic performance and foster meaningful learning experiences, the University Center for Academic Excellence (UCAE) provides services, programs, and resources to help students develop and refine critical thinking skills, utilize self-management skills, and learn course material more efficiently while earning higher grades.  UCAE collaborates with various colleges and programs on campus to promote the success of undergraduate and graduate students, including teaching the Academic Success Seminar (UCOL 1300). All services are free to enrolled UNC Charlotte students. UCAE offers the following programs and services.  For additional information on any of the programs and services offered by the UCAE, visit ucae.uncc.edu.

Learning Commons

The Learning Commons is a place students can come to study in a welcoming environment with academic support help only a few steps away.  They can make use of computers and pay-for-print services, as well as a library of resources including books, DVDs, and printed handouts outlining successful study/learning strategies. 

Personal Academic Consultations (PACs)

PACs are one-on-one meetings tailored to the academic needs of the student who is attending.  They are designed to help students discover more about themselves and develop personalized strategies for comprehensive collegiate success.  Assessments of learning styles and study habits/attitudes can also be administered and interpreted during PACs.  Students may sign up for one-time or ongoing appointments to address their academic success goals. 

Tutorial Services

Well-trained undergraduate provide free tutoring to University students in a variety of disciplines. Tutoring is primarily in mathematics, sciences, business, and foreign languages and emphasizes both content mastery and learning skills development. Tutors are selected based on their competence in the subject area, faculty endorsements, and their effective interpersonal skills. Tutorial Services at UNC Charlotte has been nationally certified through the College Reading and Learning Association at Level III, Master Tutor.

Supplemental Instruction (SI)

SI assists students in historically difficult courses, among which are biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, mathematics, business, and the social sciences.  In weekly scheduled group study sessions, trained student SI Leaders help peer students refine the unique skills necessary for doing well in the target course.  Data show that students regularly participating in SI average significantly higher final course grades compared to non-participants.  The SI program has been nationally certified through the College Reading and Learning Association at Level I.

Students Obtaining Success (SOS)

SOS is a peer mentoring program for students on academic probation at UNC Charlotte.  SOS is designed to help students identify strengths and causes for academic difficulty and to develop skills to improve grades and return to good academic standing. Any student on academic probation is eligible to register for the SOS program. Each participant is assigned a well-trained undergraduate peer mentor for support and guidance. The program lasts for one semester and is tailored to help individuals with specific needs and issues. Participants must commit to meeting weekly with a peer mentor. The SOS program has been nationally certified through the College Reading and Learning Association at Level II, Advanced Mentor.

Academic Skill Development

A wide variety of workshops and classroom presentations are offered each semester on topics that help students achieve academic success. These interactive workshops are led by staff and graduate students on-site and across campus. Topics include: Test Prep, Time Management, Goal Setting, Effective Note Taking, Motivation, Learning Styles, and more.

Auxiliary Services


In support of the University’s educational mission, Auxiliary Services is responsible for providing goods and services the campus community needs. This includes:

  • multi-function 49er ID Card system
  • dining venues and meal plans
  • on-campus bookstore
  • printers and copiers
  • parking and transportation services
  • mail delivery
  • ATM stations and vending machines

49er ID Card

Every student’s 49er ID Card displays a photo, name, and a unique student ID number (different from a Social Security number for privacy reasons). The 49er ID Card proves that the student is a member of the campus community and entitled to certain services.

A 49er ID card allows access to:

  • campus housing
  • campus activities and programs
  • athletic events and recreational facilities (i.e., Student Activity Center, Belk Gym)
  • computer labs
  • Student Health Center

The 49er ID card also serves as a:

  • meal plan card
  • library card

And holds funds for:

  • Optional Dining Account
  • 49er Account

To get a 49er ID card, students need:

  1. One valid proof of identification such as a driver’s license, State Issued ID or Passport
  2. Proof of university status such as acceptance letter, class schedule, proof of registration or tuition bill
  3. Student ID number that begins with 800 (assigned at acceptance; appears on the acceptance letter).

Entering freshmen and transfer students will have their 49er Card made during SOAR. A card may also be obtained at:

49er Card Office
Auxiliary Services Building
Hours: Monday -Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
704-687-7337 or 1-877-497-4949


ID Card Office
Student Union, Room 127
Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

The 49er ID card can only be used by the student to whom it was issued. Misuse of the identification card will result in disciplinary action. There is a $15 fee to replace lost/stolen identification cards. For additional details, visit aux.uncc.edu/49er.

49er Account

The 49er Account automatically resides on the UNC Charlotte 49er ID Card. Students simply make a deposit and the account is instantly activated. The 49er Account is accepted in campus vending machines, for printing and copying (including services from the Copy Center), residence hall laundry machines, the Barnes & Noble at UNC Charlotte bookstore, and purchases from the campus Post Office, NinerTech computer store, Campus Salon, Union Station, dining venues, campus convenience stores and game/event concessions.

The 49er Account spends like cash for products and services all over campus but can’t be used for cash advances or purchases off-campus (although many local businesses offer discounts with proof of UNC Charlotte ID). A 49er Account is safe, secure, can’t go into negative balance, and won’t incur fees like overdraft charges.

There are four ways to deposit funds onto the 49er account; online at aux.uncc.edu, in person at one of our two locations, the 49er Card Office located in the Auxiliary Services Building or the ID Card office located in the Student Union, by mail, or via one of four campus VTS (value transfer) machines. VTS machines are located on the first and second floors of the Atkins Library, the Barnard Computer Commons, and the Residence Dining Hall.


Located in the Student Union, Barnes & Noble at UNC Charlotte offers: new and used textbooks and textbook rental (with online ordering and pre-pack services); general interest, “best sellers” and children’s books; school supplies; computer software; greeting cards and gifts; and the largest selection of UNC Charlotte apparel, gear and merchandise available. More information is available online at aux.uncc.edu/bookstore and uncc.bncollege.com.

Copy Center

UNC Charlotte has a pay-for-print system in most computer labs and in the Atkins Library. A 49er Account is required to pay for print jobs in these areas. The 49er Account may also be used at the REPROS copy center for other copying services such as binding, wide-format printing and other copying and presentation services. REPROS offers full-service and self-service reprographics, and is located on the lower level of the Prospector building. For details, visit aux.uncc.edu/copy.

Dining on Campus

UNC Charlotte offers a variety of dining locations across campus. Students with meal plans enjoy the all-you-care-to-eat variety of food served in the South Village Dining Hall and Crown Commons. SoVi dining is located near high rise residence halls; Crown Commons is on the second level of the Student Union.

Crown Commons and SoVi are designed to serve meal plan students and anyone else who loves a satisfying meal limited only by their appetite. They offer something to please every taste and mood. Made-to-order choices include: pizza, deli, grilling station, and soup and salad stations. International/ethnic dishes, vegan/vegetarian entrées, a “home cooking kitchen,” waffle bar, dessert station,and cereal bar.

Bistro 49 in the Student Union offers a sit-down, table-service luncheon experience. Bright ambience, anopen-kitchen and a nouvelle cuisine menu are just the beginning. Menu changes seasonally.

Main Street Market in the Cone University Center is a weekday lunchtime spot with Bojangle’s Chicken and Biscuits, Subway, Use Your Noodle (made-to-order noodle bowls), Sushi with Gusto fresh sushi, Au BonPain soups, and grab-and-go salads and sandwiches, soft drinks, yogurt, juices, and coffee.

Outtakes in the Student Union offers a deli counter for made-to- order sandwiches and “quick cuisine” like grab-and-go sandwiches, salads, snacks, beverages and more.

Library Café and Fretwell Café, located in Atkins Library and Fretwell respectively, proudly brew Peet’s Gourmet coffees and teas, serving all your favorite coffee-shop drinks along with fresh bakery goods, sandwiches, smoothies, soups-of-the-day, and a large selection of bottled specialty juices, energy, and soft drinks.

Union Square on the main level of the Student Union features popular, national brands such as Wendy’s, Einstein Bros. Bagels, Starbucks, and Mamma Leone’s.

Prospector (near the McEniry/Friday/Kennedy/Smith academic core) is where you’ll find favorites such as a full menu Chick-fil-A, Feisty’s franks + fries, Salsarita’s, Mamma Leone’s, Grill Nation, Mondo Subs, a salad bar, and large selection of grab-and-go foods like sushi rolls, pre-made salads, yogurt, fresh fruit, and snack foods.

Orbis Grille at PORTAL (CRI campus in PORTAL building) offers an extensive menu of fresh foods and hot, healthy cooking on an Evo grill. Grab-and-go items, snacks, and beverages served also.

For additional details, visit aux.uncc.edu/dining.

Mail and Package Services

Mail and Package Services is a fully operational Postal Contract Station located on the lower level of Prospector, capable of services equivalent to that of a U.S. Post Office. For additional details, visit aux.uncc.edu/mail.

Offers a full range of Mail and Package Services including:

  • Express Mail-Domestic & International
  • Priority Mail-Domestic & International
  • Registered Mail
  • Certified Mail
  • Certificates of Mailings
  • Signature/Confirmation Delivery
  • Campus mail box rental
  • Post Cards
  • Bulk Mail Services
  • Delivery to residence halls

Union Station

UNC Charlotte’s address for shipping, U.S. Passport processing, and graphics services. At Union Station, you’ll find:

  • Multi-carrier Package Shipping Service
  • Shipping Supplies
  • Official U.S. Passport Acceptance Station
  • Campus Box Rental
  • Kodak® Photo Kiosk
  • Self-service Copier
  • Fax Services
  • Graphic Services (vinyl banners, signs, wide-format printing)
  • Balloons

Parking and Transportation Services

Parking and Transportation Services (PaTS) is charged with the responsibility of providing parking and transportation service for UNC Charlotte students, faculty, staff, and visitors.

Parking Permits

The PaTS office is located in the Facilities Operations/Parking Services Building (#23 on the campus map). All campus parking requires the purchase and display of a University parking permit or payment at meters or in the visitor decks. Parking permits may be purchased online at pats.uncc.edu. Permits do not guarantee proximity parking, nor do they reserve a specific parking space in any lot or deck.

Permit Types

  • Annual Full-time Commuter (C), on-campus Resident (R), and Faculty/Staff (FS)
  • Two-day permits are available by the semester to commuters whose class schedule requires them to be on campus just two days per week . Two-day permits are only valid on specified weekdays.
  • Night permits are valid only after 3 p.m. and are available by the semester

A limited number of reduced fee permits are available for commuter students and staff who are willing to park in a remote lot. Discount Lot 6A (at the corner of John Kirk and Cameron) has a shuttle stop which provides service to center campus and CRI. Discount Lot 27 is a “walk-in lot” with no shuttle stop within 1/10 mile.

Complete permit information including prices, permit types, and where each permit allows you to park; parking rules and regulations; and a PDF of the Campus Parking Information Guide are available online at pats.uncc.edu. For information on fees for motor vehicle registration and parking, see the section on “Financial Information  ” in this Catalog.

Campus Shuttle

Shuttle routes operate Monday through Thursday from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., and Fridays from 7: a.m. to 6 p.m., during Fall and Spring semesters when classes are in session. Shuttle buses are provided by PaTS through an agreement with Charlotte Area Transit System (CATS). Shuttles serve main areas of campus, providing safe, reliable, ADA-compliant transportation. Route maps at pats.uncc.edu.


UNCC NextRide is a free smartphone app that provides real-time transportation tracking information for campus shuttle buses and SafeRide vehicles. The app is compatible with Apple, Microsoft, Android, and Blackberry operating systems, phones or tablets and is available nextride.uncc.edu.


SafeRide offers disability transportation service by day and evening safety and disability transportation at night. SafeRide operates whenever the University is open.

Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., SafeRide provides service throughout the inner core of campus for persons with temporary and permanent mobility disabilities. Riders must register for the service through the Office of Disability Services at 704-687-4355. Forms are available on the SafeRide website at saferide.uncc.edu and at the Office of Disability Services or the PaTS Office.

Seven days a week from 6:00 p.m. to 2:30 a.m., SafeRide provides an ADA accessible safety transportation service, in conjunction with the Campus Shuttle Service. SafeRide transports to academic buildings, housing areas, parking lots, and parking decks within the UNC Charlotte Campus. SafeRide evening schedules and route information at saferide.uncc.edu or track SafeRide evening service vans via the UNCC NextRide app or nextride.uncc.edu.

For additional information, contact the PaTS Office at 704-687-0161.

Public Transportation

The Charlotte Area Transit System (CATS) provides bus transportation to and from campus via route 11U (from the Uptown transportation center and North Tryon Street and back) and route 29 (with service down to Cotswold and SouthPark malls). Service is provided on a regular schedule, connecting with established routes throughout the city.

CATS transportation passes are available for purchase at the Parking Services office; with a UNC Charlotte ID, and there’s a 10% discount. Passes are sold as: Ten Ride Local Pass; Weekly Pass; Local Monthly Pass; Express Monthly Pass. Passes are sold on a cash-only basis.

Brochures containing detailed information regarding routes, schedules, and fees may be obtained in the PaTS Office, or by calling the Charlotte Transit Authority at 704-336-3366. Fees are set by Charlotte Transit and are subject to change. Maps for CATS can be found online at charmeck.org/departments/CATS.

Student Union

The Student Union is designed to be the epicenter of campus activity, serving students, faculty, staff, alumni, and visitors. The Union provides services, programs, events, meeting spaces, informal gathering spots and a large variety of convenient services. UNC Charlotte’s Student Union is a 196,000 square ft., three-story “living room” that includes: a retail food court (with Wendy’s, Starbucks, Mamma Leone’s, Einstein Bagels and Energy Zone; Bistro 49 (table-service restaurant), Crown Commons dining (an all-you- care-to-eat variety-fare venue), Norm’s game room lounge; a 210-seat movie theater; a multi-purpose area that converts from several soft-walled meeting rooms to a ballroom to a banquet hall that can seat over 600; the Barnes & Noble at UNC Charlotte bookstore, Outtakes convenience store, NinerTech store (providing educational pricing on Apple products and PC-compatible software); a hair salon; Union Station (shipping, U.S. Passport processing, and graphic services); student organization and activity offices and meeting space; a piano lounge; art gallery and study spaces with Wi-Fi. “Discover the riches within” at studentunion.uncc.edu.

Dean of Students Office

The Dean of Students Office is a department within the Division of Student Affairs and serves as a key link between students and other areas of campus life.  Various programs are sponsored by the Dean of Students Office to promote opportunities for learning and growth during a student’s college experience.  The staff is responsible for advising and promoting the following programs and services:  Fraternity and Sorority Life, Minority Student Services, New Student and Family Services, Off-Campus and Volunteer Outreach, Latino Student Services, Student Conduct, Veteran Services, and Student Support and Assistance Services.  The office also coordinates and assists with the settlement of academic and behavioral misconduct charges against individuals and student organizations, and provides guidance for any student who has a grievance or concern about the University.  For more information, visit dso.uncc.edu.

Student Support and Assistance Services (SASS)

Student Assistance and Support Services (SASS) advocates for students experiencing a broad range of issues, concerns, or challenges interfering with a student’s ability to be successful academically or personally at UNC Charlotte.  SASS can assist students with academic requests such as absence verification for documented medical, psychological, personal crisis, and military reasons as well as withdrawals from the university.  Professionals within the office also provide consultation to faculty and staff needing guidance regarding a student issue or concerning student behavior, and guidance and support to parents and family members seeking help on behalf of their students.  Visit online at sass.uncc.edu.

New Student and Family Services

New Student Orientation

SOAR (Student Orientation, Advising and Registration) occurs during the summer and immediately prior to the Fall and Spring semesters. This program provides the opportunity for new freshmen and transfer students to begin their transition to UNC Charlotte. Orientation workshops, testing, academic advising, and first semester course registration occur during SOAR. Visit online at soar.uncc.edu.

WOW (Week Of Welcome)

WOW (Week of Welcome) is a week-long event welcoming both new and returning students to campus. This program is a University-wide effort to especially welcome new students to campus and acclimate them to the many programs and services offered by the University. All students are invited to participate in WOW activities which include 49er New Year, dances, movies, prizes, cookouts, and other fun events. Visit online at wow.uncc.edu.

Minority Student Services

Minority Student Services is designed to assist and advocate for the needs of UNC Charlotte’s underrepresented populations. Through collaboration with a variety of offices on campus, the program focuses specifically on academic support, mentoring, social networking, ethnic and cultural development, leadership development, and personal growth.

Latino Student Services
Latino Student Services provides a safe inclusive space where Latina/o students can build community, strive for academic and social success through peer to peer connections, as well as through staff support and advocacy.  Family members of Latina/o students are provided with bi-lingual resources and support.  The Latino Student Services office engages with the Charlotte Latina/o community by collaborating with various community organizations to promote college access and awareness.  Visit online at latino.uncc.edu.

Student Advising For Freshman Excellence (SAFE)
SAFE is a peer mentoring program designed to help students academically transition through their first year of college. The SAFE program connects new students with upper-class mentors who serve as role models during the first year of college and provide academic and student development programming to address needs in a holistic manner. Visit online at safe.uncc.edu.

Off-Campus Outreach

Off-Campus Outreach supports students by providing informational resources about off-campus living and by working with campus departments to encourage University-wide support systems for off-campus students. Students who decide not to live in the residence halls can choose from a variety of apartment complexes, rental properties, or condominiums located near campus. Off-campus Outreach programs include Vendor Fairs, regular meetings with University-partnered apartment complexes, and safety presentations. Visit online at dso.uncc.edu/offcampus.

Parent and Family Services

Parent and Family Services is designed to provide communication between the University and family members of UNC Charlotte students in order to support student success, generate goodwill for the University, and promote an appropriate role for families within the campus community. Through collaboration with a variety of departments on campus, Parent and Family Services provide resources to keep families connected to the University and equipped to support their student throughout the college experience.  Visit online at parents.uncc.edu.

Niner Nation Family
Niner Nation Family is intended to strengthen the relationship with parent and family members, and increase communication to actively involve them in the life of UNC Charlotte. Niner Nation Family membership is open to all parents and family members of current students. Family members can join by contacting the Niner Nation Family Office at parents@uncc.edu or visiting the website at parents.uncc.edu.

Veteran Services

Veteran Services coordinates support services for military veteran and dependent students such as assistance with University administrative support, collaboration with Veterans Affairs counseling and healthcare services, veteran-friendly employment, mentoring, and veteran service organizations. In addition, the Office of Veteran is responsible for administering and certifying veterans benefits through the Veterans Administration Office. Finally, the office plans events on campus in honor of our nation’s service-men and women, such as observances for Veterans Day, Memorial Day, POW/MIA Recognition Day, and 9/11 remembrance. Visit online at veterans.uncc.edu.

Volunteer Outreach

Volunteer Outreach helps students find community service opportunities that match their interests and skills through connection with local non-profit agencies. A wide variety of service activities are available including issue-based programs that focus on topics such as education, hunger and homelessness, literacy, animals, alternative spring break, and mentoring. Volunteer Outreach also sponsors special events in which all UNC Charlotte students, faculty, and staff may participate such as American Cancer Society Relay for Life, Food Recycling Program, Volunteer Fairs, and MLK and Homecoming days of service. Visit online at volunteer.uncc.edu.

Student Conduct

Student Conduct promotes personal responsibility and encourages civility, integrity and a sense of community among UNC Charlotte students.  The purposes of the student conduct process are to (1) maintain an environment that supports and enhances the educational purpose of the University; (2) protect the health, safety, welfare, and property of all persons in the University community; (3) encourage appropriate standards of individual and group responsibility in the University community; and (4) foster the personal, social, and ethical development of members of the University community.

The desired outcome of the student conduct process is to provide an educational opportunity by which individuals or groups can recognize the consequences of their actions and be held accountable for their choices both in and out of the classroom.  As part of their individual responsibility to the University community, all UNC Charlotte students are expected to be familiar with University Policy 406, The Code of Student Responsibility, and University Policy 407, The Code of Academic Integrity.  Visit studentconduct.uncc.edu for more details.  

Staff members from the Office of Student Conduct serve as administrative advisors to the Judicial Branch of the Student Government Association (SGA).

Fraternity and Sorority Life

Fraternity and Sorority Life at UNC Charlotte consists of 39 fraternities and sororities founded upon the principles of scholarship, leadership, community service and the formation of lifelong friendships through brotherhood/ sisterhood. Fraternities and sororities uphold these fundamental values in their pursuit of collegiate excellence, enabling all members to achieve their personal best. Fraternity and Sorority Life provides students with an opportunity to be a part of a large group with many diverse characteristics while sharing a common goal. The fraternities and sororities work together to provide a quality experience for anyone who joins via service projects, educational programs, and social activities. The experience the student gains from organizing and motivating people, planning and implementing projects and learning to give back what one has received can be an invaluable part of a college education. Membership recruitment for a fraternity or sorority primarily begins with each new semester. However, some organizations hold recruitment meetings throughout the year. Some of the many programs within Fraternity and Sorority Life include: the Greek Leadership Conference, Greek Week, Airband, Stepshow, and New Member Convocation. Visit online at greeklife.uncc.edu.

Educational Resources

Computing Assistance

Information and Technology Services (ITS)

Information and Technology Services manages the campus voice and data networks, centralized servers, University-owned computers, operating systems, and software to support teaching, learning, research, and business processes. The campus has a robust data network that connects over 500 servers and approximately 8000 computers. All educational buildings have wireless coverage and wifi has been expanded to cover many outdoor study areas to support students bringing their own device. ITS maintains and supports the University’s core administrative systems, performs application development, and administers and supports all of the University’s central server resources. ITS provides development, consulting, and support services for the University web presence, its portal (My UNC Charlotte), and the learning management system (Moodle). ITS also provides facilities and services in support of the University’s research mission. Visit itservices.uncc.edu for more information about the department and resources available.

Client Engagement

Client Engagement, within Information and Technology Services, works to ensure that students and employees have access to computer equipment, software, and information needed to support their general academic and professional efforts at UNC Charlotte.  All current students and employees are provided with a NinerNET account that allows access to email, My UNC Charlotte, and the University network for their use while they are enrolled in courses, or employed, at UNC Charlotte.  Client Engagement provides technical support through the IT Service Desks in Atkins Library and the Student Union, an online helpdesk tool located at helpdesk.uncc.edu, and via phone at 704-687-5500.  Visit itservices.uncc.edu for more information.

Library/Research Assistance

The J. Murrey Atkins Library, the largest academic research library in the Southern Piedmont region, is proud to serve as the center of  intellectual life at UNC Charlotte.  The Library is a member of ASERL (the Association of Southeastern Research Libraries), with a mission of advancing the scholarly and creative endeavors of the University and the greater Charlotte community by providing exceptional collections, spaces, services, and technologies.  It inspires innovation, support research, and cultivate scholarship.


The Library continues to aggressively grow its robust digital collections with access to over 55,000 electronic journals and about 500,000 electronic books, and maintains over 2 million volumes.  Expert subject librarians provide a variety of research services: course assignment, project, and paper help, citation assistance, information literacy classes, support for online class software and much more.  They can be reached via live chat, email, phone, in person at the Research Help enclosure on the 1st floor, and for one-on-one meetings involving deeper, subject-related study.  Rare materials and archives are also accessible for physical and digital research in Special Collections and University Archives on the 10th floor.


The Library faculty and staff are committed to consistently reinventing library services that meet the changing dynamics of research needs.  The Library’s Technology and Digital Strategies unit partners with faculty and graduate students in the use of digital and networked research tools to create, disseminate, and store new knowledge.  This unit can support the research process and projects through advising, digital tools, and a set of services including data management, digitization and digital imaging, usability, and publication services.


The Library features study and collaboration spaces for all needs including 42 reservable group study rooms, Graduate and Quiet Study rooms, and collaborative tables, seating areas, and enclosures throughout the building.  The entire building features wireless access as well as more than 400 computers (Macs and PCs).  Students can check out laptops for 24 hours from the Circulation Desk and experiment with new technologies (3D printers, etc.) on the 2nd floor.  Additionally available are Atkins Café is on the ground floor, as well as vending machines, or students may bring their own food and drink.

The Library is open 24/5 (Sunday from 11 a.m. until Friday at 10 p.m., and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.) during the regular semester, and 24/7 during finals. For more information, visit library.uncc.edu.

Non-Traditional Academic Programs

Extended Academic Programs

Recognizing that learning must be a lifelong activity, the University provides opportunities for adults to pursue their continuing education through degree-related studies and special non-credit programs. With staff dedicated to Professional Development as well as Corporate Training, Extended Academic Programs responds to the current and emerging workforce needs of companies, organizations, and industries in the region.  Please visit ExAP.uncc.edu for specific information about the programs offered.

Continuing Education

Non-credit courses, certificates, and exam prep programs are offered through the Office of Continuing Education.  Online and classroom options are provided throughout the year in the fields of accounting, business analysis, business process management, engineering, healthcare, human resources, learning and development, paralegal, personal development, project management, and a variety of technology and computer software programs.  The Office offers a variety of courses to prepare individuals to sit for various exams, including the ACT, SAT, GRE, GMAT, MCAT, LSAT, and professional FE, PE, PHR, SPHR, and PMP® exams.  The Office’s Corporate Training staff design and deliver programs in-house to serve the employees of specific companies and organizations.  The Office also offers academic enrichment camps for youth during the summer.  Continuing Education staff are located at UNC Charlotte Center City.  Visit continuinged.uncc.edu for more details.

Distance Education/Extension

Through Distance Education, courses and programs for academic credit are offered at off-campus sites and online to serve UNC Charlotte students and citizens who live beyond easy commuting distance of the campus and/or need alternatives to on-campus courses to accommodate their busy lives.  Options for delivery include sending a UNC Charlotte faculty member to an off-campus location to teach a course in person, delivering courses completely online or via Hybrid delivery combining face-to-face and online delivery of instruction.  The Office offers degree programs at the baccalaureate and graduate levels.  The Office also has responsibility for the coordination and administration of Summer School, which includes courses offered on the campus, at off-campus sites, and online. Visit distanceed.uncc.edu for more details.

Adult Students and Evening Services

The Office of Adult Students and Evening Services (OASES) serves as a principal resource for nontraditional students, and offers extended hours to serve these students. Services include general education advising, academic success workshops, referrals, parking decal pick-up, and assistance with processing various forms. Students can pick up and/or drop off information to be delivered on campus. Programs include adult student scholarships, adult student orientation, the Adult Mentoring Program for Students (AMPS), the Alpha Sigma Lambda Honor Society, the Pinnacle Honor Society, and the 49er Finish and 49er Readmit programs. Visit oases.uncc.edu for detailed information, including office hours.

Environmental Facilities and Services

Botanical Gardens

The UNC Charlotte Botanical Gardens, located on campus, consist of the McMillan Greenhouse, the 7- acre Van Landingham Glen, and the 3-acre Susie Harwood Garden. The mission of the gardens is to promote the knowledge and appreciation of plants for educational, environmental, and aesthetic purposes. The gardens were begun in 1966 by the late biology professor emeritus, Herbert Hechenbleikner, to serve as a living classroom and have evolved into a multifaceted campus and public resource. Collections include orchids, carnivorous plants, succulents, native plants, tropicals, and hardy outdoor trees, shrubs, wildflowers, and ferns. The outdoor gardens are open seven days a week, and the greenhouse is open Monday through Saturday, 10-3, and Sundays from 1-4. Students and the public are invited to visit, free of charge. More information can be found online at gardens.uncc.edu


Recycling services are coordinated by the Office of Waste Reduction and Recycling within Facilities Management.  The University’s recycling program, initiated by students in 1990, currently recycles 40% of the solid waste generated on campus, including approximately 40 different materials.  Residence halls are equipped with recycling containers in trash rooms or lobbies, and a small recycling bin in each room.  Aluminum cans, steel cans, glass bottles and jars, plastics (except #6), computer paper, newspapers, magazines, and cardboard can be recycled at the residence halls.  In addition to the above materials, Styrofoam peanuts, toner cartridges, transparencies, and hard- and soft-back books can be recycled in the academic and administrative areas.

Note: After students fill the recycling bin provided in their rooms, they should bring the recyclables to the recycling container located in the building’s common area.

The recycling program can provide educational sessions for students, faculty, and staff upon request.  The program coordinates and sponsors the annual UNC Charlotte Earth Day Environmental Festival, the biannual Campus Clean-Ups, and the Take-It-or-Leave-It Tour.  For more information, contact the Office of Waste Reduction and Recycling at 704-687-0607. 

For more information about UNC Charlotte’s waste reduction and recycling activities, view the website at facilities.uncc.edu/recycling.

Health, Wellness, and Counseling Services

Student Health Center

The Student Health Center’s mission is to promote healthy students by providing health care, education and outreach services. It provides primary medical care, disease prevention, health education, wellness promotion, and various specialty services; including allergy injections, immunizations, gynecology, physical therapy, and HIV screening to all enrolled UNC Charlotte students. The Student Health Center is staffed by a team of physicians, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners. The Student Health Center also provides a full-time psychiatrist and a registered dietician. The pharmacy fills prescriptions from outside physicians as well as the Center’s own providers.

The Student Health Center functions by appointment; this eliminates long waits and assists students in scheduling medical services around class schedules. However, walk-ins are accommodated for acute care or injuries, and will be seen according to severity.

The Student Health Center also provides nursing advice for students through UNC HealthLink when the Student Health Center is not open, including weekends and holidays. HealthLink is an after-hours nursing phone service provided by UNC Medical Center. Seriously ill students and emergencies may be referred to local hospitals or other appropriate medical facilities. There are a number of urgent care centers and a major hospital within 5 miles of UNC Charlotte. More information about HealthLink, local urgent care centers, and nearby hospitals is available on the Student Health Center website.

The student health fee covers many of the costs for services.  Additional fees are charged for x-ray, pharmacy, laboratory, and gynecology services, injections, and special procedures.  Fees for service may be paid by cash, check, credit card, or transferred to the student’s University account.  The Student Health Center only files insurance for those students who have the Student Health Insurance policy.  For more information, visit the Student Health Center website or call 704-687-7400.

Students are required to either provide proof of insurance or purchase a University Student Health Insurance Plan. All students will be charged the semester fee for the University Student Health Insurance Plan. However, a waiver process is in place for students to provide documentation of their insurance to refund this fee. The waiver process can be found online and through hyperlinks provided in University emails. Full details may be found online at studenthealth.uncc.edu under the Insurance tab.

North Carolina law requires students to have proof of immunizations. These must be provided to the Student Health Center upon registration. Students whose immunizations records are not complete are subject to being withdrawn from their classes. Please see Immunization Requirements  in the Admission to the University section of this Catalog or visit studenthealth.uncc.edu under the Immunizations tab for more information.

Counseling Center

The Counseling Center at UNC Charlotte supports the academic, personal, and interpersonal development of UNC Charlotte students by providing short-term individual and group counseling; consultation for faculty, staff, parents, and students; and educational programs to the campus community. Consistent with the academic mission of the University, the Center also serves as a training site for graduate students in psychology and counseling and encourages scholarly activity and professional development of staff.

Counseling provides an opportunity for individuals to learn to make better decisions, improve personal skills, develop increased confidence, overcome blocks to personal effectiveness, and acquire a keener awareness and appreciation of their needs and the needs of others. In a personal interaction with a counselor, a student is helped to explore and express feelings, examine beliefs and ways of thinking about the world, reflect on patterns of behavior, and work toward making healthy changes.

For many students, relationship or other developmental issues are central concerns. Others may be experiencing specific psychological problems such as depression, anxiety, eating disorders, use of alcohol and other drugs, or difficulties in adjustment.

All currently enrolled students are eligible for an initial assessment. This first session helps both the student and counselor decide how Counseling Center services might best serve a student’s needs. After the first session, followup services may consist of individual or group counseling at the Counseling Center and/or a referral to an on-campus or offcampus service. Information shared by student clients is confidential in accordance with ethical guidelines and the laws of the state of North Carolina.

Outreach and consultation are important services provided by the Counseling Center. Staff members are available to consult with faculty, staff, parents, and students who have concerns about a student. Outreach activities, usually focusing on some aspect of personal, interpersonal, or group development, include programs conducted outside the Counseling Center to meet the needs of a class, group, or organization.

Initial counseling appointments may be arranged by visiting the Counseling Center at Atkins 158 or by calling the Center at 704-687-0311. More information about the Counseling Center and its services can be obtained by visiting counselingcenter.uncc.edu.

Housing and Residence Life


University towers, suites, and apartments offer students a variety of living arrangements.

Residence Halls

Three tower halls house a combination of either two students in each room or single rooms.  Each room is equipped with dressers, study desks, chairs, and closets or wardrobes.  Recently renovated Holshouser Hall also has two bedroom four person suites on each floor.  Each of these suites has a den and a bathroom in each unit.  Each floor has a central lounge, plus study and seminar rooms. Two elevators service each air-conditioned building.  Each building also contains an office for the full-time professional staff (Residence Coordinator), student mail boxes, a vending area, a lounge, and a laundry room.  A meal plan is required in the tower halls.


Dependent upon the building, single bedroom options are available in one-, two-, three-, and four-bedroom units.  Double bedroom options allow four residents to live together with two occupants sharing each bedroom.  All suites have a shared den area and bathroom in each unit.  Levine Hall is a new building scheduled to open late Fall 2016 that will offer both single and double bedroom options.  All residents living in suites are required to have a meal plan.


On-campus apartments offer students a more private living environment and require a more self-reliant lifestyle.  Most apartments are four-bedroom units, with one student assigned to each bedroom.  The four students share a bathroom area and kitchen, complete with appliances and a living/dining space.  The new Levine Hall will offer four-bedroom apartments in addition to suites.  Belk Hall offers a limited number of one-bedroom apartments in addition to the traditional four-bedroom apartment units.  A meal plan is optional for upper-class students, allowing students the experience of buying and preparing their own food, if they so desire.

Greek Village

Greek Village houses up to thirteen fraternities, sororities, and, in some cases, independent students. Each house has a chapter/living room and kitchen for common use and holds 28 or 14 students.

Summer Housing

For information about summer housing, please contact the Housing and Residence Life Office.

Applying For Housing

Students who plan to live on campus should apply as soon as possible, as assignments are made according to a combination of factors including: date of completed application, community preferences, roommate requests, space availability, class year, and building/room preferences. Application for housing may be made online at housing.uncc.edu following the student’s admission to the University. For new student applicants, a $200 deposit is required with the application in order for it to be considered complete.

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

Housing facilities designed specifically for students in wheelchairs are available. Wheelchair users who receive confirmation of residential space have priority in assignment to these facilities as long as the University is able to offer space. It is extremely important that the housing application is received before all space is committed so that this priority for assignment to appropriate facilities can be exercised. Students utilizing wheelchairs may be considered for priority status on the waiting list on the basis of (1) the date of completed application and (2) the degree of utilization of wheelchair-equipped facilities as compared to the proportion of wheelchair students who apply.

Assignment to a disability accessible housing space requires documentation of the disability and special needs in accommodations by the Office of Disability Services. Documentation must be provided to Disability Services when the housing application is submitted and no later than June 1. The University does not assume any responsibility for the provision of attendants for students with disabilities. Such arrangements are entirely the responsibility of the individual student and should be established well in advance of the time the services are to begin.

International Programs

Office of International Programs

The Office of International Programs (OIP) strives to strengthen international education at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, as well as in the Charlotte community. On campus, it seeks to make international understanding and global awareness a fundamental part of the curriculum and an integral part of campus programming.

Campus International and Cultural Programming

Various internationally-focused campus events are sponsored independently by OIP and in cooperation with other departments on campus.  Some examples include the annual International Festival, International Education Week, Study Abroad Fairs, International Women’s Day, International Education awards for faculty and students, International Speaker Series, and activities associated with the Mu chapter of Phi Beta Delta Honor Society for International Scholars.

OIP continues to coordinate the International Enrichment Seminar, a first-year student course offered in University College with an emphasis on self and cultural awareness.  OIP also oversees an on campus international living community, offering upper-class students the opportunity to live in two different residential environments while participating in intentional cultural learning activities.  

Public Services

In addition to campus-based programming, the Office of International Programs seeks to initiate and respond to the international needs and interests of the community. Current programs include: (1) Great Decisions - an annual series of lecture/discussions during the months of February and March on key policy issues; (2) Cross-Cultural training - custom-designed workshops that focus on appreciation for other cultures and development of skills in effective communications across cultures; and (3) International Festival - a “marketplace” style program featuring international foods, music, and dance from more than 70 countries.

OIP Unit Operations

The Office of International Programs serves as a center of leadership and responsibility for the international role and mission of the University. It is comprised of related units that function together towards creating an international perspective in all facets of campus development. OIP includes OIP Administration, the Office of Education Abroad, the International Student and Scholar Office, the English Language Training Institute, and Intercultural Outreach Programs. In addition, OIP is the campus host for the World Affairs Council of Charlotte. Each unit of operation is briefly described below.

OIP Administration

The Office of International Programs Administration unit (OIPA) includes the Assistant Provost for International Programs and other OIP administrative staff. OIPA provides overall leadership and direction for the Office of International Programs and its constituent units; develops, supports, and organizes a wide range of on- and off-campus programming; supports faculty development through various initiatives; guides the development of institutional agreements with foreign universities; and provides leadership and advice to promote campus internationalization efforts.

Office of Education Abroad

The Office of Education Abroad (OEA) at UNC Charlotte is committed to providing quality, cost-effective educational opportunities for students to enhance their learning in an experiential environment abroad and to supporting faculty initiatives in creating such programs to supplement their curriculum objectives.

Students are encouraged to take advantage of the opportunity to have an educational experience through study or experiential learning abroad. OEA develops and maintains exchange relationships in multiple countries throughout the world and is an active member of the International Student Exchange Program (ISEP) which allows students access to additional programs from a worldwide framework of exchanges. Students have the option of year-long, semester, summer, or short-term programs.

In addition to making progress toward their degree requirements, students have the opportunity to test theoretical principles in real-time, challenge their assumptions about different cultures and explore their own relationship with the global landscape.

International Student and Scholar Office

The International Student and Scholar Office (ISSO) provides information, services, and programs that help international students and visiting scholars achieve their individual educational and personal goals and also fosters an appreciation for a culturally diverse learning environment in the larger UNC Charlotte community.

UNC Charlotte hosts a vibrant international community. Over 500 non-immigrant international students representing over eighty countries around the world study at UNC Charlotte. International students are supported through orientation, programming, individual advising, and assistance with immigration document processing. Similarly, international faculty receive one-on- one immigration advising and cultural adjustment support. Various workshops are offered as well for international and/or U.S. domestic faculty who wish to learn more about immigration matters or working with international students.

Programs to encourage international student and U.S. American student interaction are also supported through ISSO.  Examples of ISSO programs include the International Coffee Hour, Friendship and Culture Exchange Program, and the International Club at UNC Charlotte.

English Language Training Institute

The English Language Training Institute (ELTI), established in 1978, prepares international students for academic study at UNC Charlotte or other U.S. colleges and universities by introducing and refining the English language and cultural adaptation skills the students will need to succeed in their academic careers.

ELTI offers seven levels of English language instruction to over 200 students from more than 20 countries each semester. In addition to 20-24 hours of class each week, students visit academic classes, meet with U.S. conversation partners, and tour area schools and sites of cultural interest. On average, students stay for a least two semesters.

ELTI also offers the International Instructor Language Support Program (IILSP), a support program for international faculty and teaching assistants at UNC Charlotte.

Intercultural Outreach Programs

Intercultural Outreach Programs (IOP) develops a wide array of academic and professional development programs in conjunction with an intensive and structured immersion experience in U.S. American culture and language for international groups.

IOP also facilitates specialized faculty development programs and practical training for international interns.  Each experience is custom-designed and integrated with experiential learning activities; cultural, social and recreational events; as well as opportunities for interaction with the Charlotte and University communities.

World Affairs Council of Charlotte

The World Affairs Council of Charlotte (WACC) was founded in 1983 as an outreach program of the Office of International Programs at UNC Charlotte.  By serving as a regional center for education and discussion of world affairs, WACC seeks to provide leadership for global thinking, believing that a broad perspective is necessary for effective competition in the global economy and for responsible citizenship in an increasingly interdependent political world.  The WACC recruits internationally renowned speakers to address topics ranging from economics to globalization to foreign policy.

The World Affairs Council of Charlotte also serves as a resource for the local school community, providing educational programming and scholarships.  Each year, WACC funds nearly $35,000 in grants and programs for teachers and students in support of their commitment to international education initiatives.  Since 1996, the organization has directly impacted over 700 teachers and more than 70,000 students. 

Performing Arts

Within the College of Arts + Architecture, the Departments of Dance, Music, and Theatre serve the educational needs of students and the cultural needs of Charlotte and the University community. It is the mission of these three departments to prepare students for arts-related fields by integrating excellence in instruction and artistic creativity within a broad professional landscape.

Performance Venues

As UNC Charlotte’s primary facility for the arts, Robinson Hall is where the weeks and months of planning, programming, and behind-the-scenes work give way to presentation to live audiences. Every production is an opportunity for students and faculty to investigate and understand by doing and a medium through which the arts illuminate, inspire, or confront.

The dynamic between audience and performer assumes a more urgent tone in the higher education setting of Robinson Hall. Public performances reinforce our role as a resource to the arts community in Charlotte. More than a venue, Robinson Hall offers a space to challenge preconceptions and present students, faculty, and audiences with other ways of seeing the world in order to stimulate and amplify community dialogue.

Within Robinson Hall are the Anne R. Belk Theater and the Lab Theater. The main stage space, the Anne R. Belk Theater, is a proscenium-style house which seats 340. Dozens of performance events take place in the theater over the course of an academic year. The theater’s orchestra, mezzanine, and box seating offers patrons an environment that is both intimate and elegant. The flexible Lab Theater space can accommodate 90 to 125 patrons for a unique theatrical experience.

The Rowe Arts building houses the 360-seat Rowe Recital Hall and the White Box Theater, a classroom and lab theatre space dedicated to the development of student works and projects.


The Departments of Dance, Music, and Theatre are the headliners at Robinson Hall. The primary role of our two theaters - the 340-seat, proscenium- style Anne R. Belk Theater and the intimate 125-seat, “black box” Lab Theater - is to support the education of our students in the processes of performing arts production. In the weeks before the performance, the theater space becomes a laboratory as students hang lights, construct sets, work sound and rehearse, learning how to carry out the remarkable technical operations necessary to stage and produce a show.

Preparation for Professional Schools

An education at UNC Charlotte can prepare students for a number of professional careers.  Students who plan to enter a professional school are advised to plan their program of study so that general requirements for their degree are met in addition to the requirements for the professional program being considered.  This can begin with a discussion with an academic advisor as soon as a student starts to explore professional schools.  Students should become familiar with the requirements of the professional schools of interest.  That school, not UNC Charlotte, will determine which UNC Charlotte credits will be accepted.

Professional school entrance requires an extensive commitment and focused career choice.  Certain careers require an advanced degree, and the University Career Center (UCC) can help students identify what kind of graduate study will best prepare them for the specific career of interest.  In addition, the career resource collection in the UCC contains information on preparing for professional school exams, select fellowships and grants, and in-depth career information.  Hire-A-Niner, the UCC’s online job and internship database, includes relevant job shadowing, internship, and work opportunities.  Résumé critique sessions, application essay reviews, and mock interviews offered by the UCC can be geared toward professional school admissions, based on student need.  Professional programs recruit on campus career fairs that happen throughout the academic year.

It is important to note that there are more application requirements for professional programs than for undergraduate programs.  Application is often an extensive and in-depth process.  The UCC can help students plan the application and career development processes, which includes career exploration through job shadowing, self-assessment, career research, and internships.

UNC Charlotte’s Extended Academic Programs office offers fee-based programs that help students prepare to take the GRE, GMAT, and LSAT exams.


UNC Charlotte offers pre-professional preparation for undergraduate, graduate, and post-baccalaureate students interested in pursuing a career in medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, pharmacy, optometry, physician assistant, physical therapy, podiatry, and related healthcare careers. Opportunities and services available to students include:

  • Strong academic preparation in the required prerequisite core of science and math courses
  • Broad selection of recommended non-science courses
  • Pre-Health Professions Advising for academic and nonacademic requirements for professional school admission
  • Assistance with the application process, including essay preparation and interviews
  • Pre-Professional Faculty Evaluation Committee that prepares composite recommendation letters on the student’s behalf
  • Opportunities to participate in research
  • Student clubs that offer guest speakers, community service, and peer support

Like most universities, UNC Charlotte does not offer a formal pre-health major, minor, or program. Students must select a major and are responsible for completing the prerequisites for their chosen professional school in addition to courses for their major.  There is no requirement to major in science, but strong preparation in science and math must be demonstrated, regardless of the major.  A Pre-Health Advisor will assist the student with identifying the appropriate pre-professional courses and formulating a timeline for their completion.

All pre-health students are encouraged to consult with a Pre-Health Advisor to plan and review their course of study and other requirements necessary for admission into professional schools.  Additional information may be found online in the Honors College website at honorscollege.uncc.edu, including prerequisite course lists for various professions.

For health-related student organizations, visit the Student Organizations website at studentorgs.uncc.edu.

Prerequisite Core Courses

The basic minimum requirements for entrance to most health professions schools are as follows:

Biology (with labs) 8 credit hours
General Chemistry (with labs) 8 credit hours
Organic Chemistry (with labs) 8 credit hours
Physics (with labs) 8 credit hours
English 6 credit hours

Note: These are the common minimum requirements; additional courses may be required at the discretion of the professional school. Most students will need additional coursework and healthcare-related extracurricular activities to be competitive for admission. Community service is also highly desirable.

Faculty Evaluation Committee for Pre-Health Professions

The UNC Charlotte Pre-Health Professions Faculty Evaluation Committee consists of faculty members from the University and serves as the main recommending body for UNC Charlotte students seeking entrance to medical, dental, veterinary, and optometry schools. Students must have competitive credentials to qualify for a committee letter. In order to obtain a recommendation from the committee, the student must schedule an appointment with the Pre-Health Professions Advising Office during the year in which applications are being submitted.


Admission to law school is determined mainly by undergraduate grade point average and the score on the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT). Applicants so may submit letters of recommendation and a recitation of extracurricular activities, and personal statement, but those items are secondary to the GPA and LSAT. There is no defined program of pre-law courses, and law schools do not favor or require a specific major. Law schools look for students who have taken courses that are academically rigorous, including writing intensive and research oriented courses.

To learn more about law school, please visit the UNC Charlotte Pre-Law Society website at unccprelaw.com or contact the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology.  For law-related student organizations, please visit the Student Organizations website at studentorgs.uncc.edu.


Research and Economic Development

Research & Economic Development at UNC Charlotte strives to advance the quality, diversity, and growth of research at UNC Charlotte. A special value is placed on the translation of research results that impact our social, cultural, and economic communities.

Vice Chancellor for Research and Economic Development
The Vice Chancellor for Research and Economic Development provides direction and leadership for the development and translation of research and creative activity at the University and the infrastructure that supports those activities.  The Vice Chancellor leads the research and economic development efforts of the Charlotte Research Institute and directs ten support offices: Advancing University Research Administration (AURA), Office of Proposal Development, Office of Research Services & Outreach, Office of Research Compliance, Conflict of Interest Office, Office of Grants & Contracts Administration, Office of Technology Transfer, Lab Animal Resources, Small Business and Technology Development Center, and Ventureprise.

Advancing University Research Administration
Advancing University Research Administration (AURA) is a suite of projects to implement research administration process and system improvements. The objective is to streamline research administration processes to improve effectiveness, efficiencies and customer service, enabling the University research faculty to increase their research endeavors. This project will also assess and improve the systems that support research administration processes. The AURA program is aligned with the University goal to reach at least $50 million in research funding by 2020. The program is also aligned to the strategic goals of Research and Economic Development, which include improving customer service, increasing collaboration with other universities, and continuing to build the culture of research within the colleges at UNC Charlotte.

Office of Proposal Development
The Office of Proposal Development (OPD) works closely with faculty and funding agencies to identify opportunities for proposal development, facilitate the formation of proposal teams, and provide a wide range of services to help faculty achieve their research goals, including consultation on writing and funding strategies, and proposal editing.

Office of Research Services and Outreach
The Office of Research Services & Outreach (ORSO) provides services for the review and submission of proposals to funding agencies, including the interpretation of guidelines, preparation of budgets, and submission and tracking of proposals. ORSO also coordinates research-support efforts with college research officers and facilitates training opportunities for department and college administrators charged with helping faculty manage their grants.

Office of Research Compliance
The Office of Research Compliance (ORC) facilitates and monitors University-wide compliance with federal and state policies established to ensure ethical conduct in research. Through its work with the Institutional Review Board, the ORC ensures respect, fairness, and safety in human subjects research. Likewise, oversight for the humane care and use of animals used in research and teaching is achieved through its work with the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. The ORC works with the Institutional Biosafety Committee and the Environmental Health and Safety Office to oversee biohazardous agents used in research and monitor safety concerns involving chemicals and radiation, and has responsibility for the University’s adherence to export control regulations.

Office of Conflict of Interest
The Conflict of Interest (COI) Manager works with faculty and staff to identify potential conflicts of interest and conflicts of commitment; and to ensure compliance with Federal, State, and university-wide regulations and policies. The COI Manager also manages the Activities, Interests & Relationships (AIR) disclosure and COI Training systems, and provides guidance via the COI website.

Office of Grants and Contracts Administration
The Office of Grants and Contracts Administration (GCA) provides sponsored programs accounting, cash management, financial reporting, contract negotiation and approval, post-award management support, and cost analysis services. The Cost Analysis group manages the F&A and fringe benefit rate proposals to the Federal government and oversees effort reporting, cost-share reporting, recharge unit accounting, and research space inventory. The Award Management group works with the college sponsored programs offices to provide comprehensive grant accounting services from award setup through closeout and final reconciliation. The Compliance and Control group oversees billing, invoicing, cash management, sub-recipient monitoring, Federal draw-down, reconciliation, reporting, and year-end closing. The Contracting and Grant Services units are responsible for initiation of awards including contract negotiation and execution.

Office of Technology Transfer
The Office of Technology Transfer (OTT) provides services for the review, protection, and management of University-based intellectual property, and commercializes intellectual property through licensing services.  OTT builds and maintains strategic partnerships with local and state-based economic development agencies; assists and mentors faculty and students with new business start-ups; provides outreach services in the areas of entrepreneurship, new business creation, intellectual property management, and venture capital financing; oversees all aspects of patent filing, prosecution, and maintenance; and acts as a conduit to industry for sponsored research and technology commercialization.

Lab Animal Resources
UNC Charlotte’s laboratory animal veterinarians and technical staff provide primary and veterinary care to all animals housed, as well as investigator training, technical assistance and guidance, and access to health status, laboratory, and imaging services. Our goal is the maintenance of an enriched, variable-free, secure, and humane environment for our animal subjects, as well as superb customer service for our research clients.

The Small Business and Technology Development
Center (SBTDC) is one of 17 University-affiliated offices of The University of North Carolina’s business and technology extension service and is operated in partnership with the U.S. Small Business Administration. SBTDC specialists provide management counseling and educational services to small and mid-sized businesses and also help business owners and managers, economic and community development organizations, education institutions and not-for-profit organizations develop strategies and action plans to gain competitive advantage. The SBTDC helps clients successfully compete for federal, state, and local government contracts; provides assistance with export financing; and provides research and marketing support services, primary research on small business needs and economic impact, and special projects such as small business incubator feasibility studies.

Ventureprise Inc. is a non-profit organization that serves as a venture development organization for the university and the Charlotte region.  Its programs primarily target innovation-driven entrepreneurs, university researchers, and university students interested in entrepreneurship.

Ventureprise organizes the annual Charlotte Venture Challenge business competition, supports technology commercialization through customer discovery as a National Science Foundation I-Corps Site, and operates incubators for regional innovation-driven entrepreneurs and UNC Charlotte students.

UNC Charlotte students seeking entrepreneurial experiences and guidance can participate in multiple programs that are summarized at entrepreneurship.uncc.edu.  A focal point for students is the 49er Foundry student business incubator operated by Ventureprise in the PORTAL building.  Through the 49er Foundry, Ventureprise provides business advisory services, connections, and a learning community that support the launch of successful student-founded ventures.  Companies have access to services including wireless internet, conference rooms, and office equipment.  The space supports business-oriented social interaction and networking.

Charlotte Research Institute

The Charlotte Research Institute (CRI) is the portal for business-university-government partnerships at UNC Charlotte.  The aim of CRI is to develop Partnerships, Research, and Results (PR2) that solve our customers’ problems whether they are a business, government agency, or government research laboratory.  CRI strives to develop innovative solutions through interdisciplinary and cross-functional teams comprised of industry, government, and academic partners.  New business and research ventures; university partnerships with regional, national, and international enterprises; and CRI spin-off companies all draw research and businesses to the region and spur economic growth.

The mission of the Charlotte Research Institute is to accelerate research, partnerships, and business development by promoting, sustaining, and focusing UNC Charlotte research on innovative solutions and emerging opportunities.  It generates intellectual capital, collaborative partnerships and economic development, marketing UNC Charlotte and CRI in the Carolinas region, and beyond.  As a primary source for intellectual capital and technology partnerships, CRI spans basic and applied research and research across disciplines and organizations.

Science and engineering ventures at CRI are driven by the internationally known results of its research centers in Advanced Manufacturing, Precision Metrology, Visualization, and Optoelectronics.  CRI’s research vision continues to grow with emerging research initiatives that include motorsports and automotive engineering, nanoscale science, translational research, and cancer research. Key initiatives related to data science continue to expand in bioinformatics, business analytics, health informatics, defense computing, and cyber security.  With facilities on the Charlotte Research Institute Campus and at the North Carolina Research Campus in Kannapolis, CRI helps companies initiate new partnerships at UNC Charlotte and offers a variety of opportunities to engage talented researchers and make use of specialized resources available at UNC Charlotte.

The CRI sector of the UNC Charlotte campus, as defined by North Carolina legislation, offers special opportunities for collaboration with private sector partners.  In particular, partner companies may contract the use of research capabilities or facilities on the CRI Campus, contract for sole-use space, and construct and manage privately owned buildings.  UNC Charlotte’s latest commitment to university-industry partnerships is the PORTAL (Partnership, Outreach, and Research to Accelerate Learning) building which opened in January 2014.  Located at the main entrance to the CRI campus, PORTAL offers 96,000 square feet of state-of-the art office and research lab space for lease where business partners and entrepreneurs have daily exposure to the creative mix of students, faculty, and specialized facilities that the region’s premier urban research university has to offer. PORTAL’s exceptional convening spaces support business tenants within the facility and provide venues for events and meetings with CRI area business and research partners.  The PORTAL industry-university partnership facility is home to the Ventureprise business incubator and accelerator, UNC Charlotte Office of Technology Transfer, and the Charlotte Small Business and Technology Development Center (SBTDC).

More information about the Charlotte Research Institute can be found online at cri.uncc.edu.

Industry/University Collaborative Research Centers
Six centers have been organized using planning funds from the National Science Foundation and the NSF model for industry/university partnership. These centers involve a partnership of multiple universities and industry affiliates who pool resources to pursue research of mutual interest. The centers include: (1) Center for MetaMaterials; (2) Center for Sustainably Integrated Buildings and Sites; (3) Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics Research Center, (4) Center for Configuration Analytics and Automation, (5) Center for Precision Metrology, and (6) Center for Freeform Optics.

Bioinformatics Research Center
The Bioinformatics Research Center conducts multidisciplinary research involving the physical and life sciences, computer science, and mathematics and statistics with specific focus in the areas of functional genomics, statistical genetics, and proteomics. Projects underway include work in mechanisms of alternative gene splicing, new approaches to the analysis of microarray data, and the use of systems analysis techniques to understand gene-gene interactions. The center has taken a leadership role in developing Bioinformatics programs in collaboration with the developers of the North Carolina Research Campus, a billion-dollar, 350-acre research park that will be home to the research programs of a large number of private biotechnology companies as well as university and medical research programs.

Center for Applied Geographic Information Science (CAGIS)
CAGIS is an interdisciplinary research center that focuses on using advanced space-time theories, methods, and technologies in cutting-edge Geographic Information Science for complex geographical problem-solving. Based on the synergistic coupling of spatiotemporal and computational thinking, major research themes of CAGIS consist of CyberGIS for large-scale geographical problem-solving; land use/cover change and sustainability study; complexity theory and geospatial modeling; big data and space-time analytics; remote sensing, sensor networks, and volunteered geographic information; computational intelligence for geocomputational modeling; cartography and geovisualization driven by the Internet; and open-source GIS software.

Center for Biomedical Engineering and Science (CBES)
The Center for Biomedical Engineering and Science addresses complex problems in healthcare in the Charlotte community and beyond. The center builds research and development collaborations between researchers within UNC Charlotte’s Colleges of Engineering, Liberal Arts & Sciences, Health and Human Services, and Computing and Informatics; local healthcare institutions (including Carolinas Medical Center, Charlotte Orthopedic Research Center, and Presbyterian Hospital); and corporations in the Charlotte metropolitan area to solve biomedical engineering problems. The center’s research is focused in three primary areas: (1) medical therapies and technologies; (2) molecular engineering and design; and (3) biomechanics and mobility research.

Center for Configuration Analytics and Automation Research (CCAA)
The CCAA vision is to provide research for improved configuration analytics and automation capabilities and their integration for efficient, accurate and timely operations, management and defense of complex networked information technology (IT) systems and environments.

Center for Freeform Optics (CeFO)
The Center for Freeform Optics (CeFO) aims to advance research and education on the science, engineering and applications of free-form optics through a dedicated, continuing industrial partnership. CeFO constitutes a unique research environment combining the strengths of two top-tier research universities with the experiences, insights, and needs of international industrial talent specialized in building systems supporting the manufacturing, integration, and implementation of advanced optical systems. CeFO provides vertical integration of mathematics, optics, optical science, materials science, optomechanics, precision optical manufacturing and testing, and instrument design in order to transform the optics industry in the 21st century.

Center for Lean Logistics and Engineered Systems
The Center for Lean Logistics and Engineered Systems highlights solution driven projects that emphasize the best practices in Logistics, Supply Chain Management, Lean Manufacturing, and Six-Sigma Quality Management.

Center for Metamaterials (CfM)
The mission of the Center for Metamaterials is to advance fundamental and applied metamaterials research, development, and technology transfer through strong industry/university collaborations. The researchers at the Center focus on industry-relevant, precompetitive research topics jointly identified by university and industry participants, and include metamaterials processing, testing, and device development. The projects advance the knowledge base for metamaterials through precompetitive research that will directly benefit Center members through shared knowledge and intellectual property. The intent is to nurture long-term relationships and collaborations among the university, industry, and government laboratories. Members participating in the Center share in research and development, laboratory infrastructure, and the resulting economic benefits.

Center for Optoelectronics and Optical Communications
The Center for Optoelectronics and Optical Communications includes research areas in: design and fabrication of photonic devices, meta-materials, integrated optical circuitry, assembly and packaging of optical systems, optical materials, methods for precision optical metrology, and optical imaging and inverse methods for wave front synthesis. The Center has successfully allied with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Duke University, The Carolinas MicroOptics Triangle, and the North Carolina Photonics Consortium. A respected leader in the discipline, the Center has continuing support from the Defense Advancement Research Projects Agency (DARPA).

Center for Precision Metrology
The Center for Precision Metrology is focused on precision engineering and measurement, including research in manufacturing processes and quality assurance for mechanical parts to within a millionth of a meter. New state-of-the-art facilities include clean rooms and multiple metrology labs. Research efforts include picometer scale positioning devices, self-aware manufacturing, large scale metrology, high-speed machining, specialized sensors, adaptive polishing and grinding. Applications have spanned many different industries from microelectronics to aerospace and attracted companies such as Caterpillar, Intel, Mitutoyo, Siemens, General Electric, and Boeing for collaboration. The Center has been recognized as a National Science Foundation Center of Excellence in New Industry Collaboration and in Nanoscale Science and Engineering.

The Center for Sustainably Integrated Buildings and Sites (SIBS)
Sustainably Integrated Buildings and Sites is a collaboration between leading companies, corporations, universities, government agencies, and other organizations renowned for their innovative research capabilities, with the purpose of conducting research that promotes improved energy use, water use, air quality, and productivity in buildings through the integration of appropriate subsystems and technologies. The Center develops students who are knowledgeable in industry-relevant research and prepared to develop innovative products and services that enhance global competitiveness.

Complex Systems Institute
The Complex Systems Institute is a multi-disciplinary research center that provides a home for researchers who cross disciplinary boundaries in search of holistic answers. Current faculty come from areas as diverse as: Computing, Political Science, Sociology, Business, Biology, Communications, Philosophy, Theater, Language, and Health and Human Services. Tools developed by CSI members help analysts model infrastructure and social networks, visualize and understand how individual networks behave, and understand multiple-network interdependency behavior, including second and third order effects and unintended consequences. There are three centers within the Institute: The Complexity Laboratory, Defense Computing Center, and The Center for Advanced Research in the Humanities.

Cyber Defense and Network Assurability Research Center (CyberDNA)
The CyberDNA Center has been established to be one of the leading national centers in research and education of network and information security.  The CyberDNA Center includes strong and diverse expertise as well as state-of-the-art facilities to address critical network security, assurability and privacy problems of high societal-impact.  The CyberDNA offers a unique environment to facilitate joint R&D programs (consortium, seminars and workshops) with the industry, financial institutions, utility service providers and government agencies.  The main objective of CyberDNA is to enable assurable and usable security and privacy for smart open society by making cyber defense provable, enforceable, measurable, and automated.

CyberDNA has a unique vision and approach among other national centers including: (1) promoting automated analytics and synthesis of designing, configuration and evaluation of mission-oriented security systems; (2) offering leap-ahead research by integrating multidisciplinary research from security, networking, reliability, risk management, economical, behavioral and physical world communities; and (3) developing deployable tools to facilitate technology transfer and workforce (students) education and preparation.

Data Science Initiative
The Data Science Initiative (DSI) is an industry-university-state partnership to broaden and deepen North Carolina’s business analytics talent and stimulate strategic innovation.  It directly supports high-end job creation and business investment in the Charlotte region and across the state.  The lead partners on the DSI, the College of Computing and Informatics and the Belk College of Business, each have a long, successful history of fostering strategic relationships with the business community.  The initiative also includes the College of Health and Human Services and its emerging leadership in health informatics.  This team provides intellectual capital, academic programs, and outreach activities to meet the needs of employers in the new data-driven economy, both in developing a highly trained workforce and in providing cutting-edge research to address challenges and opportunities in the rapidly changing business environment.

Infrastructure, Design, Environment, and Sustainability (IDEAS) Center
The Infrastructure, Design, Environment and Sustainability (IDEAS) Center was created to provide regional leadership to accelerate a cultural and technological shift to more sustainable practices as humans create and live in the built environment. Research topics are broad and include renewable energy, high performance building and renovation, low impact materials, material reuse and recovery, sensor applications, monitoring and long term performance assessments, greenhouse gas inventories, life cycle assessments, and low impact development.

Life Science Research
Life Science Research is now developing strongly in five focus areas. Translational Research is designed to join basic science research with patient care to develop novel treatments and therapies for diseases and healthcare problems. Health Services Research harnesses the power of visual analytics for data warehousing/mining of large scale databases (vital statistics, hospital discharges) for decision support for both clinical and public health research domains. Kinesiology Research is focused on biodynamics and exercise physiology. Nursing and Rehabilitation Research focuses on recovery from severe physical trauma. Ecology and Environmental Biology Research is geared toward toxicology, bacteriology and biotechnology. UNC Charlotte research in cancer diagnostics and treatment continues to expand.

Nanoscale Science Initiative
UNC Charlotte is the first university in the UNC system to offer a Ph.D. in Nanoscale Science. This initiative focuses on the development, manipulation, and use of materials and devices on the scale of roughly 1-100 nanometers in length and the study of phenomena that occur on this size scale. Nanoscale science offers great potential for applications in materials, medicine, optics, electronics, data storage, advanced manufacturing, environment, energy, and national security.

North Carolina Motorsports and Automotive Research Center
The College of Engineering includes a group focused on motorsports and automotive research with collaborative partnerships with area race teams and NASCAR. A new 16,000 square foot building, named in honor of race car driver Alan Kulwicki, opened in November 2011 that more than doubles the space available for motorsports and automotive research. The water tunnel originally erected in the motorsports annex to Duke Centennial Hall has been relocated in the Kulwicki addition to support aerodynamics studies.

Project Mosaic
Project Mosaic, is an initiative led by Knight Foundation Distinguished Professor Jean-Claude Thill to enhance the University’s social and behavioral science research by supporting interdisciplinary teams. Initially, the work centers on two themes: (1) human and social capital, innovation and quality of life and (2) metropolitan centers, world trade, transportation. and communication. Themes that are collaborative, data-intensive and cross-disciplinary in nature will be added as the project evolves. The project will include social and behavioral science investigators from across the University, including from the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, College of Education, College of Health and Human Services, and the Belk College of Business. Faculty from other colleges whose interests synergize with this initiative are welcome.

Safety, Security, and Rescue Research Center (SSR-RC)
The UNC Charlotte SSR-RC site mission is to conduct partner-oriented, multi-disciplinary research on computation-driven robotic and sensor systems augmented by data analysis, to improve the safety, capability and well-being of humans. The SSR-RC focuses on research to solve issues related to the physical safety and well-being of humans as workers, patients, and customers.

Visualization Center (VisCenter)
The mission of the VisCenter is to develop and promote the science of visual analytics and to advance interactive visualization as an integrative discipline that is indispensable for attacking key real world applications.  The VisCenter is a highly interdisciplinary center that applies interactive visualization and visual analytics to a variety of large scale and complex problems in science, engineering, medicine, business, design, and the arts.  It was established in January 2005 and includes over 30 faculty members and over 100 graduate and undergraduate students.  The VisCenter faculty is truly interdisciplinary with members from CS, SIS, Engineering, English, Geography and Earth Sciences, Architecture, Ethics, and other departments.  The VisCenter also has one of the deepest programs anywhere in fundamental visualization, visual analytics, and human-computer interaction research with 9 faculty members doing work in these areas.  The main VisCenter Lab provides an exciting, state-of-the-art environment for visualization and HCI research and application development with an abundance of advanced displays, interaction devices, and a large, multiscreen stereoscopic projection system.  The VisCenter has research funding from the Army, NIH, NSF, the Department of Homeland Security, DOE, U.S. DOT, EPA, Bank of America, and other agencies and companies.

Metropolitan Studies and Extended Academic Programs

Metropolitan Studies and Extended Academic Programs is a unit of Academic Affairs, with a mission to provide community-based research services to local, regional, and state-level clients. Off-campus partners include local governments, non-profit organizations, and community groups. The unit collaborates with research centers and departments across the University to identify graduate student and faculty resources that align with community engaged research requests. Services range from needs assessments and public policy guides to analytical modeling tools. Graduate research assistantships and travel funding are widely available. For additional information, visit mseap.uncc.edu.

UNC Charlotte Urban Institute

The UNC Charlotte Urban Institute is the University’s applied research and community outreach center for urban and regional affairs, connecting faculty and students with community organizations and public institutions working on significant public policy issues in the 14-county, two-state region surrounding Charlotte. Founded in 1969, the Institute has provided during its 40-year tenure a wide-range of services, including technical assistance and training related to operations and data management, public opinion surveys, land-use and natural resources consulting, economic development research, and community planning to meet the needs of the region and its citizens. The Institute’s continuing focus has been a multidisciplinary social sciences approach to research, outreach, and training to support informed decision-making in the region. Ongoing programs include:

Center for Transportation Policy Studies
The Center for Transportation Policy Studies, founded in 2002, is dedicated to the research and study of transportation issues and transportation-related policy. The Center conducts research and policy analyses that result in efficient and cost effective investments and sound decisions for developing and maintaining multimodal transportation systems and services.

Charlotte Regional Indicators Project
The Charlotte Regional Indicators Project compiles objective, reliable, and relevant measures for the greater Charlotte region on indicators important to the region’s quality of life. Organized in ten theme areas, and measured over time and compared to state or national data, the indicators provide policy-makers, civic leaders, and the public with a solid foundation for engaging in efforts to address the region’s social, economic, and environmental challenges.

Institute for Social Capital, Inc.
The Institute for Social Capital, founded in 2004, became part of the UNC Charlotte Urban Institute in March 2012.  Its mission is to support university research and increase the community’s capacity for data-informed decision-making.  At its core is a comprehensive set of social and human data gathered from several public and nonprofit organizations in the region.  By linking data across agencies, the ISC Community Database allows researchers and community agencies to better describe, understand, and serve members of our most vulnerable populations.

TIMS Project Office for Western N.C.
The TIMS (Transportation Information Management System) project office for Western N.C. provides support for public school districts in 45 of the 100 counties in North Carolina since the mid 1980s.  A major on-going project, the TIMS office for Western N.C. provides software support and training for the statewide computerized school bus routing project, and focuses on planning and technology issues related to school operations, data management and training. Visit ui.uncc.edu for more information about the UNC Charlotte Urban Institute and its programs.


Police and Public Safety

The UNC Charlotte Police Department proactively patrols and responds to calls from the University community 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The Department is comprised of over 40 sworn police officers who have successfully completed all of the trainings and certifications required to serve as law enforcement officers in North Carolina. Patrols are conducted in marked and unmarked cars, bicycles, off-road vehicles, and on foot. Non-sworn personnel known as “Rangers” serve as extra sets of eyes and ears by patrolling and/or securing buildings and parking lots. Security personnel from the Housing and Residence Life, Atkins Library, and Halton Arena/Student Activities Center provide additional layers of safety and often work in concert with the Department.

The Department’s Administrative Office is located in the Facilities Management/Police & Public Safety Building located at 9151 Cameron Boulevard across the street from the Student Health Center. This building contains the Department’s 911 Emergency Telecommunication Center which is staffed 24 hours a day that can be reached by dialing 911 from any landline on campus or 704-687-2200 from a cellular phone. Individuals in need of emergency assistance or who simply need police assistance for a non-emergency situation are strongly encouraged to call this number. Individuals who need to pick up a copy of a police report or who are searching for Lost & Found items may stop by the 1st floor lobby of this building or call the Administrative Assistant at 704- 687-8300 during normal business hours.

The Department’s website contains a wide variety of information pertaining to what the Department is doing to provide for a safe and secure environment on campus and how the Department is increasing its responsiveness to the needs of the campus community. Some of the items on this website include the Department’s Annual Security Report, information on how individuals can reduce their chances of becoming the victim of a crime, Rape Aggression Defense (R.A.D) training class dates, and links to other community resources that assist the Department in protecting the campus community. The website also features information about the University’s nearly 300 emergency blue light phones and how individuals can sign up to receive emergency text messages. Finally, the website allows individuals to confidentially report a crime on campus or file a commendation/complaint about a particular member of the Department. For more information about any of the aforementioned items, please visit police.uncc.edu.

Environmental Health and Safety

It is the mission of the Environmental Health and Safety Office to support the University by working with all University community members to provide a safe and healthy working, teaching, learning and living environment. This is accomplished by providing high-quality, responsive customer-focused environmental health and safety services to the campus community. It is our responsibility to develop environmental health and safety programs, maintain appropriate accident documentation, conduct safety inspections of all facilities and operations, audit safety programs, maintain all regulatory required reports, and generally work to reduce the risks of illness or injury.

All members of the University community share the responsibility to provide and maintain a safe and healthful campus environment and to reduce or eliminate known hazards. Each individual is expected to exercise appropriate care in the conduct of his or her activities to preserve the safety and health of self and others. For more information, please visit safety.uncc.edu.

Sports and Recreation

Charlotte 49ers/Athletics

The Charlotte 49ers Department of Athletics provides competition in 17 intercollegiate varsity sports for men and women. Each sport competes under the governing powers of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) at the Division I level, which is the highest competitive level for collegiate varsity sports. Scholarships are available for all varsity sports, male and female.

Male student-athletes compete in nine sports: baseball, basketball, cross-country, football, golf, soccer, tennis, indoor track and field, and outdoor track and field. Female student-athletes compete in eight sports: basketball, cross-country, soccer, softball, tennis, volleyball, indoor track and field, and outdoor track and field.

The Charlotte 49ers are affiliated with the Conference USA with play in the league beginning during the 2013-14 season. Conference USA is comprised of 14 schools: UNC Charlotte, UAB, Florida Atlantic, Florida International, Louisiana Tech, Marshall, Middle Tennessee, North Texas, Old Dominion, Rice, Southern Mississippi, UTEP, UTSA, and Western Kentucky. Conference USA tournament champions in baseball, men’s and women’s basketball, golf, men’s and women’s soccer, softball, men’s and women’s tennis, and volleyball receive automatic bids to the NCAA postseason tournaments. Bowl bids are available to Conference USA schools in football.


On-campus facilities play host to Charlotte 49ers athletics, with the exception of golf and cross-country. Sites for home competition for the 49ers include McColl-Richardson Field at Jerry Richardson Stadium for football; Halton Arena for basketball and volleyball; the Irwin Belk Center and Transamerica Field for soccer and track and field; the Halton-Wagner Tennis Complex for tennis; Robert and Mariam Hayes Stadium for baseball, and Phillips Softball Diamond for softball.

For more information about the Charlotte 49ers, please visit Charlotte49ers.com.

UNC Charlotte students receive FREE ADMISSION to all regular-season home athletic contests. Football, men’s basketball, and baseball tickets are obtained by students via an online process at ticketreturn.com/49ers. For all other events, students gain admission with a valid UNC Charlotte student ID.

Recreational Services

Recreational Services develops and conducts programs and services that provide opportunities for University students and faculty/staff members to participate in recreational activities.  Five major program areas offer a variety of structures in which members of the University community may pursue recreational interests.  Intramural Sports and Tournaments are scheduled throughout the year for individual, dual, and team participation.  The leagues and tournaments are organized to provide separate competition among coed, men’s, and women’s teams.  Sport Clubs provide an opportunity to participate in a single sport on a continuing basis.  Approximately forty clubs, ranging from equestrian to lacrosse to tennis, are active each semester.  Fitness and Wellness opportunities include Group Fitness, mind/body courses and Personal Training.  Three major Special Events are offered each year:  RecFest, 49er Gold Rush 5K Run/Walk, and a Spring Golf Tournament.  The Special events are open to the public and may involve food, games, prizes, entertainment, and competition.  In addition to structured sports programs, the division promotes the concept of informal use of recreational facilities through the Open Recreation Program. Recreational Services hires hundreds of students each year for jobs such as referees, group fitness instructors, personal trainers, lifeguards, office assistants, and more. For additional information, visit recservices.uncc.edu.

Recreational Facilities

Indoor Facilities

Belk Gymnasium
The Belk Gymnasium (renovation completed 2016) features multipurpose courts for basketball, volleyball, and badminton; an indoor swimming pool; racquetball courts; group fitness studio; cycling studio; a state-of-the-art fitness center; multipurpose room; and lockers for students, faculty, and staff.  It also houses newly renovated classrooms and an auditorium for meetings and presentations.

Student Activity Center

The James H. Barnhardt Student Activity Center (SAC) is a multi-purpose facility designed to meet the diverse social, cultural, and recreational needs of students at UNC Charlotte.  The SAC is home to the Halton Arena, a 9,000 seat venue hosting athletic events, concerts, lectures, and a variety of other university functions.

Retractable seating in the area folds back to reveal four recreational courts that may be used for Intramural Sports, open recreation, sports clubs, or for special events including job fairs, trade shows, etc.  Other recreational offerings include a state-of-the-art fitness center, group fitness studio, indoor track, and indoor climbing wall.  In addition to the physical fitness and wellness facilities, the SAC also serves as a meeting place for students and the campus community.  The third floor of the SAC is comprised of a large and gracious hospitality area that can be sub-divided into five separate meeting salons.  Adjacent to the hospitality area is a campus catering kitchen, serving the special events in the SAC as well as other campus events.

Outdoor Facilities

Northeast Recreational Field Complex
A 21-acre complex with lighted synthetic turf fields that can be used for Intramural Sports, Sport Clubs, and open recreation.

Hayes Recreational Field Complex
Located off Phillips Road above the Wells Fargo Field House, these lighted fields combine nearly 5 acres of natural turf with five and one-half acres of synthetic turf for a great outdoor experience. Available for Sport Clubs, Intramural Sports, and open recreational use when not reserved.

Student Activities


Student Activities creates student learning and development opportunities that inspire campus involvement and civic engagement. Students unsure of how or where to get involved should contact Student Activities at 704-687-7122 or by visiting the above website.

Campus Activities Board

The Campus Activities Board (CAB) is the largest student programming organization on campus and is responsible for planning diverse, quality events for the University community.  CAB offers multiple programs a week and works to enhance and unify the University community by planning social, cultural, educational, and recreational events that complement the University’s academic mission. 

CAB is located on the second floor of the Student Union.  For more information, visit cab.uncc.edu.  Opportunities for student involvement include the following committees:

CAB Live
As the name implies, this committee is all about live entertainment ranging from comedy, live music, variety acts, poetry slams, showcases, and other entertainment trends.  This committee works hard to bring a wide-variety of diverse acts to campus.

T.A.X.I. (Talents, Activities, eXcursions and Interests)
With this committee, anything goes!  From talent shows and open mics to trips to Charlotte sporting events, this committee focuses on student talents and interests through programs and trips to explore Charlotte and other destinations.  

Daytime Niners
This committee is all about events for Niners throughout the day (8 a.m. - 5 p.m.).  Daytime events consist of interactive activities, musical performances, games, or workshops.   

Union Take Over
Our Signature Union Party!  A few times each semester, CAB takes over the Student Union with music, games, and lively entertainment!

Niner Media

The Niner Student Media Board is the governing body for Niner Media and is comprised of students and administrative staff members, as well as representatives of the various student media.

Niner Times

Niner Times is the campus newspaper, published every Tuesday, which offers campus news and journalism experience for students.  The newspaper provides a vital service to the entire University community by keeping readers informed of issues of common concern and interest.  Family members may keep informed about the University’s news by locating a copy of each online edition at NinerTimes.com.


NinerTimes.com is the University community’s home in cyberspace.  UNC Charlotte news, sports, and feature stories are posted several times each week.  Students gain experience with Internet publishing and video production by working with NinerTimes.com

Media Marketing
The sales and promotions branch of Niner Media, this department solicits advertising and coordinates promotion for UNC Charlotte’s student publications. Media Marketing offers real world experience and internship opportunities for business, marketing, and communication careers.

Sanskrit is the nationally recognized literary-arts magazine published by students interested in the arts. Original work in writing, drawing, photography, and other arts is welcomed by the editor. Submissions are professionally juried, and selections are published in the annual edition of the magazine.

Radio Free Charlotte
An online digital radio station that focuses on underground and independent music, as well as sports, news, and local events. Listen online at radiofreecharlotte.uncc.edu.

Available to students who participate in one of the Niner Media departments, academic credit is offered through the Department of Communications Studies. The course in Journalism Practicum (JOUR 3401 ) is offered each semester.

Niner Media interns can earn academic credit and receive “hands on” media experience in writing, design, photography, advertising, desktop publishing, and management.

For more information about how to get involved with Niner Media, contact the office at 704-687-7140 or visit media.uncc.edu. Niner Media is located in the Student Union.

Center for Leadership Development

The UNC Charlotte Center for Leadership Development provides students with opportunities to develop leadership skills and abilities and provides the University and student organizations with more effective leadership. The Center provides a comprehensive and diverse program of leadership development activities for current and potential student leaders.

The program consists of group and self-paced leadership workshops, retreats, and conferences, as well as academic courses. Individual and group consultation is also available.

Academic Certificate in Leadership Studies
An 18-credit hour concentration in interdisciplinary leadership studies is offered, leading to an academic certificate awarded at graduation from UNC Charlotte.

The Center co-sponsors leadership conferences such as the Greek Leadership Symposium and the Multicultural Leadership Conference.

Emerging Leaders
The Emerging Leaders program provides a cohort leadership experience for freshmen (applications available early Fall semester).

Individual and Group Consultation
Assistance with applications, interviewing, leadership issues and programmatic needs are available through the Center.

Students in the LEAD team are trained and available to make presentations on a wide variety of leadership topics.

Leadershape Institute
The Institute is a leadership program for established leaders with a focus on vision and leading with integrity.

Leadership Fellows
The Center offers a Fall semester cohort leadership experience for upper classmen (applications available Spring semester).

Leadership Journey Learning Community
A one-year residential program is offered to first-year students who have an interest in developing or building leadership skills and abilities.

Leadership, Communication, and Group Dynamics
A 3-hour leadership theory course (COMM 3135 ) is taught on leadership, communication, and group dynamics.

Leadership, Service and Ethics
A 3-hour course in communication studies (COMM 3136 ) is offered for students interested in developing a leadership framework and obtaining academic credit.

PILOT (Programs In Leadership and Organizational Training)
The Center offers an individualized leadership program that provides an opportunity for leadership certification through this self-paced program.

Women’s Leadership Development Program
This cohort-based women’s leadership conversation series is for women who are currently acting as leaders. It provides the opportunity for interaction with and learning from women who are leaders in our community.

Visit leadership.uncc.edu for more information about the Center for Leadership Development.

Multicultural Resource Center

The Multicultural Resource Center (MRC) offers an environment for students, faculty and staff to learn about and to further explore personal identity and diversity while making connections with individuals who represent a vast array of heritages, backgrounds, interests, and experiences.  The Center is available to assist students individually in their own explorations of identity and/or the exploration of the heritage and culture of others.  The MRC can also assist student organizations in their operations and programmatic efforts.

The MRC is located in the Student Union and houses a resource area with information regarding both University and community support sources, a multimedia library that covers a variety of topics, and an assortment of multicultural publications (magazines, newspapers, and newsletters).  To supplement these resources, the Center offers ongoing education and training exploring the many facets of diversity and human relations.  

Programming supported by the MRC includes the annual International Festival, Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration, cultural heritage months (Black History Month, Hispanic/Latino Heritage Month, Asian/Pacific Islander Heritage Month, etc.), and LGBTQ outreach and education, as well as other special events.  Along with these efforts, the MRC provides support to 100+ multicultural student organizations, as well as support for student/student organizations that support its mission and purpose.  Visit mrc.uncc.edu for more information. 

Multicultural Student Council (MSC)
The Multicultural Student Council is a diverse body of students organized to assist the MRC in its efforts to promote multiculturalism.  Along with the Center, the MSC works closely and collaboratively with students, student organizations, and departments to support the unique diversity present at UNC Charlotte and in the Charlotte community.

Safe Zone Program
The purpose of the Safe Zone Program at UNC Charlotte is to create an affirming and supportive campus climate through identifying and educating members of our campus community who are open to and supportive of all individuals regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.  The Safe Zone Program is an umbrella for all educational LGBTQ programming, including the Safe Zone Ally Program, Friendly Peer Training, and the Safe Brother/Safe Sister Program.  Visit online at safezone.uncc.edu.

Religious and Spiritual Life (RSL)
RSL serves as a liaison for faith-related matters within the University community.  Additionally, RSL assists in the holistic development of UNC Charlotte students by providing avenues to explore religious and spiritual identity and expression.  Through dialogues, workshops, programming, and student organizational support, RSL promotes personal growth, mutual understanding, and a healthy, engaged community.  Visit online at rsl.uncc.edu.


Venture offers a variety of outdoor adventure and experiential learning trips, programs and workshops. Activities include day trips as well as weekend trips in a variety of outdoor endeavors from backpacking to rock climbing to kayaking (to name only a few). Venture also hosts and facilitates many programs on its on-campus Team Challenge Course, High Team Challenge Course, and indoor climbing wall. Venture programs are modeled on the Outward Bound philosophy and are designed to facilitate individual growth through physical challenge, group interaction, and personal reflection - all while having fun. Students involved in VOLTAGE (Venture Outdoor Leadership Training and Group Experience) have the opportunity to be trained as student leaders on Venture’s trips and programs. Venture also houses a resource library to help individuals plan their own adventure trips. Outdoor camping gear can be rented. Venture’s newest initiative is SOAR Outdoor, an opportunity for students to connect with the University and other students in meaningful ways prior to their first semester.

Venture offers courses for academic credit through the Department of Kinesiology. Each semester, a variety of one-, two-, and three-credit outdoor activity courses are offered including: Introduction to Outdoor Adventures, Rock Climbing, Challenge Course Activities, Raft Guiding, Wilderness Experience, Wilderness Trip Leading, and Challenge Course Facilitation for the low and high challenge course. For additional details and to see the descriptions for KNES courses, visit venture.uncc.edu/academics. For more information about Venture, please visit venture.uncc.edu.

Student Government Association

The Student Government Association (SGA) provides students with an early experience in governmental affairs.  Many students find their work in student government a useful background for later public service and others want to make their campus a better place while they are here.  The University encourages student participation in its affairs and has student representatives on many faculty and administrative committees.  The leaders of student government are committed to representing the student body and to developing students’ awareness of the many facets of campus life.  All regularly enrolled students, both full and part-time, are eligible to participate in student government.  Visit online at sga.uncc.edu.

The Student Government Association is comprised of:

Executive Branch
The Executive Branch is comprised of the Student Body President, the Vice President, Chief of Staff, the four class presidents, and the Executive Cabinet, who are appointed by the President. The Student Body President serves as a member of the UNC Charlotte Board of Trustees.

Student Senate
The Student Senate is comprised of the President Pro Tempore and representatives from each academic college who are elected by the students with majors in the college. The Vice President of the Student Body conducts all meetings and serves as liaison between the Senate and the Student Body President’s office.

Judicial Branch
The Judicial Branch is composed of panel members of the Judicial Board, including leadership in the offices of Student Attorney General, Chief Justice of the Hearing Panel, and Student Counsel. Members of the Judicial Board are responsible for hearing cases of alleged violations of the UNC Charlotte Code of Student Responsibility and determining appropriate sanctioning if the accused is found responsible for a violation. The Judicial Branch is advised by the Dean of Students Office.

Student Involvement

Student Involvement supports students’ engagement with campus through organizations and special events.  UNC Charlotte has over 350 student organizations that enhance the academic experience of UNC Charlotte students and provide opportunities to get involved. The categories of student organizations include: academic (pre-professional), fraternities and sororities, graduate organizations, honor societies, interest, performance, service, political, religious, multicultural, international, sport clubs, and media/publication. There are many benefits to joining a student organization, including making new friends, developing new skills and abilities, working collaboratively as part of a team, learning to set and achieve goals, leadership opportunities, as well as having fun. Students may also start a new student organization if there is not one already on campus that matches their interests. Contact Student Involvement with questions about resources available and how to get connected. Contact information and a current listing of all registered student organizations is available online at studentorgs.uncc.edu.

Student Involvement also hosts special events such as Homecoming, Haunted Union, and Late Night Breakfast that build spirit and tradition for the Niner Nation.

University Advancement


UNC Charlotte recognizes that its mission reaches beyond the borders of the campus to the surrounding region and the state. The University touches many facets of community life and serves as a catalyst for development of a regional approach to solving problems in education, economic development, transportation, the environment, cultural amenities, and the quality of life. Faculty, staff, and students have made a significant impact on the region through research, historic preservation, planning, the arts and literature, and the delivery of government and social services.

Alumni Affairs

Alumni Affairs, located in the Harris Alumni Center at Johnson Glen, strengthens and maintains the relationship between the University and its alumni through the management of the Alumni Association. Some of the most rewarding experiences of University life begin at graduation when former students enter the Alumni Association. Alumni are an essential part of our University and are among the University’s most valued supporters.

Programs of the Alumni Association include: the regional, local, special interest, and collegiate chapters; homecoming activities; networking socials; athletic support; and sponsorship of the Student Alumni Ambassadors.

Alumni Affairs seeks to maintain lifelong contact with all graduates. Graduates are encouraged to become active in the Alumni Association and to notify Alumni Affairs of address changes, employment information, and other significant events, such as marriages, births and honors. Today, UNC Charlotte boasts more than 100,000 living alumni and adds 4,500 to 5,000 new alumni each year. The Alumni Association is a non-dues paying organization, and the only requirement for membership is to be an alumnus of the University.

For more information about the Alumni Association, please visit alumni.uncc.edu.

Community Relations

As North Carolina’s urban research university and the largest in the region, UNC Charlotte strives to address the cultural, economic, educational, environmental, health and social needs of the greater Charlotte Region. The mission of Community Relations is to extend and strengthen the University’s presence in the region by building collaborative relationships between UNC Charlotte and key community constituencies and organizations.

Events and Special Projects

Events and Special Projects staff members plan, produce, and coordinate logistics of events hosted at the Chancellor’s residence along with a variety of strategic University events, including Commencement and welcome and recognition receptions.

Giving and Donor Relations

Though UNC Charlotte is a state-supported institution, the University depends on non-state resources for more than half of its operating needs. Philanthropy is critical to the margin of excellence needed for the University to fulfill its mission of education, research, and public service.

Giving and Donor Relations plans and implements the private fundraising and related efforts of the University and the Foundation of The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Inc. Its functions include annual giving, gift planning, major gifts, corporate and foundation relations, gift processing, alumni/donor records, research, donor stewardship, prospect coordination and clearance, and campus-wide development services.

The Foundation of The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Inc. is the 501(c)(3) public charity, incorporated in 1965 to benefit UNC Charlotte through asset management and fundraising. The Foundation advances UNC Charlotte as North Carolina’s urban research university through active engagement, advocacy, fundraising, and stewardship.

Government Relations

Government Relations fosters, supports, and expands the University’s relationships with the state, regional, and local governmental and non-governmental organizations that can strengthen the University in its ability to deliver educational and research programs in support of its mission.

University Communications

University Communications crafts and distributes the messages that shape public perception of the University and the UNC Charlotte brand, position the institution as a local and regional thought leader, inform the campus community, and inspire alumni and friends. The team provides strategic marketing and communications counsel, planning, and support, as well as the creative direction and production of print, web, social media, graphic and broadcast communication solutions to all academic and administrative units on campus.

University Communications manages, produces, and publishes University content for internal and external audiences through several of its own media channels including:

  • UNC Charlotte, the University’s quarterly print magazine
  • Inside UNC Charlotte, the University’s internal news website at inside.uncc.edu. The monthly television segment that airs on WTVI-TV, the University’s Time Warner Cable channel in Charlotte, also bears this name.
  • The Live Wire, a weekly live streaming webcast on inside.uncc.edu
  • Official University Social Media including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, and Blogger

University Communications also garners external media coverage by writing and pitching news, coordinating interviews with experts on campus, and maintaining relationships with local and regional media outlets.

Experts in this unit also script executive communications for the Chancellor and other University administrators and provide crisis communications planning and counsel.

In addition to the work of the central staff, University Communications collaborates with the University’s distributed communicators to ensure alignment of all internal and external communications.