Sep 27, 2024  
Graduate Catalog | 2022-2023 
Graduate Catalog | 2022-2023 Previous Edition

Course Descriptions

Courses below are listed alphabetically by prefix.  To narrow your search, use the Course Filter box.  Additionally, when searching courses by Code or Number, an asterisk (*) can be used to return mass results. For instance a Code search of 6* can be entered, returning all 6000-level courses.  Click on a course to read its description.  Click on the link again to close the description box.

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  • ACCT 5220 - Income Tax

    An introduction to the Federal income tax system with emphasis on concepts and procedures applicable to all types of entities.

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Schedule of Classes

  • ACCT 5311 - Intermediate Financial Reporting I

    Analysis of the financial reporting requirements of corporations with emphasis on the conceptual framework and accounting for assets.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Enrollment in the MACC program.
    Prerequisite(s): ACCT 2121 or equivalent.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ACCT 5312 - Intermediate Financial Reporting II

    A continuation of ACCT 5311  with emphasis on financial reporting for liabilities and stockholder’s equity.  Also, a number of special topics, including the accounting for investments and the statement of cash flows.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Enrollment in the MACC program.
    Prerequisite(s): ACCT 3311 or ACCT 5311  with grade of B or above.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ACCT 6110 - Tax Research and Planning

    Tax research techniques applicable to federal tax law affecting individuals, corporations and partnerships, including use of traditional and computerized tax services to solve tax problems. Emphasis on tax planning principles and related tax practice matters, including handling tax compliance issues and dealing with the Internal Revenue Service.

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Schedule of Classes

  • ACCT 6120 - Taxation of Corporations and Shareholders

    Examines the federal and state tax law applicable to corporations and their shareholders. The course covers tax compliance matters, strategies for minimizing tax liabilities and strategies for handling tax controversies.

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Schedule of Classes

  • ACCT 6130 - Taxation of Pass-Through Entities

    Tax law applicable to partnerships, Limited Liability Companies and S corporations, including tax compliance matters strategies for minimizing tax liabilities and strategies for handling tax controversies.

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Schedule of Classes

  • ACCT 6140 - Taxation of Estates, Gifts, and Trusts

    Wealth transfer taxes and taxation of estates and trusts, including integration of these taxes and tax planning opportunities for minimizing tax liabilities.

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Schedule of Classes

  • ACCT 6150 - Tax Strategy and Policy

    Tax strategies in all phases of business operations, including creation of the business, choice of the type of business entity, financing, operations, distributions to owners, expansion, reorganization and liquidation with emphasis on minimizing taxes and avoiding tax traps.  Analysis of business planning cases and completion of a comprehensive project with the results presented in both an oral and written report.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ACCT 6120  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ACCT 6160 - Advanced Individual Taxation

    Focuses on topics related to the taxation of individuals to enable the student to better advise taxpayers on these matters, identify problem areas and assist in tax planning matters to minimize the amount of tax due. Topics include: passive loss limitation rules, interest categorization and limitations, individual alternative minimum tax, individual net operating loss rules and rules concerning divorced taxpayers.

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Schedule of Classes

  • ACCT 6199 - Topics in Taxation

    Topics in the area of taxation that go beyond the coverage in other existing courses by either addressing new tax issues or by delving more deeply into a tax topic.

    Credit Hours: (1 to 4)
    Repeatability: May be repeated for credit with change in topic.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ACCT 6210 - Advanced Accounting Information Systems

    Documentation and evaluation of current accounting information systems, evaluation of potential new systems, to extract data from existing systems from analysis, and examination of emerging technologies which have potential uses in accounting information systems.

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Schedule of Classes

  • ACCT 6220 - Financial Statement Auditing

    Analysis of the accounting control systems and the independent auditor’s examination of the system and other evidence as a basis for expressing an opinion on financial statements.

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Schedule of Classes

  • ACCT 6230 - Advanced Managerial Accounting

    Management’s use of and need for accounting information, which is necessary for effective managerial decision-making. Emphasis is on understanding managerial accounting information, specifically its purpose, its effect on managerial behavior, and its use in formulating and implementing strategy. Topics include: relevant information for activity and process decisions, and issues involved with management control system’s design and operation.

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Schedule of Classes

  • ACCT 6240 - Business Environment, Governance, and Accountability

    Examines a wide variety of topics related to the general business environment and business concepts.  Topics include:  corporate governance and control, information technology, managerial and cost accounting, economic concepts and analysis, strategic planning, financial management, and operations management.

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Schedule of Classes

  • ACCT 6260 - Advanced Financial Accounting I

    Advanced concepts and practices in financial reporting with special emphasis on the use of accounting information in capital markets and accounting theory and research. In addition, the course will examine current topics and emerging issues in financial reporting.

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Schedule of Classes

  • ACCT 6270 - Accounting for Business Combinations, Governmental, and Not-for-Profit Entities

    Advanced concepts and practices in financial reporting with special emphasis on business combinations, consolidated financial statements and financial reporting issues and practices for governmental and other not-for-profit entities. In addition, the course examines current topics and emerging issues in financial reporting.

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Schedule of Classes

  • ACCT 6280 - International Financial Reporting

    Examination of accounting standards under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Schedule of Classes

  • ACCT 6291 - Financial Statement Analysis

    The analysis and interpretation of financial statements.  This includes profitability and returns analysis, operating versus non-operating performance evaluation, credit analysis (liquidity and solvency), reformulation of financial statements, forecasting of financial statements, analysis of off-balance-sheet financing, analysis of intercorporate investments, cash flow analysis, accounting-based equity valuation, cash-based equity valuation, market-based valuation, assessing earnings quality and earnings management, mergers and acquisitions, assessment of intangible assets, and credit ratings of debt securities.

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Schedule of Classes

  • ACCT 6299 - Topics in Financial Accounting and Auditing

    Topics in the area of financial accounting and auditing that go beyond the coverage in other existing courses by either addressing new issues or by delving more deeply into a topic.

    Credit Hours: (1 to 4)
    Repeatability: May be repeated for credit with change in topic.

    Schedule of Classes

Africana Studies

  • AFRS 5000 - Special Topics in Africana Studies

    Intensive survey of a topic in African, African American, or the broad African Diaspora studies, depending on the needs of student and staff resources.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Repeatability: May be repeated for credit with change of topic.

    Schedule of Classes

  • AFRS 6610 - Diaspora and Transnational Theories

    Focuses on the dialectical relationships between the social theories of nation, state, ethnicity, identity, race, and culture on one hand and the emerging theorizing of the diaspora and transnational networks on the other. The historical contexts that have shaped the African Diaspora and the more recent global transnational networks will be emphasized throughout the course.

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Schedule of Classes

  • AFRS 6620 - Advanced Readings in African Modernities

    The advanced seminar explores the meanings, character, complexity, and consequences of modernity in Africa. The interdisciplinary readings and the analyses that derive from a wide range of disciplines - philosophy, history, anthropology, politics, literature, and the arts - will be deployed to understand the African realities of modernity as a product of 500 years of history from the Atlantic Slavery through colonialism, to the present.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): 3 credit hours of Africana Studies course(s) at the graduate-level or approval of the Graduate Program Director.

    Schedule of Classes

  • AFRS 6630 - Graduate Colloquium

    Focuses on an interdisciplinary theme that combines two or more of the following: literature, language, politics, health issues, social policy, education, popular culture, history, performance theory, pedagogy, etc. Students write short papers and reports directed toward developing breadth in the theoretical and empirical understanding of a topic in Africana Studies using interdisciplinary approaches.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Prior written permission of instructor and Graduate Program DIrector.
    Repeatability: May be repeated for credit with change of topic.

    Schedule of Classes

  • AFRS 6901 - Directed Readings/Research

    A directed research on a specific theme in Africana Studies. Students will produce a publishable essay at the end of the semester based on original research. The goal is for students to develop research, theoretical and analytical depth in an area of study in Africana Studies.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Prior written permission of instructor and Graduate Program DIrector.
    Repeatability: May be repeated for credit with change of topic.

    Schedule of Classes


  • ANTH 5020 - Topics in Cultural Anthropology

    Specialized topics in Cultural Anthropology.  Examples include: Field Methods in Medical Anthropology; Semiotics and Culture.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Permission of instructor
    Repeatability: May be repeated for credit with change of topic.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ANTH 5040 - Topics in Biological Anthropology

    Specialized topics in Biological Anthropology.  Examples include: Chromosomal Evolution in the Chimpanzees; Ecologies of Southeast Asian Primates.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Permission of instructor
    Repeatability: May be repeated for credit with change in topic.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ANTH 5050 - Topics in Archaeology

    Specialized topics in Archaeology.  Examples include: Radiometric Dating Techniques; Early State Expansion in the Andes. 

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Permission of instructor
    Repeatability: May be repeated for credit with change of topic.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ANTH 5090 - Topics in Anthropology

    Intensive treatment of a topic in anthropology or survey of related topics. Examples: Religion, Art, and Archaeology; Islam and Globalism.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Permission of instructor.
    Repeatability: May be repeated for credit with change of topic.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ANTH 5120 - Intercultural Communications

    Learning to cope with cultural differences; contrasting value systems; cross-cultural communication styles; nonverbal communication; cultural relativity; culture and business; ethnocentrism; cultural shock.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ANTH 1101 or permission of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ANTH 5122 - Ethnographic Methods

    Designed to introduce students to the methodological approaches used in ethnography and to provide a basic mastery of several key methods used in ethnographic research. Includes a discussion of the nature of inquiry in the social sciences; the development and implementation of different kinds of research designs to investigate a range of questions; issues of sampling and informant selection; research ethics; participant observation, interviewing techniques; data management and analysis.

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Schedule of Classes

  • ANTH 5131 - Culture, Pregnancy, and Birth

    Explores how culture shapes the experience and practice of pregnancy and birth. Some of the topics explored include the birthing experience, midwifery, infertility, new reproductive technologies, and surrogate motherhood.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Cross-listed Course(s): WGST 5131 .

    Schedule of Classes

  • ANTH 5140 - Field Biology of the Primates

    The theory and methods utilized in the study of nonhuman primate behavior.  This applied behavioral primatology course entails original research projects done at an appropriate zoological venue in North and South Carolina.

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Schedule of Classes

  • ANTH 5453 - Field Project in Archaeology

    Students participate in field research on an historic or prehistoric archaeological site. Research may include field reconnaissance, excavation, mapping, systematic description and analysis of cultural material, and/or other techniques appropriate to the site and research problem. Students supervise undergraduates under the guidance of the instructor.

    Credit Hours: (1 to 4)
    Restriction(s): Permission of instructor. Practical experience in archaeological techniques.
    Repeatability: May be repeated for credit with up to 6 credits applied to the M.A. degree.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ANTH 5615 - Seminar in Middle East Ethnography

    Seminar exploring both historically significant and recent ethnographies on selected topics. Examples include Israel/Palestine, Women in the Middle East, and Tribe, State, and Nation in the Middle East.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Repeatability: May be repeated for credit with change of topic.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ANTH 5622 - Seminar in the Ethnography of Religion

    Seminar exploring both historically significant and recent ethnographies on the anthropology of religion.

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Schedule of Classes

  • ANTH 5641 - Bioarchaeology Methods

    Introduction to methods that bioarchaeologists use to learn about people’s lives and deaths from human skeletal remains. Includes reading bioarchaeological and forensic case studies and research articles, and applying this knowledge to investigate cases in the University’s forensic collection.  By the end of the course, students are able to analyze a skeleton for demographic characteristics, paleopathology, trauma, and other cultural identifiers. They are additionally able to read and interpret bioarchaeological articles and critique the methods, interpretations, and conclusions.

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Schedule of Classes

  • ANTH 6010 - Advanced Topics in Cultural Anthropology/Linguistics

    Intensive treatment of a topic in cultural anthropology or linguistic anthropology, depending on student needs and faculty resources.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Permission of department.
    Repeatability: May be repeated for credit.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ANTH 6040 - Advanced Topics in Biological Anthropology

    Intensive treatment of a topic in biological anthropology, depending on student needs and faculty resources.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Permission of department.
    Repeatability: May be repeated for credit.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ANTH 6050 - Advanced Topics in Archaeology

    Intensive treatment of a topic in archaeology, depending on student needs and faculty resources.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Permission of department.
    Repeatability: May be repeated for credit.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ANTH 6132 - Culture, Health, and Aging

    Exploration of the interaction between culture and the aging experience, with a particular emphasis on issues of health and the healthcare system.

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Schedule of Classes

  • ANTH 6400 - Anthropology Practicum

    Supervised practical experience in the application of anthropological principles in an agency, organization, or facility not part of the department. Following the needs of the agency, students will conduct applied research and write a report as part of this practicum.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Permission of department.
    Pre- or Corequisite(s): ANTH 6611 .
    Repeatability: May be repeated for credit; 6 credits may be applied to the M.A. degree program.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ANTH 6401 - Teaching Anthropology

    Methods and skills for teaching undergraduate students. Students examine and practice teaching skills and classroom procedures. Includes preparation of model teaching materials, such as syllabi, and practice teaching.

    Credit Hours: (1)

    Schedule of Classes

  • ANTH 6601 - History of Anthropology

    Development of the field of anthropology; key concepts, focusing on concepts of “race” and “culture;” debates in anthropological method and theory; implications for ethical practice in contemporary anthropology.

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Schedule of Classes

  • ANTH 6602 - Seminar in Interdisciplinary Anthropology

    Analysis of a key issue or debate through the lens of two or more anthropological specialties. Emphasizes the holistic, interdisciplinary nature of anthropology. Up to 6 hours may be applied to the degree.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Repeatability: May be repeated for credit with change of topic.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ANTH 6603 - Theory in Social and Cultural Anthropology

    Discussion of major works that form the theoretical foundation of contemporary social and cultural anthropology.

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Schedule of Classes

  • ANTH 6604 - Issues in Archaeological Practice

    Exploration of current theory and practice in anthropological archaeology. Topics include: major theoretical perspectives; the relationship of theoretical choices with the formation of research problems and choice of research methods; discussion of the legal and ethical framework of contemporary archaeology; examination of the influence of multiple stakeholders on the practice of archaeology.

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Schedule of Classes

  • ANTH 6605 - Evolutionary and Biological Anthropology

    Discussion of theories, concepts, and controversies informing biological anthropology, including evolutionary theory as applied to primate and human evolution, behavioral ecology, genetics, and modern human variation.

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Schedule of Classes

  • ANTH 6606 - Language and Culture: Foundational Issues in Linguistic Anthropology

    Discussion of the theories, concepts, controversies, and major findings of linguistic anthropology.  Includes an analysis of the difference between human and non-human communication, semiotics, language and thought, the nature of meaning, language socialization, language variation, language and power, and multilingualism, as well as linguistic change.  No prior training in linguistics is assumed, presupposed, or required.

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Schedule of Classes

  • ANTH 6611 - Seminar in Applied Anthropology

    Theories, methods, and ethics of applied anthropology in medical, educational, business, and development fields. Cultural perspective on the program evaluation in community settings; culturally competent evaluations using ethnographic methods; role of anthropology in program development and evaluation at the regional, national, and international levels.

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Schedule of Classes

  • ANTH 6612 - Theoretical Approaches to Gender

    An interdisciplinary examination of the core theories about the role of gender in identity formation and social organization. Topics covered include the feminist critique of biological essentialism; gender as a continuum; the social construction of gender; gender perfomativity; historical changes in gender; masculinity studies; the intersection of race, class and gender; and the economics of gender.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Cross-listed Course(s): WGST 6602 .

    Schedule of Classes

  • ANTH 6613 - Seminar in Medical Anthropology

    A graduate seminar in medical anthropology that explores the relationship between mind, body and society.  Students begin with learning about the centrality of culture and belief when studying health and illness across different cultures. Central theories and key concepts in medical anthropology are defined and critiqued, such as cultural relativism, ethnocentrism, the political economy of health, structural violence, symbolic violence, critical medical anthropology, and illness narratives. These concepts are used to examine contemporary health issues. 

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Schedule of Classes

  • ANTH 6642 - Selection in Relation to Sex in Primates

    Explores the current state of theory and empirical research on sexual selection; discussion will focus on critically evaluating the evidence that sexual selection plays an important role in the evolution and maintenance of particular aspects of morphology, behavior and social organization in nonhuman primates and humans.

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Schedule of Classes

  • ANTH 6800 - Directed Readings/Research

    Study of specialized topic through individually designed reading program and scheduled conferences with a faculty member.

    Credit Hours: (1 to 3)
    Restriction(s): Permission of department.
    Repeatability: May be repeated for credit.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ANTH 6910 - Thesis Tutorial

    Independent study with a faculty advisor, to conduct research for the M.A. thesis.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Permission of the Graduate Program Director.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ANTH 6920 - Master’s Thesis

    Preparation of master’s thesis under the supervision of the thesis committee.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Admission to candidacy and permission of the Graduate Program Director.
    Grading Method: Graded on a Satisfactory Progress/Unsatisfactory Progress or Standard Letter Grade basis each term.
    Repeatability: May be repeated for credit up to 6 credits.

    Schedule of Classes


  • ARCH 5050 - Architecture Topics

    Architectural elective topics are available in a wide variety of subjects.  Topics include: Computation, Theory, Representation, Making, Urbanism, and Technology.

    Credit Hours: (1 to 6)
    Cross-listed Course(s): ARCH 4050
    Repeatability: May be repeated for credit up to 12 credit hours; students may enroll in duplicate sections each semester.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ARCH 5201 - Architectural History I: Prehistory-1750

    Global survey of architecture and urbanism from prehistory to 1750. Explores key examples of buildings and cities as well as the theoretical, environmental, political, economic, technological, and cultural context in which they were built. Provides a general knowledge of the formal, spatial and ornamental characteristics that distinguish the built environment of distinct historic and traditional building cultures.

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Schedule of Classes

  • ARCH 5202 - Architectural History II: 1750-Present

    Global survey of architecture and urbanism from 1750 to the present. Explores key architectural and urban ideas, designers, buildings, and urban projects as well as how they were shaped by their environmental, political, economic, technological, and cultural context.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ARCH 5201  or permission of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ARCH 5203 - Architectural History III: Survey of Contemporary Theory (1950-Present)

    Survey of architecture theory from 1950 to the present. Focuses on the key ideas, texts, debates, and discourse that have informed architectural practice in the late twentieth and early twenty-first century.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ARCH 5202  or MII Standing.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ARCH 5204 - Architectural History Topics

    Topics are available in a wide variety of subjects in architectural history and theory, in which students develop in-depth research, writing, and presentation skills. 

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Cross-listed Course(s): ARCH 8004  
    Repeatability: May be repeated for credit with change of topic.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ARCH 5206 - Professional Practice

    An introduction to the objectives of the practice of architecture, its responsibilities and procedures, and emerging alternative forms of practice and as they pertain to the role of the architect.

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Schedule of Classes

  • ARCH 5301 - Materials and Assembly Principles

    Introduces the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of architectural materials, systems, and processes. Students are introduced to the physical properties of materials relevant to their application in construction, assembly, and detail systems.  Topics include: masonry, concrete, wood, steel, glass, cladding, and roofing and flooring materials and their assemblies.

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Schedule of Classes

  • ARCH 5302 - Environmental Systems Principles

    Introduces qualitative and quantitative analytical methods commonly used to assess the impact of environmental forces on occupant thermal and luminous comfort, energy performance, and regional sustainability.  Students are introduced to the interplay between climatic events, patterns of building use, and the architectural variables that inform the appropriate application of building systems technology.  Topics include: building envelope performance, and the introduction of passive and mechanical systems for heating, cooling, illuminating, and ventilating buildings.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ARCH 5301  or permission of instructor

    Schedule of Classes

  • ARCH 5303 - Structural Principles

    Introduces issues relevant to the fundamentals of structures including statics, strength, and stability of materials. Students will be introduced to structural concepts, systems, and the tracing of structural loads through basic principles, physical modeling, and theoretical and analytical methods. Topics include: interrelationship between strain, stress, and stability, as well as the implications of tension, compression, shear, torsion, and bending.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ARCH 5301  or permission of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ARCH 5304 - Structural Systems

    Introduces specific structural applications of wood, steel, concrete, and masonry systems commonly used in small-scale commercial/institutional buildings. Students are introduced to the design of beams, columns, walls, joinery, and connections appropriate to each material type through theoretical, analytical, and computer simulation methods.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ARCH 5303 .

    Schedule of Classes

  • ARCH 5305 - Building Systems Integration

    Introduces a set of advanced issues related to the comprehensive, systemic integration of building technology systems commonly used in large-scale buildings through case study, analytical, and simulation methods. Topics address the resolution of building structure, materials, environmental systems, mechanical systems, electrical systems, life safety, building water supply and waste, and conveying systems in building design.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ARCH 5304  or MII Standing.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ARCH 5601 - Ideas in Architecture

    The fundamental concepts, issues, and working knowledge specific to design in architecture.  Topics include:  order, form and space, site, type, and architectural meaning.

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Schedule of Classes

  • ARCH 5604 - Computational Methods

    Introduces students to the fundamental concepts of computation through explorations with basic scripting and parametric tools. The goal is to understand the potential of computation and the role it can play as part of one’s design process, not as a collection of specific tools, but as a way of thinking about design.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ARCH 6603  or MII Standing.
    Corequisite(s): ARCH 7101  or permission of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ARCH 5605 - Computational Practice

    Capstone course for digital media and computational studies in the School of Architecture. The goal of this seminar course is to provide students with experience using advanced digital tools and methods, including digital fabrication, parametrics, Building Information Modeling/Management (BIM), scripting, and performance analysis in preparation for professional practice and/or advanced graduate research.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ARCH 5604  or permission of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ARCH 5606 - Scripting

    Teaches students how to apply scripting as one might within a professional setting: understanding discipline-specific procedures and problems, planning and developing scripts, testing, debugging, and supporting scripts within a production environment. Students gain an understanding of how scripting can support professionals in their daily work by improving productivity and enabling innovation.

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Schedule of Classes

  • ARCH 5607 - Digital Fabrication

    An introduction to the use of parametric software and the use of digitally controlled fabrication. Emphasizes both the development of complex building components in modeling software and the construction of those components using laser cutter, CNC routers and plasma cutters, 3D printers, and other equipment.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Cross-listed Course(s): ARCH 8607  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ARCH 5611 - Research Methods I: Computational

    An overview of the fundamental concepts of design computation through explorations with methods such as parametric software and scripting. Students study these methods in the context of emerging areas of architectural technology research such as Building Information Modeling (BIM), digital fabrication, building performance optimization, and generative design, among others.

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Schedule of Classes

  • ARCH 5612 - Research Methods II

    Undertakes a historical survey of the dominant theoretical rubrics designers have used to integrate scientific concepts into architectural research since the Enlightenment. The course is divided into two parts. The first half exposes students to the range of conceptual strategies and techniques architects have used to translate scientific concepts into architectural form, from direct experimentation of structural principles to analogical and metaphorical models of procedural design strategies. The second half requires students to develop a working thesis statement of their independent research that places their work within one of the historical traditions reviewed in class.

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Schedule of Classes

  • ARCH 6050 - Architectural Elective

    Architectural Electives are available in a wide variety of subjects.  Topics include: Computation, Theory, Representation, Making, Urbanism, and Technology. 

    Credit Hours: (1 to 6)
    Cross-listed Course(s): ARCH 8050  
    Repeatability: May be repeated for credit up to three times with change of topic.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ARCH 6101 - Design Studio: Fundamentals

    An introductory architectural design studio that focuses on fundamental concepts of architecture, as well as the acquisition and practice of a wide range of technical and graphic skills and media. It is intended to complement the reading and writing engaged in ARCH 5601  and to serve as an arena to explore and test the issues encountered in that course through the act of making.

    Credit Hours: (6)
    Corequisite(s): ARCH 6602 .

    Schedule of Classes

  • ARCH 6102 - Design Studio: Fundamentals

    An introductory architectural design studio that focuses on the development of site, space, and design process issues, as well as the continued acquisition and practice of a variety of technical and graphic skills. Exploration into the creative and appropriate use of a variety of media is addressed.

    Credit Hours: (6)
    Prerequisite(s): ARCH 6101 .
    Corequisite(s): ARCH 6603 .

    Schedule of Classes

  • ARCH 6103 - Design Studio: Options

    Graduate studio for 3+ year M.Arch. students following the first full year of study.  This intensive studio-based course allows for a variety of topical studio learning options, including: summer study travel abroad, design building activities, and other design-related projects and activities.

    Credit Hours: (6)
    Restriction(s): Enrollment in Master of Architecture in MI Concentration

    Schedule of Classes

  • ARCH 6306 - Technology Topic

    Focuses on the study of topical areas of technology in architecture. Provide an in-depth extension of the five required technology courses. The course may be selected from a number of designated technology courses that examine specific issues contributing to architecture as a process of investigation, innovation, analysis and/or research.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Repeatability: May be repeated for credit with change of topic.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ARCH 6601 - Ideas in Architecture

    This seminar class concentrates on fundamental concepts, issues, and working knowledge specific to design in architecture. It is intended to complement the design problems encountered in ARCH 6100 (studio) and to serve as a critical platform to raise issues that are not always evident in studio making alone. Primary topics addressed include order, form and space, site, type, and architectural meaning.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Corequisite(s): ARCH 6103 .

    Schedule of Classes

  • ARCH 6602 - Representation I: Fundamentals

    A fundamental visual and architectural skills course that includes lessons in: visual composition, 2D design and communication, 3D physical models, graphic and photographic image manipulation, and craft in design. Also includes readings and criticism, which address the artistic and architectural correlation of these skills.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ARCH 6103 .
    Corequisite(s): ARCH 6101  or permission of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ARCH 6603 - Representation II: Digital Fundamentals

    Introduces students to architectural drafting (2D) and modeling (3D) using digital tools and processes. The expected outcome of this course is a student who is skillful, adaptable, and critical in the use of digital media.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ARCH 6602 .
    Corequisite(s): ARCH 6102 .

    Schedule of Classes

  • ARCH 6890 - Directed Independent Study

    Enables directed individual study and in-depth analysis of a special area related to the interests of the student and the expertise of the advising faculty member. May count towards completion of Concentration requirements if appropriate.

    Credit Hours: (1 to 6)
    Restriction(s): Permission of the Graduate Program Director and the graduate faculty member advising the study.
    Repeatability: May be repeated for credit with change of topic.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ARCH 7101 - Design Studio: Topical

    Focuses on issues relevant to current architectural practice and/or exploration of architectural theory. Students choose from among several sections of this studio, each of which addresses a different set of issues. The issues addressed as well as the pedagogical approach of these studios are defined by the faculty teaching them. All students must take a minimum of one Topical Design Studio within their area of Concentration.

    Credit Hours: (6)
    Prerequisite(s): ARCH 6102  or MII Standing.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ARCH 7102 - Design Studio Topics

    Focuses on issues relevant to current architectural practice and/or exploration of architectural theory.  Students choose from among several sections of this studio, each of which addresses a different set of issues.  The issues addressed as well as the pedagogical approach of these studios are defined by the faculty teaching them. All students must take a minimum of one Topical Design Studio.

    Credit Hours: (6)
    Restriction(s): Graduate standing and enrollment in Architecture program
    Prerequisite(s): ARCH 7101  
    Repeatability: May not be repeated for credit.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ARCH 7103 - Design Studio Integrated Project

    Focuses on a site-specific project emphasizing technological and systemic issues that lead towards a comprehensive building design.  This necessitates an integrative process, examining the intersection of project circumstances, formal/spatial interpretations, conceptual thinking, systemic materiality and technology, tectonic clarity, and performative strategies for architecture. 

    Credit Hours: (6)
    Restriction(s): Graduate standing and enrollment in Architecture program
    Corequisite(s): ARCH 5305  
    Repeatability: May not be repeated for credit.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ARCH 7104 - Design Studio: Diploma Project

    This concluding design studio for the M.Arch. is the capstone project experience for the professional degree.  Students engage an instructor-led studio theme that involves design, research, and/or practical issues relevant to architecture and its discourse.

    Credit Hours: (6)
    Prerequisite(s): ARCH 7103  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ARCH 7201 - Design Methodologies

    Focuses on examination of analytic and synthetic models including information processing, programming, and implementation activities used to structure the architect’s design process, conjectural models, and methods specific to the architect’s creative skills.

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Schedule of Classes

  • ARCH 7210 - Thesis Prep

    This course is taken in the semester before thesis and serves as a guided independent research seminar in which students conduct literature reviews, test ideas, and prepare for their thesis.

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Schedule of Classes

  • ARCH 7211 - Studio Lab I

    The Studio/Lab sequence situates students with varying backgrounds in an educational and research environment that allows them to develop and test innovative design tools, applications and settings.  Each semester may be jointly taught by faculty from the School of Architecture and the College of Computing and Informatics and/or other collaborating departments from the University.  Each semester, the course is organized around research questions, projects, and/or topics chosen by the participating faculty.

    Credit Hours: (4 to 6)
    Cross-listed Course(s): ITCS 6211 , ITIS 6211 , and ARCH 8211  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ARCH 7212 - Studio Lab II

    The Studio/Lab sequence situates students with varying backgrounds in an educational and research environment that allows them to develop and test innovative design tools, applications, and settings.  Each semester may be jointly taught by faculty from the School of Architecture and the College of Computing and Informatics and/or other collaborating departments from the University.  Each semester is organized around research questions, projects and/or topics chosen by the participating faculty.

    Credit Hours: (4 to 6)
    Cross-listed Course(s): ITCS 6212  and ITIS 6212 

    Schedule of Classes

  • ARCH 7213 - Thesis

    The Thesis is the culmination of the student’s work in the Dual Degree Program. It allows students to pursue focused research based upon their previous experiences and coursework. The intent is to demonstrate an understanding of an ongoing discourse, to form a clear hypothesis and to develop research methods suitable to implement and test the hypothesis.

    Credit Hours: (6)
    Cross-listed Course(s): ITCS 6991  and ITIS 6991 .
    Grading Method: Graded on a Satisfactory Progress/Unsatisfactory Progress or Standard Letter Grade basis each term.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ARCH 7500 - Architectural COOP: Integrated Path to Architectural Licensure (iPAL)

    This course is an intensive sixteen-month experience that offers students enrolled in the Integrated Path to Architectural Licensure Program (iPAL) placement in a professional architectural office in order to accrue Architectural Experience Program (AXP) credits to sit for the Architectural Registration Examination (ARE) as part of their architectural license process prior to graduation from an accredited academic program.  This required experience should be taken in the year prior to their final year in the academic program. The course is overseen by faculty and professional office advisors, and operates under cooperative education requirements of the University Career Center. 

    Credit Hours: (0)
    Restriction(s): Enrollment in the iPAL Program
    Grading Method: Graded on a Pass/Unsatisfactory basis.
    Repeatability: May be repeated.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ARCH 7950 - Directed Research Study

    An optional opportunity for research in which MArch II students may engage. Allows graduate students to engage research activities to support their growing knowledge of architecture and architectural discourse. Informs and motivates possible interests that the students might pursue in their final year of study.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Completion of first year of the MArch II Program (or equal).

    Schedule of Classes

  • ARCH 8004 - Architectural History Topics

    Topics are available in a wide variety of subjects in architectural history and theory, in which students develop in-depth research, writing, and presentation skills. 

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Graduate standing
    Cross-listed Course(s): ARCH 5204  
    Repeatability: May be repeated for credit with change of topic.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ARCH 8050 - Architectural Elective: Connective Environments I

    Topics include: Computation, Theory, Representation, Making, Urbanism, and Technology. 

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Cross-listed Course(s): ARCH 6050  
    Repeatability: May be repeated for credit with change of topic.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ARCH 8211 - Studio Lab

    A studio approach to teaching topics in interaction design. Aspects of interaction design taught in the studio may include: gesture-based interaction, tangible interaction, large public display interaction, tabletop interaction, multi-touch tablet interaction, and human-robot interaction.

    Credit Hours: (4)
    Cross-listed Course(s): ARCH 7211  
    Repeatability: May be repeated with permission of Graduate Program Director.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ARCH 8607 - Digital Manufacturing and Robotics

    The use of digital manufacturing and robotics is quickly becoming an engrained part of design professions.  The understanding of how these machines function will become an essential component of an Architect’s understanding of how buildings can be manufactured both in-situ and in a factory. 

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Cross-listed Course(s): ARCH 5607  
    Repeatability: May be repeated for credit with permission of Graduate Program Director.

    Schedule of Classes

Art Education

  • ARTE 5121 - Teaching Art to Elementary Students

    Analysis of learning themes as related to growth and development in the visual arts; organization of tools, media and materials appropriate for the elementary level; curriculum design in planning art units and lessons, evaluation and motivation techniques.  A practicum of minimum 20 hours in an elementary setting is required where the student assists the teacher, tutors students, and practices teaching a minimum of two times.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Admission into Graduate Certificate in Teaching Art Education

    Schedule of Classes

  • ARTE 5122 - Teaching Art to Secondary Students

    Analysis of learning themes as related to growth and development in the visual arts; organization of tools, media and materials appropriate for the middle/secondary level; curriculum design in planning art units and lessons, assessment, classroom management and motivation techniques.  A practicum of minimum 20 hours in a secondary setting is required where the student assists the teacher, tutor students, and practices teaching a minimum of two times.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Admission into Graduate Certificate in Teaching Art Education

    Schedule of Classes

Athletic Training

  • ATRN 6100 - Acute and Emergency Care in Athletic Healthcare

    A comprehensive approach to acute and emergency care in athletic healthcare through lecture and laboratory activities in identification of risk factors, preparation of emergency plans, and recognition of emergency medical conditions.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Admission to MSAT program and current certification in either American Red Cross Professional Rescuer CPR or American Heart Association Basic Life Support for Healthcare Providers.

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