Sep 27, 2024  
Graduate Catalog | 2022-2023 
Graduate Catalog | 2022-2023 Previous Edition

Course Descriptions

Courses below are listed alphabetically by prefix.  To narrow your search, use the Course Filter box.  Additionally, when searching courses by Code or Number, an asterisk (*) can be used to return mass results. For instance a Code search of 6* can be entered, returning all 6000-level courses.  Click on a course to read its description.  Click on the link again to close the description box.

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Electrical and Computer Engineering

  • ECGR 5190 - Acoustics

    Vibrations and simple vibrating systems; radiating systems; plane waves of sound; dynamic analogies, microphones and other acoustic transducers; acoustic measurements. Credit will not be given for ECGR 5190 where credit has been given for ECGR 4122.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 3122 or equivalent.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 5191 - Analog and Digital Communication

    Analysis and transmission of signals, including analog communication systems (amplitude and frequency modulation); digital communications systems (pulse code modulation and data transmission systems). Credit will not be given for ECGR 5191 where credit has been given for ECGR 4123.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 3111 with a grade of C or above.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 5192 - Solid State Microelectronic Devices

    PN-junctions and Schottky junctions; bipolar and field effect transistors; optoelectronic and heterojunction devices; lithography and integrated circuits; microwave devices; light emitting devices and detectors; quantum devices using superlattices; quantum wells and quantum dots; material preparation and characterization; and measurement techniques. Credit will not be given for ECGR 5192 where credit has been given for ECGR 4134.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 3121 and ECGR 3133, or their equivalents.
    Cross-listed Course(s): OPTI 5392 .

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 5193 - Power System Analysis I

    Representation of power system components for analysis studies. Transmission line parameters. Network equations. Load flow analysis and numerical methods. Credit will not be given for ECGR 5193 where credit has been given for ECGR 4141.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 3142 or equivalent.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 5194 - Power System Analysis II

    Economic operation of power systems. Short circuit studies. Symmetrical components. Transient stability analysis. Credit will not be given for ECGR 5194 where credit has been given for ECGR 4142.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 4141 or equivalent.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 5195 - Electrical Machinery

    Advanced theory of transformers and rotating. Machines; harmonic and saturation effects on machine performance. Unbalanced operation and transient conditions. Credit will not be given for ECGR 5195 where credit has been given for ECGR 4143.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 3142 or equivalent.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 5196 - Introduction To Robotics

    Modeling of industrial robots including homogeneous transformations, kinematics, velocities, static forces, dynamics, computer animation of dynamic models, motion trajectory planning, and introduction to vision, sensors and actuators. Credit will not be given for ECGR 5196 where credit has been given for either ECGR 4161 or MEGR 4127.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 2103 or equivalent
    Cross-listed Course(s): MEGR 4127 and ENER 5196  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 5197 - Optical Communication

    Overview of optical fiber, signal degradation in fiber, optical source, optical detectors, optical receiver, optical transmitter, optical network, signal processing, and signal distribution through DWDM and DWDDM. This course also addresses the recent topics in optical communication and optical signal. Credit will not be given for ECGR 5197 where credit has been given for ECGR 4186.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 4125 or equivalent.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 5222 - Multidimensional Stochastic Signal Processing

    Review of probability, univariate and multivariate distribution functions, noise modeling, least-squares estimation, non-linear optimization, Markov chains, Bayes theorem; applications.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 3111 or permission of department.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 5231 - Optical Materials

    Overview of optical properties of semiconductors and dielectrics, optical waves in crystalline and periodic structures, optical nonlinearities and their applications in optical frequency conversions, and current topics in optical properties.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 4125 or equivalent.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 5261 - Microwave Circuit Design I

    Design and analysis of microwave devices and circuits; Telegrapher’s and wave equations; physical transmission lines; circuit analysis techniques; impedance matching techniques; Wilkinson power dividers, hybrid couplers, transformers, and filters.  Credit will not be given for ECGR 5261 where credit has been given for ECGR 4261.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 3122 or permission of department.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 5265 - Microwave Devices and Electronics

    Microwave transmission line theory, parameters, microwave waveguides, microstrip line and components including resonators, slow-wave structures, tees, rings, couplers, circulators, isolators, and microwave tubes. Microwave solid state electronics including microwave transistors, tunnel diodes, transferred electron devices, avalanche transittime devices, and mono-lattice microwave integrated circuits. Credit will not be given for ECGR 5265 where credit has been given for ECGR 4265.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 3122 and PHYS 2231, or their equivalents.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 5411 - Control Systems Theory I

    The fundamentals of modern multi-input-multi-output control systems and preliminary analysis of nonlinear systems via the method of linearization. Time domain analysis of control systems. Design of state-feedback controller via the method of pole-placements. Determining controllability and observability of linear systems. The design and compensation of control systems, Phase lead, lag controller synthesis, Nyquist Stability criterion and frequency domain responses. Credit will not be given for ECGR 5411 where credit has been given for ECGR 4111.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 3112 or equivalent with grade of C or above
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 4111

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 5412 - Principles of Digital Control Systems

    Introduction to digital control system principles including such topics as z-transform, Laplace transform, and starred transform analysis, pulse transfer functions, digital lag, digital lead, and digital PID controller design, closed-loop stability of digital control systems, and introduction to state-variable methods. Credit will not be given for ECGR 5412 where credit has been given for ECGR 4112.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 3111 or Graduate standing

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 5431 - Linear Integrated Electronics

    Design of linear integrated circuits utilizing bipolar and MOS devices. Application in linear amplifier design, control and processing of analog signals. Power supply regulators, analog switches, and active filters. Credit will not be given for ECGR 5431 where credit has been given for ECGR 4131.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 3132 or equivalent.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 5892 - Individualized Study

    Individual investigation and exposition of results.

    Credit Hours: (1 to 6)
    Repeatability: May be repeated for credit.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 6021 - Advanced Topics in EM and Applications

    Possible topics include: advanced boundary value problems; nonlinear magnetic materials; wave guides and resonant cavities; magnetohydrodynamics and plasmas; relativistic effects; charged particle dynamics; radiation. Credit will not be given for ECGR 6021 where credit has been given for ECGR 8021.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): Permission of department.
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 8021  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 6090 - Special Topics

    Directed study of current topics of special interest.

    Credit Hours: (1 to 6)
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 8090  
    Repeatability: May be repeated for credit.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 6101 - Advanced Computer Graphics

    A project-oriented course using and developing techniques of CAD/CAM graphics, hardware and software development. Advanced application of graphics in computer-aided systems design. Credit will not be given for ECGR 6101 where credit has been given for ECGR 8101.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 5103  and ECGR 5133 , or permission of department.
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 8101  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 6102 - Optimization of Engineering Designs

    The development of computationally feasible algorithms for solving optimization problems in engineering designs. Introduction to non-linear programming methods; study of constrained and unconstrained problems, linear programming problems and other related topics. Credit will not be given for ECGR 6102 where credit has been given for ECGR 8102.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 5101  or permission of department.
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 8102  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 6104 - Fabrication of Nanomaterials

    Lithographic methods (CVD, PVD, e-beam, ion beam, magnetron, evaporation, spin coating, mask fabrication, developing resists); microelectromechanical systems and nanoelectromechanical systems; limits of conventional mechanical processing, electroforming, growth mechanisms (organic, inorganic, thermal); powders. Credit will not be awarded for ECGR 6104 where credit has been awarded for ECGR 8104, MEGR 7104, or MEGR 8104.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): NANO 8101  or permission of instructor.
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 8104 , MEGR 7104 , and MEGR 8104 .

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 6111 - Linear Systems Theory

    Review of linear algebra, Linearization, LTI state-space models, matrix transfer functions,  state equation solutions  (uniqueness/existence), state transition matrices, stability criteria, observability, controllability, realizations, similarity transforms, canonical forms, state feedback by eigenvalue-placement, and observer design. Credit will not be given for ECGR 6111 where credit has been given for ECGR 8111.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 4111 or equivalent, and state space concepts and good understanding of linear algebra
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 8111  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 6112 - Digital Control Systems

    Time-domain and Z-domain analysis of linear discrete systems, open and closed loop sampled data systems, engineering characteristics of computer control systems, simulation of system dynamics. Credit will not be given for ECGR 6112 where credit has been given for ECGR 8112.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 6111  or permission of instructor.
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 8112  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 6114 - Digital Signal Processing II

    Discrete Hilbert Transforms, discrete random signals, effect of finite register length in digital and signal processing, speech processing, radar and other applications. Credit will not be given for ECGR 6114 where credit has been given for ECGR 8114.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): Permission of department.
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 8114  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 6115 - Optimal Control Theory

    Review of linear systems, optimal control problems in Lagrange and Mayer forms, Finite and infinite horizon Linear quadratic optimal control, Dynamic Programming and Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations, calculus of variations and Pontryagin’s optimality principle, advanced topics (e.g., stochastic optimal control, model predictive control).  Credit will not be given for ECGR 6115 where credit has been given for ECGR 8115.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 6111  or permission of instructor.
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 8115  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 6116 - Optimal Control Theory II

    A continuation of ECGR 6115  with emphasis on stochastic systems. Optimal filtering. Discrete-time Kalman filter and Kalman filter properties. Parameter identification. Multi-variable control systems, system sensitivity and robustness. Credit will not be given for ECGR 6116 where credit has been given for ECGR 8116.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 6115  or permission of department.
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 8116  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 6117 - Multivariable Controls

    Problem of robustness controls, emphasizing computer-oriented approaches; high infinity and algebraic methods current developments. Credit will not be given for ECGR 6117 where credit has been given for ECGR 8117.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 6111 .
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 8117  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 6118 - Applied Digital Image Processing

    Digital image fundamentals; comparison of image transforms including Fourier, Walsh, Hadamard and Cosine; image data compression techniques; image enhancement algorithms; image restoration; image encoding process; image segmentation and description; relationship of hardware restrictions to image fidelity. Credit will not be given for ECGR 6118 where credit has been given for ECGR 8118.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 8118  and ITCS 6134 .

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 6119 - Applied Artificial Intelligence

    The theory of machine intelligence. Computational methods for modeling machine intelligence including machine vision and automatic decision making from sensor measurements. Applications of this theory to autonomous robotic decision making such as navigation and industrial quality control. Credit will not be given for ECGR 6119 where credit has been given for ECGR 8119.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 8119  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 6120 - Wireless Communication and Networking

    The cellular concept: interference issues, cell layout and planning, control techniques, grade-of-service and system capacity; characteristics of the mobile radio channel and channel models; multiple access techniques in wireless: FDMA, TDMA, and CDMA; analog and digital cellular telephone standards; packet radio systems: description, medium access control, and routing issues. Credit will not be given for ECGR 6120 where credit has been given for ECGR 8120.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 8120  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 6121 - Advanced Theory of Communications I

    Statistical communications theory and modern communications systems emphasizing modulation and methods of taking into account the effects of noise on various systems. Credit will not be given for ECGR 6121 where credit has been given for ECGR 8121.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): Introductory probability course or permission of department.
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 8121  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 6122 - Advanced Theory of Communications II

    Continuation of ECGR 6121  including coding and decoding methods. Wave form communications. Applications. Credit will not be given for ECGR 6122 where credit has been given for ECGR 8122.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Graduate standing.
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 8122  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 6125 - Advanced Topics in Optical Engineering

    Overview of optical passive and active devices and discussion of current advances in optical technologies. Credit will not be given for ECGR 6125 where credit has been given for ECGR 8125.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 5125  or permission of department.
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 8125  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 6127 - Medical Signal Processing

    Fourier methods of medical signal processing. Physics of image formation for different medical imaging modalities including: planar x-ray, computerized tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging, and ultrasound. Signal processing techniques for image reconstruction, enhancement, and multimodal fusion. Credit will not be given ECGR 6127 where credit has been given for ECGR 8127.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 8127  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 6131 - Hybrid Microelectronics

    A project-oriented course involving design, bonding, interconnect and testing of a multidie hybrid microelectronics circuit. Emphasis placed upon use of I.C.’s of various technologies in these designs to optimize performance. Credit will not be given for ECGR 6131 where credit has been given for ECGR 8131.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 5132  or permission of department.
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 8131  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 6132 - Solid State Materials

    A review of semiconductor physics, bipolar and unipolar devices, photonic devices and methods of measuring specific device characteristics. Credit will not be given for ECGR 6132 where credit has been given for ECGR 8132.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 1242 and PHYS 2102, or equivalents
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 8132 , OPTI 6371 , OPTI 8371 , and PHYS 6271  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 6133 - MOS Physics and Technology

    The theoretical and practical aspects of the metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) system, its electrical properties, and the measurement and the technology for their control. These topics are developed from simple beginnings to the current state of the art. Credit will not be given for ECGR 6133 where credit has been given for ECGR 8133.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 6132  or permission of instructor.
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 8133  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 6138 - Physical Design of VSLI Systems

    Synthesis and design of high-speed VLSI circuits; state-of-the-art approaches for circuit simulation; models and techniques for VLSI physical design. Credit will not be given for ECGR 6138 where credit has been given for ECGR 8138.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 5133  or equivalent.
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 8138  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 6141 - Power System Relaying

    Function and principles of protective relaying instrument transformers. Directional, distance and differential relays. Protection of generators, transformers, and transmission lines. Ground fault protection. Computer relaying, algorithms for protective relaying. Credit will not be given for ECGR 6141 where credit has been given for ECGR 8141.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 4141 or permission of department.
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 8141  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 6142 - Voltage Transients and Surge Protection

    Overvoltages due to lightning and switching surges. Traveling waves on transmission lines. Surge arrestors, insulation coordination. Surge protection of transmission lines, substations and rotating machine. Shielding and grounding. Credit will not be given for ECGR 6142 where credit has been given for ECGR 8142.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 4141 or permission of department.
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 8142  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 6143 - Power System Control

    Computer functions for automatic control of power systems. Automatic generation control, regulation of frequency and tie-line power interchanges. Automatic voltage regulation, excitation system model. Power system dynamics. Computer control centers. Credit will not be given for ECGR 6143 where credit has been given for ECGR 8143.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 4142 and ECGR 4111, or their equivalents.
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 8143  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 6144 - Electric Power Distribution Systems I

    The fundamental principles of the electric power delivery system with emphasis on distribution systems. Examines three-phase unbalanced system and component models, distribution power flow analysis, and radial power flow techniques. Credit will not be given for ECGR 6144 where credit has been given for ECGR 8144.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Graduate standing and knowledge of fundamentals of power systems, or permission from the department.
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 8144  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 6145 - Electric Power Distribution Systems II

    Focuses on distribution automation and optimization methods applied to distribution systems operation and planning. Credit will not be given for ECGR 6145 where credit has been given for ECGR 8145.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Graduate standing, and knowledge of fundamentals of power systems.
    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 6144 ECGR 8144 , or permission of department.
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 8145  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 6146 - Advanced VHDL

    Continuation of ECGR 5146 . FPGA design with VHDL; VHDL modeling libraries and techniques, and VHDL coding methodology for efficient synthesized. Credit will not be given for ECGR 6146 where credit has been given for ECGR 8146.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 5146  or permission of department.
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 8146  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 6147 - Power System Stability and Control

    The fundamental principles of power system stability with emphasis on modern power grid. Examines various power system stability analyses starting from small signal stability, transient stability, voltage stability, and frequency stability. System dynamics based on various stability conditions and controller design are also discussed. Credit will not be given for ECGR 6147 where credit has been given for ECGR 8147.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Graduate standing and knowledge of fundamentals of power systems, or permission of department.
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 8147  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 6151 - Advanced Microelectronics Projects

    Project-oriented course for the advanced microelectronics student to pursue the testing and simulation at various levels (component, gate, cell and system), as well as the design of a significant VLSI implementation. Credit will not be given for ECGR 6151 where credit has been given for ECGR 8151.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 5133 .
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 8151  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 6156 - Application Specific Integrated Circuit Design

    Basic concepts, techniques and CAD tools in Application Specific IC Designs (ASIC); technology of ASIC circuits, method of design, CAD tools, and simulation and verification; practical aspects of design. Credit will not be given for ECGR 6156 where credit has been given for ECGR 8156.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 5133  or permission of department.
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 8156  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 6157 - CMOS Data Converters

    Advanced topics in VLSI CMOS data converters including Nyquist and Oversampled architectures. Includes a design project involving the design, system level modeling, circuit simulation, and layout of an analog-to-digital converter. Credit will not be given for ECGR 6157 where credit has been given for ECGR 8157.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 4132, ECGR 5132 , or equivalent.
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 8157  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 6171 - Simulation of Electronic Materials

    Tight-binding theory of periodic solids; bond orbital theory applied the linear and non-linear optical properties of insulators and semiconductors; calculation of vibrational spectra; Green’s Function methods for amorphous solids. Simulation of electrically active defeats in solids. Credit will not be given for ECGR 6171 where credit has been given for ECGR 8171.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): PHYS 6142 ; and PHYS 4271 or ECGR 4185; or permission of department.
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 8171  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 6173 - Power Quality

    Definitions of power quality, types of power quality problems; sources of sags, transient overvoltages and harmonics; distribution overcurrent protection methods and their effect on power quality and reliability; harmonic analysis, principles of controlling harmonics, devices for filtering harmonics; power quality improvement methods.  Credit will not be given for ECGR 6173 where credit has been given for ECGR 8173.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 4141, ECGR 5193 , or equivalent.
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 8173  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 6181 - Embedded Operating Systems

    Introduction to the fundamentals of embedded operating systems with an emphasis on real-time performance.  A series of labs provides students practical experience on bare metal programming, embedded Linux kernel configuration and initialization, boot loaders, kernel modules, device drivers, and interrupt handlers.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Pre- or Corequisite(s): ECGR 4101 or ECGR 5101 , graduate standing; or permission of instructor. 
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 8181  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 6182 - Advanced Embedded Operating Systems

    An advanced course in embedded operating systems. Lectures cover multiple advanced topics in operating systems. Labs involve developing code for different components of a fully functional operating system kernel.  Credit will not be given for ECGR 6182 where credit has been given for ECGR 8182 .

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 6181  
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 8182  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 6183 - Multiprocessor Systems Design

    Topics include: applications of multiprocessors to digital systems design; hardware/software tradeoff considerations; master/slave, multiple/master and loosely coupled systems; data handling and synchronization problems, networking. Credit will not be given for ECGR 6183 where credit has been given for ECGR 8183.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor.
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 8183  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 6184 - Computer System Engineering

    Topics include: data formats, register transfer operations, computer organization, microprogram control and ALU design. Arithmetic algorithms, I/O organization and memory organization are also covered. Specific emphasis is placed throughout on tradeoffs between hardware and software. Credit will not be given for ECGR 6184 where credit has been given for ECGR 8184.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 8184  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 6185 - Embedded Commercial Product Design

    An advanced course in embedded system design emphasizing the development of hardware sub-systems and software to create commercial products.  Architecture, software, and interface techniques.  This course is project-oriented, involving the use of software and hardware design tools. Credit will not be given for ECGR 6185 where credit has been given for ECGR 8185. 

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 4101 or ECGR 5101 
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 8185  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 6186 - Design for Testability

    Fault modeling; test generation using the D-algorithm, PODEM, and FAN; partitioning; scan design, built-in self-testing; testing of array logic; and fault tolerance. Project-oriented course involving the use of logic and fault simulation tools. Credit will not be given for ECGR 6186 where credit has been given for ECGR 8186.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 2181 or permission of department.
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 8186  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 6187 - Modeling and Analysis of Communication Networks

    Communication networks; application of analytical tools for modeling and performance evaluation of these networks, including stochastic processes, Markov models, queuing theory, and teletraffic theory. Credit will not be given for ECGR 6187 where credit has been given for ECGR 8187.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Probability theory or permission of department.
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 8187  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 6188 - Fundamentals of Wireless Systems and Protocols

    Provides an overview of different wireless and mobile network standards and systems. Covers the distinct characteristics of these wireless systems that require a fundamental redesign of protocols at layer 2 to layer 4 of the network protocol stack. Protocols for medium access control, routing, and reliable transport, in addition to middleware and applications custom-made for wireless networks will be dealt with. Credit will not be given for ECGR 6188 where credit has been given for ECGR 8188.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Graduate standing and a prior course in data communications or computer networks.
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 8188  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 6189 - Wireless Sensor Networks

    Provides the fundamental principles of wireless sensor networks with emphasis on networking protocols and information processing aspects. Reviews basic principles of multi-hop wireless networks and discuss the specific design challenges for the development of networking protocols and applications with wireless sensors. Students go through hands-on tutorials and design projects with programmable wireless sensors. Credit will not be given for ECGR 6189 where credit has been given for ECGR 8189.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Graduate standing and knowledge of (a) fundamentals of computer networking, (b) probability and random variables, and (c) C/C++ programming, or permission from the department.
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 8189  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 6190 - Smart Grid: Characteristics, Design, and Analysis

    The fundamental principles of the Smart Grid with emphasis on Grid modernization Analysis and design. Examines the design and integration of renewable energy resources to power grid, the impact of power system analysis in the context of smart grid, smart grid observability and controllability, Wide Area Monitoring and Control, Self-Healing network. Credit will not be given for ECGR 6190 where credit has been given for ECGR 8190.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Graduate standing and knowledge of fundamentals of power systems, or permission from the department.
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 8190  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 6197 - Power Electronics II

    Focuses on more advanced topics in power electronics. Topics include: converter modeling and control, advanced concepts in magnetic circuit design, gate and base drives, switching losses, resonant converters, zero-voltage and zero-current switching, utility-interfaced applications including FACTS, maximum power-point tracking, and power factor correction. Credit will not be given for ECGR 6197 where credit has been given for ECGR 8197.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Graduate standing, and knowledge of fundamentals of power electronics and basics of semiconductor physics.
    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 5144  or permission of department.
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 8197  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 6198 - Design of Renewable Energy Electromagnetic Devices

    Introduce modern and classical methods used by engineers to design renewable energy electromagnetic devices, specifically electromagnetic machines. Course separated into two main sections. The first section reviews electromagnetic field theory and introduce the theory behind the finite element method. The second section reviews the theory behind magnetic circuit modeling of electric machines. Emphasis placed on permanent magnet and induction machine design. Credit will not be given for ECGR 6198 where credit has been given for ECGR 8198.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Graduate standing and knowledge of (a) electric machines, (b) electromagnetic, and (c) programming, or permission of department.
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 8198  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 6199 - Dynamics and Control of AC Drives

    An advanced course focusing on studying the theory behind the control of ac drive systems. Topics include: coupled circuit modeling of ac machines, dynamic modeling of induction machines, power converter and converter modeling, the simulation of electric machines and drives, electric drive system control, steady state analysis with non-conventional sources, small signal dynamic response and doubly salient electric machines. Credit will not be given for ECGR 6199 where credit has been given for ECGR 8199.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Graduate standing and knowledge of (a) electric machines, (b) power electronics, and (c) programming, or permission of department.
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 8199  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 6261 - Advanced Topics in Laser Electronics

    Maxwell-Schrödinger analysis of interactions of light with atoms, Semiclassical laser equations, rate equation approximation. Effects of gain saturation, dispersion, spontaneous emission, and line broadening in laser amplifiers and oscillators. Laser power and frequency calculations. Relaxation oscillations, gain and loss switching, cavity-dumping, and mode-locking. Credit will not be given for ECGR 6261 where credit has been given for ECGR 8261.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 5165  or permission of instructor.
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 8261  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 6263 - Advanced Analog Integrated Circuit Design

    Design of low-noise preamplifiers, advanced operational amplifiers, and other analog CMOS circuits, including analysis of noise and DC mismatch, and design from weak through strong inversion. Includes a design project involving analysis and simulation. Credit will not be given for ECGR 6263 where credit has been given for ECGR 8263.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 4132, ECGR 5132 , or equivalent.
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 8263  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 6264 - Radio Frequency Design

    Design and analysis of radio frequency circuits and systems including S-parameters, impedance matching, noise, intermodulation distortion, image rejection, cascade analysis, and incorporation of these methods in the design of modern radio receivers and transmitters. Credit will not be given for ECGR 6264 where credit has been given for ECGR 8264.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Permission of department.
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 8264  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 6265 - Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic

    Topics include: Fuzzy sets, fuzzy logic, fuzzy logic control systems, applications of neural networks, structure adaptive neural network, applications, fuzzy integrated systems, neural networks based fuzzy systems, applications, neural fuzzy controllers, applications in control systems. Credit will not be given for ECGR 6265 where credit has been given for ECGR 8265.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 8265  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 6266 - Neural Networks Theory and Design

    Topics include: Neural network model and network architectures; single layers, multiple layers network, perceptron learning rules; supervised Hebbian learning; performance optimization; Widrow Hoff learning; backpropagation; associative learning; competitive learning; Grossberg network; Hopfield network; application of neural network. Credit will not be given for ECGR 6266 where credit has been given for ECGR 8266.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 8266  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 6437 - Mixed-Signal IC Design

    Design and analysis of mixed-signal integrated circuits and systems including amplifiers, digital circuits, analog-to-digital converters, voltage-controlled oscillators, integrated circuit layout, simulation, and fabrication using modern CAD tools. Students are expected to design, fabricate, and test a mixed-signal integrated circuit.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Permission of department.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 6890 - Individualized Study and Projects

    Individual investigation and exposition of results.

    Credit Hours: (1 to 6)
    Repeatability: May be repeated for credit.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 6990 - Industrial Internship

    Full- or part-time academic year internship in engineering complementary to the major course of studies and designed to allow theoretical and course-based practical learning to be applied in a supervised industrial experience. Each student’s program must be approved by their graduate program director. Requires a mid-term report and final report to be graded by the supervising faculty.

    Credit Hours: (1 to 3)
    Restriction(s): Completion of 9 credit hours of graduate coursework.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 6991 - Graduate Master Thesis Research

    Individual investigation culminating in the preparation and presentation of a thesis.

    Credit Hours: (6)
    Grading Method: Graded on a Satisfactory Progress/Unsatisfactory Progress or Standard Letter Grade basis each term.
    Repeatability: May be repeated for credit.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 8021 - Advanced Topics in EM and Applications

    Possible topics include: advanced boundary value problems; nonlinear magnetic materials; wave guides and resonant cavities; magnetohydrodynamics and plasmas; relativistic effects; charged particle dynamics; radiation.  Credit will not be given for ECGR 8021 where credit has been given for ECGR 6021.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Permission of department.
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 6021  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 8090 - Special Topics

    Directed study of current topics of special interest.

    Credit Hours: (1 to 6)
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 6090  
    Repeatability: May be repeated for credit.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 8101 - Advanced Computer Graphics

    A project-oriented course using and developing techniques of CAD/CAM graphics, hardware and software development.  Advanced application of graphics in computer-aided systems design. Credit will not be given for ECGR 8101 where credit has been given for ECGR 6101.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 5103  and ECGR 5133 , or permission of department.
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 6101  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 8102 - Optimization of Engineering Designs

    The development of computationally feasible algorithms for solving optimization problems in engineering designs. Introduction to non-linear programming methods; study of constrained and unconstrained problems, linear programming problems and other related topics. Credit will not be given for ECGR 8102 where credit has been given for ECGR 6102.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 5101  or permission of department.
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 6102  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 8104 - Fabrication of Nanomaterials

    Lithographic methods (CVD, PVD, e-beam, ion beam, magnetron, evaporation, spin coating, mask fabrication, developing resists); microelectromechanical systems and nanoelectromechanical systems; limits of conventional mechanical processing, electroforming, growth mechanisms (organic, inorganic, thermal); powders. Credit will not be given for ECGR 8104 where credit has been given for ECGR 6104, MEGR 7104, or MEGR 8104.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): NANO 8101  or permission of instructor.
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 6104 , MEGR 7104 , and MEGR 8104 .

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 8111 - Linear Systems Theory

    Review of linear algebra, Linearization, LTI state-space models, matrix transfer functions, state equation solutions (uniqueness/existence), state transition matrices, stability criteria, observability, controllability, realizations, similarity transforms, canonical forms, state feedback by eigenvalue-placement, and observer design. Credit will not be given for ECGR 8111 where credit has been given for ECGR 6111.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 4111 or equivalent, and state space concepts and good understanding of linear algebra. 
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 6111  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 8112 - Digital Control Systems

    Time-domain and Z-domain analysis of linear discrete systems, open and closed loop sampled data systems, engineering characteristics of computer control systems, simulation of system dynamics. Credit will not be given for ECGR 8112 where credit has been given for ECGR 6112.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 6111 , ECGR 8111 , or permission of instructor.
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 6112  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 8114 - Digital Signal Processing II

    Discrete Hilbert Transforms, discrete random signals, effect of finite register length in digital and signal processing, speech processing, radar and other applications. Credit will not be given for ECGR 8114 where credit has been given for ECGR 6114.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Permission of department.
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 6114  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 8115 - Optimal Control Theory

    Review of linear systems, optimal control problems in Lagrange and Mayer forms, Finite and infinite horizon Linear quadratic optimal control, Dynamic Programming and Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations, calculus of variations and Pontryagin’s optimality principle, advanced topics (e.g., stochastic optimal control, model predictive control).  Credit will not be given for ECGR 8115 where credit has been given for ECGR 6115.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 8111  or permisison of instructor.
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 6115  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 8116 - Optimal Control Theory II

    A continuation of ECGR 8115  with emphasis on stochastic systems.  Optimal filtering.  Discrete-time Kalman filter and Kalman filter properties.  Parameter identification.  Multi-variable control systems, system sensitivity and robustness. Credit will not be given for ECGR 8116 where credit has been given for ECGR 6116.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 6115 , ECGR 8115 , or permission of department.
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 6116  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 8117 - Multivariable Controls

    Problem of robustness controls, emphasizing computer-oriented approaches; high infinity and algebraic methods current developments. Credit will not be given for ECGR 8117 where credit has been given for ECGR 6117.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 6117  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 8118 - Applied Digital Image Processing

    Digital image fundamentals; comparison of image transforms including Fourier, Walsh, Hadamard and Cosine; image data compression techniques; image enhancement algorithms; image restoration; image encoding process; image segmentation and description; relationship of hardware restrictions to image fidelity. Credit will not be given for ECGR 8118 where credit has been given for ECGR 6118.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 6118  and ITCS 6134 .

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 8119 - Applied Artificial Intelligence

    The theory of machine intelligence. Computational methods for modeling machine intelligence including machine vision and automatic decision making from sensor measurements. Applications of this theory to autonomous robotic decision making such as navigation and industrial quality control. Credit will not be given for ECGR 8119 where credit has been given for ECGR 6119.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 6119  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 8120 - Wireless Communication and Networking

    The cellular concept: interference issues, cell layout and planning, control techniques, grade-of-service and system capacity; characteristics of the mobile radio channel and channel models; multiple access techniques in wireless: FDMA, TDMA, and CDMA; analog and digital cellular telephone standards; packet radio systems: description, medium access control, and routing issues. Credit will not be given for ECGR 8120 where credit has been given for ECGR 6120.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Graduate standing.
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 6120  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 8121 - Advanced Theory of Communications I

    Statistical communications theory and modern communications systems emphasizing modulation and methods of taking into account the effects of noise on various systems. Credit will not be given for ECGR 8121 where credit has been given for ECGR 6121.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 6121  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 8122 - Advanced Theory of Communications II

    Continuation of EECGR 8121 , including coding and decoding methods. Wave form communications. Applications. Credit will not be given for ECGR 8122 where credit has been given for ECGR 6122.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Graduate standing.
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 6122  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 8125 - Advanced Topics in Optical Engineering

    Overview of optical passive and active devices and discussion of current advances in optical technologies. Credit will not be given for ECGR 8125 where credit has been given for ECGR 6125.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 5125  or permission of department.
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 6125  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 8127 - Medical Signal Processing

    Fourier methods of medical signal processing. Physics of image formation for different medical imaging modalities including: planar x-ray, computerized tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging, and ultrasound. Signal processing techniques for image reconstruction, enhancement, and multimodal fusion. Credit will not be given for ECGR 8127 where credit has been given for ECGR 6127.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 6127  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 8131 - Hybrid Microelectronics

    A project-oriented course involving design, bonding, interconnect and testing of a multidie hybrid microelectronics circuit. Emphasis placed upon use of I.C.’s of various technologies in these designs to optimize performance. Credit will not be given for ECGR 8131 where credit has been given for ECGR 6131.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 5132  or permission of department.
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 6131  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 8132 - Solid State Materials

    The materials covered can be roughly divided into two parts: (I) the basic knowledge of solid state physics: Crystal Structure, Wave Diffraction and the Reciprocal Lattice, Crystal Binding and Elastic Constants, Phonons, Free Electron Fermi Gas, Energy Bands, Semiconductor Crystals, Fermi Surfaces and Metals (approximately the materials of Chapters 1-9 of Kittel’s book); (II) Selected application topics: such as Plasmons, Polaritons, and Polarons, Optical Processes and Exciton,  Dielectrics and Ferroelectrics, Surface and Interface Physics, Nanostructures (approximately the materials of Chapters 14-18 of Kittel’s book). The materials may be supplemented with and replaced by those from other sources.   Credit will not be given for ECGR 8132 where credit has been given for ECGR 6132.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 1242 and PHYS 2102, or equivalents
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 6132 , OPTI 6371 , OPTI 8371 , and PHYS 6271  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 8133 - MOS Physics and Technology

    The theoretical and practical aspects of the metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) system, its electrical properties, and the measurement and the technology for their control. These topics are developed from simple beginnings to the current state of the art. Credit will not be given for ECGR 8133 where credit has been given for ECGR 6133.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 6132 , ECGR 8132  or permission of department.
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 6133  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 8138 - Physical Design of VSLI Systems

    Synthesis and design of high-speed VLSI circuits; state-of-the-art approaches for circuit simulation; models and techniques for VLSI physical design. Credit will not be given for ECGR 8138 where credit has been given for ECGR 6138.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 5133  or equivalent.
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 6138 

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 8141 - Power System Relaying

    Function and principles of protective relaying instrument transformers. Directional, distance and differential relays. Protection of generators, transformers, and transmission lines. Ground fault protection. Computer relaying, algorithms for protective relaying. Credit will not be given for ECGR 8141 where credit has been given for ECGR 6141.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Permission of department.
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 6141  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 8142 - Voltage Transients and Surge Protection

    Overvoltages due to lightning and switching surges. Traveling waves on transmission lines. Surge arrestors, insulation coordination. Surge protection of transmission lines, substations and rotating machine. Shielding and grounding. Credit will not be given for ECGR 8142 where credit has been given for ECGR 6142.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Permission of department.
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 6142  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 8143 - Power System Control

    Computer functions for automatic control of power systems. Automatic generation control, regulation of frequency and tie-line power interchanges. Automatic voltage regulation, excitation system model. Power system dynamics. Computer control centers. Credit will not be given for ECGR 8143 where credit has been given for ECGR 6143.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 4142 and ECGR 4111, or their equivalents.
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 6143  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 8144 - Electric Power Distribution Systems I

    The fundamental principles of the electric power delivery system with emphasis on distribution systems. Examines three-phase unbalanced system and component models, distribution power flow analysis, and radial power flow techniques. Credit will not be given for ECGR 8144 where credit has been given for ECGR 6144.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Graduate standing and knowledge of fundamentals of power systems, or permission of department.
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 6144  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 8145 - Electric Power Distribution Systems II

    Focuses on distribution automation and optimization methods applied to distribution systems operation and planning. Credit will not be given for ECGR 8145 where credit has been given for ECGR 6145.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Graduate standing and knowledge of fundamentals of power systems, or permission of department.
    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 6144 , ECGR 8144 , or permission of department.
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 6145  

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 8146 - Advanced VHDL

    Continuation of ECGR 5146 . FPGA design with VHDL; VHDL modeling libraries and techniques, and VHDL coding methodology for efficient synthesized. Credit will not be given for ECGR 8146 where credit has been given for ECGR 6146.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 5146  or permission of department.
    Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 6146  

    Schedule of Classes


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