Feb 04, 2025  
Graduate Catalog | 2024-2025 
Graduate Catalog | 2024-2025

Guide to Reading Course Descriptions

Course Descriptions

Graduate Course descriptions provide the following information: 

  • Subject prefix
  • Course number
  • Course title
  • Credit hours assigned to the course
  • Any course with which the course may be cross-listed
  • Prerequisites and/or corequisites (if any)
  • Brief description of the course content
  • If a course is graded as Pass/Unsatisfactory rather than with a letter grade
  • Any restrictions on the number of times a course may be repeated\

Course Numbering System

Courses are identified by four-digit numbers.  The first digit indicates the level of the course: 

  • 5000-5999 = graduate courses with parallel undergraduate courses listed at the 4000 level
  • 6000-7999 = graduate certificate and master’s level courses
  • 8000-9999 = doctoral level courses

The following second digits designate special types of courses:

  • 0 = topics
  • 4 = internship, practica, clinical, and student teaching
  • 5 = cooperative education
  • 6 = seminars
  • 7 = honors
  • 8 = independent study
  • 9 = research-based, thesis, and dissertation research

Prerequisites and Corequisites

A prerequisite is a requirement that must be met (or a course that must be passed) before enrolling in a more advanced course.  A corequisite is a course which should be taken in the same semester as another. 

Cross-Listed Courses

A cross-listed course is a single course which is simultaneously listed in the schedule of course offerings by one or more academic departments. They share the same meeting times, room, instructor(s), and curriculum. Therefore, ideally, they should also have the same course title.  Students may only receive credit for the single section of the cross-listed course for which they are registered. Credit will not be awarded for a course where credit has been awarded for a cross-listed course.


Course descriptions and numbers are accurate at the time of publication of the Catalog.  For the most current information, please consult with the academic department or the Class Schedule.