Mar 08, 2025  
Graduate Catalog | 2022-2023 
Graduate Catalog | 2022-2023 Previous Edition

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ECGR 6115 - Optimal Control Theory

Review of linear systems, optimal control problems in Lagrange and Mayer forms, Finite and infinite horizon Linear quadratic optimal control, Dynamic Programming and Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations, calculus of variations and Pontryagin’s optimality principle, advanced topics (e.g., stochastic optimal control, model predictive control).  Credit will not be given for ECGR 6115 where credit has been given for ECGR 8115.

Credit Hours: (3)
Prerequisite(s): ECGR 6111  or permission of instructor.
Cross-listed Course(s): ECGR 8115  

Schedule of Classes

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