Mar 11, 2025  
Graduate Catalog | 2023-2024 
Graduate Catalog | 2023-2024 Previous Edition

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CHEM 6082 - Surfaces and Interfaces of Materials Chemistry

Theoretical basis, conceptual understanding and experimental investigations of the properties of surfaces and interfaces of various classes of materials will be presented. The content of this course will build from a rigorous derivation of the physical chemistry of surfaces and interfaces to a discussion of topical materials classes and specific materials properties.

Credit Hours: (3)
Prerequisite(s): Any three semesters of undergraduate calculus based mathematics (i.e., MATH 1241, MATH 1242, and MATH 2241) and an upper level undergraduate course in thermodynamics (i.e., CHEM 3142, PHYS 3151, or MEGR 3112) or permission of instructor.

Schedule of Classes

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