Sep 14, 2024  
Undergraduate Catalog | 2016-2017 
Undergraduate Catalog | 2016-2017 Previous Edition

Department of Music

The Department of Music provides a comprehensive education that produces artists, scholars, and educators who embody musical excellence and professional integrity. The curriculum stresses faculty-mentored individual studies in music while also emphasizing the benefits offered by a major research university. The city of Charlotte provides a vibrant cultural community that gives students numerous opportunities to experience, and even participate in, performances by resident professional ensembles such as the Charlotte Symphony Orchestra and Opera Carolina. The Department of Music itself hosts over 70 events every year, ranging from student concerts to lectures, masterclasses, and recitals by faculty members and other internationally recognized artists. Located in a state-of-the-art teaching and performance facility, the department offers majors and minors intensive professional programs in all wind, string, and percussion instruments, in addition to world-class studies in piano, voice, opera and musical theatre, choral music, and jazz. For more information, visit

A Major in Music offers students comprehensive training in education, performance, or liberal arts. Most music graduates move directly into the profession as teachers or performers, while others opt for advanced training in graduate programs or internships with professional organizations. A number of our alums have used their undergraduate training as a foundation for other professions, including medicine and law.

All students who wish to major or minor in music must audition and complete a series of placement examinations prior to acceptance (see the “Admissions” link at for details). Each student majoring in music, regardless of degree plan or concentration, is required to take private lessons (Applied Music), perform in an approved primary ensemble, and take Performance Class every semester enrolled.* For specific degree requirements, including those for the Sophomore Review and the appropriate culminating experience(s), please review the Department of Music Student Handbook.

*These requirements are not applicable for music education majors during the semester they are enrolled in Student Teaching.


    MajorsMinorsUndergraduate Certificates