Jul 27, 2024  
Undergraduate Catalog | 2017-2018 
Undergraduate Catalog | 2017-2018 Previous Edition

Art, Art Education Concentration, B.F.A.

The Department of Art and Art History offers a program of Art and Education courses to prepare students for K-12 Art Education licensure in North Carolina.  Students should contact the Arts Education Specialist as soon as possible for advising.  A decision later than freshman year to seek licensure may result in a delayed graduation date.  Forms for the degree requirements and licensure requirements are available in the department office or on the Department of Art and Art History website

Admission Requirements

Admission to the B.A. program is a two-step process that includes a completed application for admission to the University and, upon admittance to the University, a portfolio submission to the Department of Art and Art History.  Freshman or transfer students seeking admission to the B.A. degree program with or without K-12 Art Teacher Licensure must submit a completed application for Fall admission to the University by January 31 to be eligible to submit a portfolio for consideration during the Priority Review in mid-March.  Applicants who miss the previous deadline must submit a completed application for Fall admission to the University by March 1 to be eligible to submit a portfolio for consideration during the Space Available Review in mid-April.  For the most current deadlines, refer to the Undergraduate Admissions website at admissions.uncc.edu

Students seeking admission to this major must have a cumulative GPA of 2.5.  All studio students must apply for Art major status by submitting a portfolio of work to the department.  Portfolios are reviewed once per year in the Spring.  Students cannot take any studio course without having Art major status.  All studio students, even those seeking the B.F.A. degree, begin in the B.A. program.

The Department of Art and Art History will select students to admit directly to Art after the portfolio reviews.  Applicants who are not approved as Art majors after the portfolio review are asked to choose another major before enrollment.  Applicants seeking admission to the B.F.A. program work directly with the Department of Art and Art History to complete the application process after enrollment in the B.A. program.

Students interested in pursuing the B.F.A. in Art with a Concentration in Art Education must submit an entrance Portfolio the Spring semester before their anticipated start date in Fall.  The Portfolio consists of original works of art created by the student.  Specific guidelines about presentation, selection, and submission can be found online at art.uncc.edu.  Once a student passes their entrance Portfolio, they begin coursework in the B.A. in Art.  A second Portfolio is required during the Sophomore year to transition into the B.F.A. and the Application to Teacher Education is submitted to the College of Education.  After successfully completing both requirements, the concentration in Art Education is added and the student progresses with upper-level coursework. 

Degree Requirements

General Education Courses (37 credit hours)

For details on required courses, refer to the General Education program .  One Writing Intensive (W) course and the Oral Communications (O) course are fulfilled by courses in the major.

Students intending to earn either the B.F.A. in Art or the B.A. in Art should take three ARTB 120x courses, and one ARTH course (ARTH 1211 , ARTH 1212 , or ARTH 2110 ) in the first semester of their Freshman year.  All of the General Education courses should be organized around the Art requirements.  It is usually not possible to graduate in four years without taking this number of Art courses right away.  Prerequisite sequencing dictates the time to graduation, and all students should become thoroughly familiar with the course descriptions. 

Foreign Language Requirement (0-8 credit hours)

All students who earn a degree within the College of Arts + Architecture are required to demonstrate proficiency in the language of their choice through the 1202 level.  Proficiency can be demonstrated in one of the following ways:

  • Completing the required coursework at UNC Charlotte
  • Completing three years of the same foreign language in high school through level three
  • Achieving a satisfactory score on the foreign languages placement test (in Spanish, French, or German)
  • Through approved transfer or transient credit earned at other accredited institutions
  • A combination of the above methods (e.g., placing out of or earning transfer or transient credit for 1201 and completing the 1202 course, completing 1201 and placing out of or earning transfer or transient credit for 1202)

Major Courses (46 credit hours)

Studio Courses (24 credit hours)

BFA Portfolio Review Course (1 credit hour)


* Transfer students must take these courses at UNC Charlotte.

Degree Total = 127 Credit Hours

Academic Advising

All Art and Art History majors are required to meet with the Academic Advisor in the Department of Art and Art History each semester.  Students will not be able to register for any course at UNC Charlotte without attending the mandatory advising meetings. The Academic Advisor is available year-round.

Career mentoring in studio, art history, and art education is offered by individual faculty members who are active professionals in those areas of study. Contact is best done by email or telephone. Most professors are available for appointments from the first day of classes until the last day of classes each Fall and Spring semester.  Requirements for degrees and minors, as well as 4-year B.F.A. calendars, are available in the Department of Art and Art History office and online at art.uncc.edu.

Students seeking to confirm that General Education graduation requirements are met should use the automated CAPP Degree Evaluation system online in My UNC Charlotte.  Those seeking confirmation of Art requirements must contact the Academic Advisor.

Grade Requirements

Students must receive a grade of C or above in all courses applied to the major (a grade of B or above is required in ARTE 2100  for students in the Concentration in Art Education).  Students cannot advance to the next course in a sequence until a grade of C or above is earned in prerequisite courses (a grade of B or above is required in ARTE 2100  for students in the Concentration in Art Education).

Honors Program

For details about the Arts + Architecture Honors Program, visit the AAHP program page .

Suggested Curriculum

For the suggested course sequence toward completing the major, please see the Academic Plan of Study available online at academics.uncc.edu.  Consultation with an advisor is required each semester.

Transfer Credit

All transfer courses are automatically reviewed by the Office of Undergraduate Admissions.  Students seeking to appeal the official transfer designations for ARTx courses must provide the Department Academic Advisor with copies of the official course descriptions and a syllabus for each course requested for consideration.  Portfolios of creative work from each of the individual studio courses may also be required.