The Graduate Certificate in Teaching - Middle Grades and Secondary Education is a 16 credit hour program, including the graduate student teaching/internship experience plus any background content deficiency courses, designed for students who hold a bachelor’s degree. Upon successful completion of the Graduate Certificate, students are eligible for the North Carolina Standard Professional 1 (SP1) Professional Educator’s License. The program is designed for current (Residency Teachers) and aspiring middle and secondary school teachers of math, science, English language arts, social studies, and Career and Technical Education fields (Business, Marketing, and Technology).
The required courses for the Graduate Certificate are identical to Phase I of the M.A.T. Upon completion of the Graduate Certificate, qualified students have the option of continuing into Phase II to complete the M.A.T. Admission to the Graduate Certificate is separate and distinct from admission to a graduate degree program and not an indication of automatic admission to the M.A.T. degree program. For more information on this option, refer to the M.A.T. in Middle Grades and Secondary Education .
All courses for the Graduate Certificate must be completed within five years.