Undergraduate Catalog | 2022-2023 Previous Edition
Interdisciplinary Studies, Health & Medical Humanities Concentration, B.A.
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The B.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies offers concentrations in the following areas: Capitalism Studies, Health & Medical Humanities, and Women’s and Gender Studies. The program allows students to combine an interdisciplinary minor in one of these areas with in-depth coursework in a disciplinary department to create an individually designed major reflecting their own interests. Through a combination of interdisciplinary and disciplinary coursework, students gain a deeper understanding of these areas of study from multiple perspectives and develop competencies in oral and written communication, critical thinking, data analysis, teamwork, and leadership.
Admission Requirements
All students must meet UNC Charlotte requirements for admission for undergraduate students. In addition, students must have a 2.0 cumulative GPA unless it is the student’s first semester at UNC Charlotte and a cumulative GPA has not been established. General advising for prospective and newly declared majors will introduce students to the curriculum and degree requirements so as not to delay graduation or result in higher costs to students. Major Courses (36 credit hours)
Health & Medical Humanities Minor Courses (18 credit hours)
Introductory Course (3 credit hours)
Research Methods Course (3 credit hours)
Capstone/Practicum Course (3 credit hours)
Elective Courses (9 credit hours)
Select from the following. If selecting a Topics Course from the list of electives below (e.g., AFRS 2050, AMST 3050), prior approval for the topic is required by the Program Director of Health & Medical Humanities. - AFRS 2050 - Topics in Africana Studies (3) (Topics: Religion and Racism)
- AFRS 2170 - Introduction to Health and Environmental Issues in the Africana World (3)
- AFRS 2172 - Black Sexuality and Health (3)
- AFRS 3155 - Health and Healing in Africa (3)
- or HIST 3155 - Health and Healing in Africa (3)
- AFRS 3218 - Racial Violence, Colonial Times to Present (3)
- AFRS 3250 - African Americans and Health Communication (3)
- AFRS 3260 - Slavery, Racism, and Colonialism in the African Diaspora (3)
- AFRS 3261 - Psychology of the Black Experience (3)
- AFRS 3278 - Race in the History of Brazil (3)
- AFRS 3692 - Colloquium (3) (W)
- AFRS 4050 - Topics in Africana Studies (3)
- AFRS 4630 - Environmental and Public Health in Africa (3) (O)
- AFRS 4652 - Race, Health, and the African Diaspora (3) (W)
- AMST 2050 - Topics in American Studies (3) (Topics: Race in the U.S. and Latin America)
- AMST 3000 - Seminar in American Studies (3) (O,W) (Topics: Love to Love You Baby: The Sexual Revolution of the 1960s and 1970s; Difference in America; Southern Foodways; Back in the World: The Vietnam War in American Culture)
- AMST 3020 - Seminar in American Studies (3) (W) (Topics: Food in America; Ghosts in American Film and Culture)
- AMST 3050 - Topics in American Studies (3)
- ANTH 2020 - Topics in Cultural Anthropology (3) (Topics: Religion and Food)
- ANTH 2122 - Beliefs, Symbols, and Rituals (3)
- ANTH 2126 - World Population Problems (3) (W)
- ANTH 2127 - Environmental Anthropology (3)
- ANTH 2141 - Our Place in Nature: Introduction to Biological Anthropology (4)
- ANTH 2142 - Primate Behavioral Ecology (3)
- ANTH 2143 - The Fossil Evidence for Human Evolution (3)
- ANTH 2144 - Neanderthals and Us (3)
- ANTH 3050 - Topics in Archaeology (3) (Topics: Cemetery Studies)
- ANTH 3090 - Topics in Anthropology (1 to 3) (Topics: Anthropology of Childhood, Anthropology of Violence, Cemetery Studies, Human Osteology)
- ANTH 3122 - Culture, Health, and Disease (3) (W)
- ANTH 3125 - Food and Globalization (3)
- ANTH 3143 - Race and Anthropology (3)
- ANTH 3144 - Evolutionary Anthropology (3)
- ANTH 3145 - Anthropological Genetics (3)
- ANTH 3222 - Culture, Health, and Disease (3)
- ANTH 4090 - Topics in Anthropology (1 to 3)
- ANTH 4131 - Culture, Pregnancy, and Birth (3)
- ANTH 4140 - Field Biology of the Primates (3)
- ANTH 4141 - Forensic Anthropology (3)
- BIOL 1110 - Principles of Biology I (3)
- BIOL 1115 - Principles of Biology II (3)
- CHEM 1111 - Chemistry in Today’s Society (3)
- CJUS 3366 - Domestic Violence (3)
- CJUS 4340 - Seminar on Sexual Assault (3) (O)
- CJUS 4350 - Victims and the Criminal Justice System (3) (O)
- CJUS 4351 - Violence and the Violent Offender (3)
- CJUS 4360 - Drugs, Crime, and the Criminal Justice System (3)
- CJUS 4363 - Gender, Race, and Justice (3) (O)
- CJUS 4372 - Drug Analytics (3) (W)
- COMM 2107 - Interpersonal Communication (3)
- COMM 3051 - Topics in Health Communication (3) (Topics: Healthcare Narratives; End of Life Communication; Gender and Health; Media and Health; Health, Communication, and Marginal Communities; The Social Construction of Health and Illness)
- GRNT 3125 - Older Worker and Retirement (3)
- or PSYC 3125 - Older Worker and Retirement (3)
- or SOCY 3125 - Older Worker and Retirement (3)
- GRNT 3267 - Sociology of Dying, Death, and Bereavement (3)
- or SOCY 3267 - Sociology of Dying, Death, and Bereavement (3)
- GRNT 4260 - Women: Middle Age and Beyond (3)
- or HLTH 4260 - Women: Middle Age and Beyond (3)
- or WGST 4260 - Women: Middle Age and Beyond (3)
- HHUM 3020 - Topics in Health & Medical Humanities (3)
- HHUM 3030 - Health & Medical Humanities Study Abroad (3)
- HIST 2002 - Topics in Non-Western History (3) (Topics: Gender and Sexuality in Latin American History)
- HIST 2140 - Disease and Medicine in History (3)
- HIST 2170 - Latino/as in the United States, 1846 to Present (3)
- LTAM 2002 - Topics in Latin American Studies (3) (Topics: Gender and Sexuality in Latin American History)
- LTAM 2003 - Topics in Latin American Studies (3) (Topics: Arts and Literature: Race in the U.S. and Latin America)
- PHIL 1001 - Philosophy of Death and Dying (3)
- PHIL 3210 - Ethical Theory (3)
- PHIL 3230 - Healthcare Ethics (3)
- PHIL 3520 - Philosophy of Science (3)
- PHIL 3920 - Philosophy of Technology (3)
- PHIL 3930 - Philosophy of Body (3)
- PHIL 3990 - Topics and Identity/Society (3) (Topics: Ecofeminism; Philosophy of Sport)
- RELS 2000 - Topics in Religious Studies (1 to 3) (Topics: Religions and Food; Racism and Religion; Death and the Afterlife in Asian Religions)
- SOCY 2090 - Topics in Sociology (1 to 3) (Topics: Sociology of Gender)
- SOCY 2169 - Sociology of Health and Illness (3)
- SOCY 2171 - Social Problems (3)
- SOCY 3110 - American Minority Groups (3)
- SOCY 3132 - Sociology of Sport (3)
- SOCY 3261 - Human Sexuality (3)
- SPAN 3222 - Spanish for Medical and Healthcare (3)
- SPAN 4050 - Selected Topics in Spanish (1 to 3) (Topic: Medical Interpreting)
- WGST 2050 - Topics in Women’s Studies (1 to 3)
- WGST 2130 - Masculinity and Manhood (3)
- WGST 2160 - Introduction to LGBTQ+ Studies (3)
- WGST 3050 - Topics in Women’s Studies (3)
- WGST 3102 - Changing Realities of Women’s Lives (3) (W)
- WGST 3140 - Domestic Violence (3)
- WGST 3310 - Gender and Sexuality (3)
Disciplinary Depth Coursework (18 credit hours)
Select 18 credit hours in a disciplinary field of study that complements your concentration. This may be a minor in a disciplinary department, or an alternative course of study approved by the Director of Interdisciplinary Studies. A maximum of two courses (6 hours) from a student’s disciplinary depth coursework can count toward the electives in their Interdisciplinary Studies concentration, allowing completion of the major in 30 credit hours with proper planning. No more than two courses (6 hours) from another declared major can count toward the student’s Interdisciplinary Studies major. Unrestricted Elective Courses
As needed to complete the credit hours required for graduation. Degree Total = 120 Credit Hours
Grade Requirements
Students must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0 to continue in the major. |
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