Oct 18, 2024  
Undergraduate Catalog | 2024-2025 
Undergraduate Catalog | 2024-2025

Middle Grades Education, B.A.

Education qualifies graduates for the North Carolina Initial Professional License (IPL) in one of the following four content areas in grades 6-9:  English language arts, mathematics, science, or social studies. Graduates of the program are prepared to meet the North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards and the ten Interstate New Teachers Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC) Standards for new teachers in Content Pedagogy, Student Development, Diverse Learners, Multiple Instructional Strategies, Motivation and Management, Communication and Technology, Planning, Assessment, Reflective Practice, and School and Community Involvement.  Graduates have specific coursework and clinical experiences in a variety of settings in order to learn and apply evidence-based knowledge and practices in the field of adolescent development and middle grades education.

All program-level Admissions and Progression Requirements are in addition to the University of North Carolina at Charlotte Admission Requirements .

Admission Requirements (Pre-Education Foundational) (6-7 credit hours)

Freshmen and Transfers

Minimum criteria for Admission to the MDSK program:

Currently Enrolled Students

  • Declaration of Major:  The Middle Grades Education major is intended to be started in the second semester of Sophomore year. Students should plan to declare the major no later than the first semester of the Sophomore year.  Students must complete an “Application for Admission to a Teacher Education Program” in the Office of Teacher Education Advising and Licensure (TEAL) in the Cato College of Education.  Students must apply for admission to a specific teacher education program and complete the admissions process in order to enroll in any professional education courses at the 3000 level or above.

Degree Requirements

The Major in Middle Grades Education leading to the B.A. degree requires a minimum of 120-125 credit hours.

General Education Courses (31-32 credit hours)

These course requirements vary with a student’s academic concentration. In some concentrations, courses may count for both Gen Ed and the requirements of the concentration.

For details on required courses, refer to the General Education Program . Total hours to satisfy General Education Requirements may vary as some general education requirements may be double-counted in the major with departmental approval. Please see your advisor for information. Students in this major should plan on taking the following courses that meet general education requirements and also satisfy courses in the major:

Science Concentration

Select any two courses listed in the concentration to meet both Natural Science and concentration requirements.

Mathematics Concentration

Select the following to meet both Mathematics and Logical Reasoning and concentration requirements:

Core Courses (23 credit hours)

Select one of four academic concentrations to complete (Math, Science, English or History). Dual licensure in a second concentration is possible with additional concentration courses. Admission to Teacher Education and advisor approval are required in order to register for any of the following courses. 

Content Area Instruction and Assessment (3 credit hours)

Select one of the following sections of MDSK 4300  specific to concentration area (English, Science, Social Studies, Math).

Concentration Courses

History (24 credit hours)

Internship & Student Teaching (15 credit hours)

An internship and student teaching experience (MDLG 4440 ) are requirements for completion of the major. The internship must begin one semester prior to a candidate’s final student teaching semester. During the internship semester, students spend one day per week in an assigned classroom while completing coursework on campus.  Upon completing the internship semester, students complete full-time student teaching (MDLG 4440 ) in the same classroom during the final graduating semester for a total of 15 credit hours.

An application is required for admission to the internship and student teaching experience and must be completed in the semester prior to beginning the internship semester (see the Office of School and Community Partnerships website for application deadlines). Student teaching is required the last semester upon completing all other coursework required for the major. Student teaching requires the undergraduate advisor’s recommendation. See the Office of School and Community Partnerships website for more information.

Unrestricted Elective Courses

As needed to complete the credit hours required for graduation.

Degree Total = 120 Credit Hours

Progression Requirements

For a degree to be conferred, students must successfully complete all program requirements which include:

  • Minimum GPA of 2.7 to declare major
  • Minimum GPA of 2.5 must be maintained to remain enrolled.
  • Students should plan to take EDUC 1511  and SPED 2100  during Freshman Year.
  • Grades in professional education and concentration courses must be C or above.
  • Minimum overall GPA in professional education and concentration courses must be 2.75.
  • Students may repeat a professional course once.
Requirements for Licensure and Graduation
  • A grade of P in student teaching with recommendation from Cooperating Teacher, University Supervisor, and Principal
  • Passing score on edTPA is required for licensure and graduation

Admission to Upper Division

Minimum criteria for Admission to the MDSK program for all currently enrolled and transfer students:

  • See University Admission Requirements  
  • Completion of the following courses with a minimum grade of a C by the end of the semester of application:
    • EDUC 1100  - Foundations of Education and Diversity in Schools - Prospect Curriculum (4)
    • or EDUC 1511  - Public Education and Schooling in the U.S. (3 to 4) 
    • SPED 2100  - Exceptionality in Schools and Society (3) 
  • An overall GPA of 2.7
  • A passing score on the PRAXIS Core exam or acceptable alternatives (SAT or ACT scores)
  • 30 credit hours
  • Pass a criminal background check (completed at time of application in TEAL)
  • Signed Statement of Commitment to Professional Dispositions

Special Policies or Requirements

The successful completion of this degree program includes meeting the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction’s licensure requirements for certification.  Consequently, additional requirements must be completed during the student’s program and are listed below.  Since state licensure requirements often change, additional work may be required to complete the program with a teaching license.

Planning Sheet

All education students are tracked through their program with a Program Planning Sheet.  The original planning sheet is uploaded to the advising system and lists all courses taken, transfer hours, General Education and minor requirements met, and courses remaining in the program.  Note that the University requires that the minimum number of credits in a degree program is 120 credit hours.


Some courses in the professional program include a clinical requirement where students complete specific activities or designated hours in an appropriate setting.  Clinicals are designed to expose students to diverse school demographics, locations, and programs.

Academic Advising

The Middle Grades Education major has a very structured curriculum. Students who intend to major in Middle Grades Education are classified as Pre-Education majors in Middle Grades Education.  During the pre-education phase, students are advised by TEAL advisors regarding General Education and Academic Concentration courses to meet the requirements for admission to the Middle Grades Education major.

Upon completion of the education prerequisite courses, students apply for admission to the MDSK program as majors.  Upon admission to full-standing in the program, students are advised through the MDSK Advising Center where they plan the remainder of their program of studies. Current prospective candidates should reach out to Dr. Adam Myers for guidance.

Honors Program

For details about the Honors Program in Education, visit the program page .