Progression Requirements
GPA of 2.0 is required. Introductory language courses may not be taken on a Pass/No Credit Basis if they are being used to fulfill a college or departmental foreign language requirement. Students with a Foreign Language major or minor may not take required courses in the department on a Pass/No Credit Basis.
Teacher Licensure
The Department of Languages, Cultures, and Translation, in collaboration with the Department of Middle, Secondary, and K-12 Education, offers a program to prepare students for K-12 foreign language teacher licensure in North Carolina. Students seeking licensure to teach a foreign language (i.e., French, German, Japanese, or Spanish) must fulfill the General Education requirements, the foreign language major, and satisfy all teacher licensure requirements specified by the College of Education. Students planning to specialize in foreign language education should apply through the Coordinator for Foreign Language Education during the first semester of the Sophomore year to obtain appropriate advising. Licensure applications are the responsibility of the student and the Office of Teacher Education Advising and Licensure (TEAL) in the College of Education.