Admission Requirements
Current UNC Charlotte Undergraduate Students For further information, interested students should consult with the Department Honors Coordinator. Course Requirements (9 credit hours)
Experiential Learning Requirement (3 credit hours)
An internship, field school, or semester-long study abroad program approved by the Departmental Honors Coordinator. Progression Requirements
To graduate with honors in Anthropology, students must: - Satisfy all requirements for the B.A. degree with a major in Anthropology.
- Satisfy all general requirements for honors programs, as established in the document governing honors programs at UNC Charlotte.
- Complete at least 18 hours of the major at UNC Charlotte.
- Complete at least 3 hours of designated Honors courses. These courses may be taken in the University Honors program or in Anthropology or any other department (but not including ANTH 4701 or ANTH 4702 ). In practice, this means taking one course designated HONR, as well as the required anthropology courses.
- Maintain an overall GPA of at least 3.2 and a GPA of at least 3.5 in all Anthropology courses taken at UNC Charlotte.
- In addition to any Honors courses, also complete at least one of the following (or an alternative approved in advance by the Honors Coordinator in Anthropology):
- A semester-long study-abroad program approved by UNC Charlotte
- ANTH 4453 - Field Project in Archaeology
- ANTH 4480 - Internship in Anthropology
- ANTH 4482 - Teaching Internship in Anthropology
- Complete either ANTH 4701 or ANTH 4611 in the semester prior to taking ANTH 4702 .
- ANTH 4701 , Honors Research in Anthropology, is a 3-credit course during which the student plans and begins an independent research project. By the end of this course, the student will present a thesis proposal to the Anthropology honors committee. The thesis proposal will outline the research question, the basic theoretical background, and a plan of data collection for a thesis to be completed in ANTH 4702 .
- In exceptional cases, a student may use a paper prepared for another anthropology course as the preparation for further research to be completed in ANTH 4702 . In this case, the requirement for ANTH 4701 /ANTH 4611 will be waived by the Anthropology honors committee. The student must take responsibility for providing appropriate documentation to request waiver of this requirement. A student who wishes to take this route must submit the paper and a two-page proposal for continuation of the research by the end of the semester prior to taking ANTH 4702 .
- Complete ANTH 4702 by completing a senior thesis containing original research and demonstrating excellent scholarship. All students in ANTH 4702 will have an ad-hoc thesis committee consisting of three people, including the honors thesis chair, the Anthropology honors coordinator, and one other faculty member. The committee makes the final decision about whether or not to confer Honors designation and will so inform the chair of the department and the University Honors Council.
- Students must submit an official Application for Admission to Candidacy for all honors programs. There is a standard form for this. For students who are enrolled only for departmental Honors in Anthropology, the application for candidacy is approved by the student’s committee in the department, and then forwarded to the Honors College. The required date is usually Reading Day of each semester for graduation in the following semester. The form, instructions for students and for faculty, and the due date can be found on the website of the Honors College.
Upon completion of all program requirements above, the Honors notation will appear on the student’s official transcript. |