Admission Requirements
Current UNC Charlotte Undergraduate Students
See University Admission Requirements
Entry into the History Honors Program and/or its courses is by permission of the Director of Honors in the Department of History. Majors who have completed HIST 3600 with a grade of A, and who have a GPA of 3.5 in History and a 3.0 overall at the time of application are welcome to apply. The Honors Committee will consider applications of majors who received a B in HIST 3600 and/or have an overall and History GPA of 3.0 or above, upon recommendation of their HIST 3600 instructor.
Because HIST 4797 is taught only in the Fall semester, students must complete their application to the History Honors Program well before their expected graduation. For this reason, qualified students are urged to discuss the History Honors Program with the Department’s Honors Director early in their career.
New Transfer
See University Admission Requirements
Progression Requirements
To be awarded Honors in History, candidates must write an honors thesis of A quality (and thus a grade of A for HIST 4799 ) as judged by a committee of readers. In addition, the student must complete HIST 4797 and HIST 4799 with a 3.50 GPA or above, obtain a GPA of 3.50 or above in History courses, and an overall GPA of at least 3.0. Finally, students must formally apply and be approved for Honors Candidacy by the Honors College, a process which will be initiated as part of HIST 4797 .