What is Honors in Philosophy?
Philosophy majors may pursue Honors in Philosophy either in addition to or instead of University Honors. Honors in Philosophy includes a combination of GPA requirements, coursework, independent study, and a thesis project. Only students whose projects have been approved by both the department honors committee and the Honors College may graduate with honors.
Why do Honors in Philosophy?
There are two main benefits: (1) credentials on one’s official transcript (“Graduation with Honors”), and (2) the more important benefit of scholarly growth. Honors projects are basically practice for the more intensively researched, extensively written type of work students will need to do in graduate programs in philosophy and other humanities disciplines (such as literature, cultural studies, etc.). They are also excellent opportunities to develop a stellar writing sample for graduate school applications. Moreover, through intensive work with faculty, students will have the opportunity to both receive one-on-one mentorship (which often helps faculty write extra-detailed letters of recommendation).
All program-level Admissions and Progression Requirements are in addition to the University of North Carolina at Charlotte Admission Requirements .