Admission Requirements
Current UNC Charlotte Undergraduate Students
See University Admission Requirements
Global Studies majors are eligible to apply for departmental honors if they meet the following requirements:
Minimum 3.5 GPA in Global Studies courses
Minimum overall GPA of 3.25
Completed the International Experience requirement
Admission to the Honors Program is by permission of the Department of Global Studies. Eligible students should submit a letter of intent and one-page research proposal to the Director of Undergraduate Studies by Week 6 of the semester in which they are taking the Senior Seminar. The Director of Undergraduate Studies will review applications and determine admission to the Honors Program.
Course Requirements
In order to graduate with departmental honors, students must:
- Complete the course requirements for the Global Studies major
- Complete INTL 4601 by producing a detailed research proposal and literature review; this will serve as a prerequisite for advancement to INTL 4701
- Complete INTL 4701 by writing an original research/thesis paper focused on their major concentration and successfully defending the thesis before a three-person Honors Committee of Global Studies faculty
The Honors project should produce a final paper of at least 20-25 pages and address a well-defined problem or research question with the goal of developing greater understanding of a theoretical or practical global issue.
Students must formally apply for Honors Candidacy through the Honors College by Reading Day the semester prior to graduation.
Progression Requirements
In order to graduate with Honors in Global Studies, students must:
- Maintain a minimum GPA of 3.5 in the Global Studies major
- Maintain a minimum GPA of 3.25 overall
- Achieve a grade of A in INTL 4601
- Pass the thesis defense and achieve a grade of A in INTL 4701