Feb 14, 2025  
Undergraduate Catalog | 2015-2016 
Undergraduate Catalog | 2015-2016 Previous Edition

Architecture, B.A.

The undergraduate Bachelor of Arts in Architecture is a 4-year pre-professional foundation degree, which requires 128 credit hours. Students who wish to become registered architects must also earn a professional NAAB-accredited degree-either a 1-year Bachelor of Architecture (128+30 credit hours) or a 2-year Master of Architecture (128+60 credit hours). Information on the Master of Architecture degree program may be found in UNC Charlotte Graduate Catalog.

Degree Requirements

Core Program

All undergraduate students in the School of Architecture complete a three-year core sequence of courses designed to provide a solid understanding of fundamental issues, knowledge, and skills related to architecture. These courses include a series of coordinated design studios, skill-building seminars, a four-semester sequence of architectural history (three survey courses and one history topic elective), and four courses in building technology (one course in Architectural Materials, two courses in Structures, and one course in Environmental Systems Principles).  Students who do not intend to pursue an accredited professional degree (the BArch or MArch) may complete only the Core Program and earn a non-pre-professional version of the Bachelor of Arts in Architecture. This alternative allows greater academic flexibility for students to augment their architectural studies with coursework from other University departments, allowing double major or minor in other disciplines, or to prepare for graduate studies in related fields (such as planning, urban design, landscape architecture, or architectural history).

Advanced Program

Students who do not intend to pursue an accredited professional degree (the B.Arch. or M.Arch.) may complete the Advanced Program and earn a pre-professional version of the Bachelor of Arts in Architecture.  This presents opportunities for greater depth of inquiry, breadth of understanding and synthesis through advanced architectural design and electives.  In mostly, but not entirely, concentrated in the Fourth Year of study, the Advanced Program includes an intensive building design studio in which students learn advanced computing skills, various topical design studios in which faculty steer focused research agendas, as well as additional courses in technology, history, and other topics that engage contemporary architecture.  The following courses are not required for the B.A. in Architecture degree, but are required for subsequent accredited degrees, such as the Bachelor of Architecture (5th year) or the Master of Architecture at UNC Charlotte:

Degree Total = 128 Credit Hours

Grade Requirements

One grade of D in any studio is permissible.  A second grade of D or F in a subsequent studio requires repeating the course.  Successive D and/or F grades in a studio that is taken for a second time results in suspension from the Architecture program. 

To graduate with a Bachelor of Arts in Architecture degree, an overall GPA of 2.0 must be achieved in all courses offered by the School.

A student may not repeat an ARCH course more than once. Students are permitted one opportunity to repeat any architecture course. Earning a grade of F in the same course twice results in suspension from the Architecture program.

Suggested Curriculum

For a suggested curriculum for this degree to map out a path toward completing the major, please see the Academic Plan of Study available online at academics.uncc.edu.

Honors Program

For details about the Arts + Architecture Honors Program, visit the AAHP program page .