Jan 02, 2025  
Graduate Catalog | 2015-2016 
Graduate Catalog | 2015-2016 Previous Edition

Educational Leadership, Ed.D

The mission of the Department of Educational Leadership is to prepare educators as leaders. The Ed.D. in Educational Leadership is designed to prepare educational administrators who can assume mid-level and senior-level leadership positions in pre-collegiate educational or non-public school settings. The program includes two specializations, a school specialization with superintendent and curriculum/supervision foci, and a community specialization with adult and higher education and educational research foci.

Program Objectives

Graduates of the program are prepared to:

  1. Exhibit a broad understanding of their roles as educational leaders in the organizations they serve
  2. Demonstrate leadership competencies and skills necessary to accomplish the goals of complex organizations
  3. Interact successfully with the numerous institutions and interests that influence their organizations
  4. Understand theoretical concepts that undergird organizational theory and behavior, leadership,  social psychology, policy, educational administration, and research
  5. Address issues that face educational leaders, including resource acquisition and management; policy development and analysis; program management; community relations; curriculum development; and personnel selection, development, and evaluation

School Specialization

Superintendent Focus and Curriculum/Supervision Focus

The school specialization is designed to serve the needs of those interested in the study of issues regarding the administration of PK-12 public and private educational institutions. These students pursue careers as superintendents and senior level administrators. In addition to the program requirements regarding leadership experiences (see below), these prospective students must hold a Master of School Administration , Master of Education in Curriculum Supervision , Master of Education in Instructional Technology , or a comparable degree. These students must already have a valid “M” level certificate in an appropriate field. Appropriate PK-12 North Carolina licensure will be recommended at the completion of the program. A Superintendent Focus or Curriculum / Supervision Focus may be chosen by working with the advisor and selecting the appropriate courses and experiences.

Note to Students in School Specialization:

The Department of Educational Leadership follows the North Carolina Standards for Superintendents as approved by the State Board of Education, September 6, 2007. A complete copy of the standards and guidelines is available online at http://www.ncpublicschools.org/docs/effectivenessmodel/ncees/standards/superintendent-standards.pdf.

Community Specialization

Adult and Higher Education Focus and Educational Research Focus

The community specialization is designed for those interested in careers as senior level leaders in non-school settings, including higher education, adult education, and research. To ensure the effectiveness and competence of individuals in such positions, coursework within the program is comprised of foundational work in educational leadership, research, and a specialization area in adult and higher education or educational research. Prospective students should already have a Master’s degree in an appropriate and related field. They are neither required to hold North Carolina PK-12 licensure nor will any license or certificate be recommended upon graduation.

Additional Admission Requirements

School Specialization

In addition to the general requirements for admission to the Graduate School, applicants must have a master’s degree from an accredited institution. Candidates must have an entry-level license in educational administration or supervision; and they must have a minimum of three years of successful leadership experience, which may include the full-time internships. Applicants must also submit a personal essay of purpose; a description of their previous relevant employment, highlighting their leadership experiences in school-settings; and recommendations from school administrators and former university instructors.

Admission decisions are based on a comparison on of applicant profiles and are made by a departmental admissions committee that includes program faculty. Applicants with the highest profile rankings are invited to participate in interviews that are conducted by the Ed.D. Admissions Committee. It is designed to provide evidence of an applicant’s academic strength, leadership potential, and personal characteristics. Admission decisions are based not only on the comparative profiles of all applicants, but also on the commitment of the Admissions Committee to achieve diversity among the students admitted in each year’s cohort group. Admission decisions are made in the Spring and Fall prior to each semester.

Community Specialization

In addition to the general requirements for admission to the Graduate School, applicants must have a master’s degree from an accredited institution. Applicants should have a minimum of three years of documented successful work-related experience. The applicant should provide a statement of purpose, description of previous relevant employment, and the nature of previous educational experiences in the essay. Recommendations from employers and former University instructors are required.

Admission decisions are competitive. These decisions are made by a departmental admissions committee that includes program faculty. Applicants with the highest profile rankings are invited to participate in interviews that are conducted by the Ed.D. Admissions Committee. The interview is designed to provide evidence of an applicant’s academic strength, leadership potential, and personal characteristics. Decisions are based not only on the comparative profiles of all applicants, but also on the commitment of the Admissions Committee to achieve diversity among the students admitted each year. Admission decisions are made in the Spring and Fall prior to each semester.

Degree Requirements

The Ed.D. program consists of a minimum of 60 credit hours beyond the master’s degree:

Specialization Courses (33 credit hours)

Select 33 credit hours of foundations and/or specialization coursework which includes one of the following areas of focus: Educational Leadership/Superintendency; Curriculum and Supervision; Adult and Higher Education; or Educational Research.

Community Specialization - Adult and Higher Education or Educational Research

Elective Courses (6 credit hours)

Elective courses must be at the 8000 level and offered within the University. Permission of the department offering the course and approval by the student’s advisor and doctoral coordinator are required.

Dissertation Proposal Design (3 credit hours)

Dissertation (6 credit hours)

Students continue to enroll in dissertation study a minimum of 6 credit hours until completion of the degree.


All students (in the School Specialization) seeking licensure are required to complete an internship or practicum in a K-12 school district. The internship is based upon identified objectives and organizational areas within the school system of the internship assignment. Students are also required to complete a project based upon a current educational leadership topic related to student achievement. Community Specialization students may choose to include a practicum in their course of studies.


Doctoral students will have the benefit of three phases of advising as they pursue their degree.

Phase l

The doctoral coordinator or an assigned faculty member serves as the “temporary advisor” when students enter the program. During this phase, the advisor plans a course of study with students during the initial stages of the program. A Program Planning Sheet is used to document tentative plans for projected coursework. The planning sheet should be kept by the student and a copy should be provided to the advisor.

Phase 2

By the end of the first year of the program, students select a “program advisor” to serve as a guide through the completion of the coursework. This person also serves as the coordinator of the process to complete the Qualifying Examination. This advisor also helps the student identify faculty whose research interests and expertise are congruent with the student’s probable area of inquiry for the dissertation. This advisor in consultation of the student has the responsibility for creating a “doctoral committee” that is made up of the faculty who prepares and evaluates the written and oral comprehensive qualifying exam. (See Qualifying Examination section.)

The responsibility of the doctoral committee members includes:

  1. the approval of the student’s course of study;
  2. approval of the dissertation proposal; and
  3. evaluation of the final dissertation and oral defense.

Phase 3

Upon successful completion of the Qualifying Examinations, students are recommended for admission to candidacy. They may then select a “dissertation advisor” and a dissertation committee and complete a “Change of Advisor Form” if  needed. These committee members are appointed to serve on the committee with mutual consent between the student and each faculty member. The committee consists of four members of the Graduate Faculty: the Chairperson and two other members from the Department and one member appointed by the Graduate School from outside the Department of Educational Leadership.

The purpose of this process is to provide students with an opportunity to develop a direct working relationship with several faculty members. At the same time, it provides an individualized and personalized approach to the advising process. For example, some students may choose to keep the same faculty member to serve as both the program advisor and the dissertation advisor. Likewise, the doctoral committee and the dissertation committee could include some or all of the same faculty.

Qualifying Examination

Students are required to successfully pass a written and oral examination. The examination is based upon the core areas of the respective specializations.


Students must complete and defend a dissertation focused on a specific problem or question relevant to their specialization. Students must be continually enrolled in ADMN 8999  (Fall, Spring, and Summer) for dissertation research credit, beginning with the semester following completion of the comprehensive examination and continuing through the semester of their graduation. Defense of their dissertation is conducted in a final oral examination that is open to members of the University community.

Application for Degree and Application for Candidacy

Students may submit an Application for Degree and an Application for Candidacy during the semester in which they successfully defend their dissertation proposal. Adherence to Graduate School deadlines is expected. Degree requirements are completed when a student successfully defends the dissertation and files the final copy of the dissertation in the Graduate School.

Program Certification/Accreditations

  • National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE)
  • North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI)