Oct 17, 2024  
Graduate Catalog | 2015-2016 
Graduate Catalog | 2015-2016 Previous Edition

Teaching: Elementary Education, Graduate Certificate

The Graduate Certificate in Teaching: Elementary Education is a 27 credit hour program designed for students who hold a bachelor’s degree. Upon successful completion of the Graduate Certificate, students are eligible for the North Carolina Standard Professional I teaching license.

The required courses for the Graduate Certificate are identical to Phase I of the M.A.T. Upon completion of the Graduate Certificate, qualified students have the option of continuing into Phase II to complete the M.A.T. Admission to the Graduate Certificate is separate and distinct from admission to a graduate degree program and not an indication of automatic admission to the M.A.T. degree program. For more information on this option, refer to the M.A.T. section above.

All courses for the Graduate Certificate must be completed within four years.

General Requirements for Admission to the Graduate School

Please refer to admission information in the Graduate School section.

Admission Requirements for all Graduate Certificates in Teaching Programs

  1. An undergraduate degree from a regionally accredited four-year institution
  2. A cumulative undergraduate GPA of 3.0. [For alternative ways to demonstrate academic competence, contact the Office of Teacher Education Advising, Licensure, and Recruitment (TEALR)]
  3. Three recommendations from persons knowledgeable of your interaction with children or youth
  4. Statement of purpose
  5. Clear criminal background check
  6. Apply online at graduateschool.uncc.edu


*Must be taken in the final semester for the initial licensure program. Can be taken with ELED 5400 .
**May substitute ELED 6255  for ELED 5301 

Admission to Candidacy

The Candidacy form supplied by the Graduate School must be received no later than the eighth instructional day of the semester in which completion of all program requirements is expected.

Application for Graduation

The Application for Graduation supplied by the Graduate School must be submitted early in the semester in which completion of all program requirements is expected.

Clinical Field Experiences

All courses require students to develop their knowledge, skills, and dispositions in public school/agency settings. During the Graduate Certificate in Elementary Education program, all students are expected to complete clinical experiences
in at least three significantly different settings.

Clinical field experiences provide opportunities for helping all students learn, including children with exceptionalities and students from diverse ethnic/racial, linguistic, gender, and socioeconomic groups. During clinical experiences, students apply theories and understandings gained in coursework, analyze K-6 student learning, and develop the ability to positively impact all learners. Each course in the program requires 20 clinical hours. These structured experiences can take place in multiple settings such as neighboring schools or districts, after-school programs, or in the schools and classrooms in which the candidates work.

Candidates who are lateral entry teachers and teacher assistants must move beyond their own classrooms and schools for at least two clinical experiences. Alternative settings must be approved by the instructor. A limited number of clinical experiences may be approved in significantly different classrooms within their school of employment. Employed candidates are encouraged to seek assistance and support from their administrators.

Internship/Student Teaching

The graduate-level student teaching/internship is the culminating experience of the Graduate Certificate program, offering students the opportunity to demonstrate their readiness for the initial Standard Professional I teaching license. A GPA of 3.0 or above in the graduate certificate coursework is required to be eligible for the student teaching/internship. Students are assigned to an appropriate classroom for a full-time, semester-long experience under the supervision of the classroom teacher and University faculty. Lateral entry teachers and teacher assistants must contact the Office of Field Experiences to determine the appropriateness of their classroom for the student teaching/internship experience and licensure requirements. This contact should take place at least one semester before student teaching. The prerequisite for the student teaching/internship is completion of all program coursework, a GPA of 3.0 or above, an application for the course by the established deadline, and approval of the department.


All students are assigned an advisor upon formal admission to the program. Students should consult with their advisors at least once each semester.


Upon successful completion of the Phase I/Graduate Certificate, students will be recommended for the North Carolina Standard Professional I teaching license. For this license, students are required to complete an electronic licensure portfolio that is created during coursework and student teaching.

Financial Aid/ Financial Assistance

Information is available from the Office of Teacher Education Advising, Licensure, and Recruitment (TEALR). See tealr.uncc.edu for details. Additional information is available from the Office of Student Financial Aid at finaid.uncc.edu.

Program Approval

All teacher education programs at UNC Charlotte are accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education. The Graduate Certificate in Elementary Education has been approved by North Carolina State Board of Education.