Sep 26, 2024  
Undergraduate Catalog | 2015-2016 
Undergraduate Catalog | 2015-2016 Previous Edition

Course Descriptions

Courses below are listed alphabetically by prefix.  To narrow your search, use the Course Filter box.  Click on a course to read its description.  Click on the link again to close the description box.

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  • PSYC 2101 - Research Methodology I

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Experimental, observational, and correlational methods of psychological research. Basic concepts of philosophy of science are also discussed. A grade of C or above must be earned to continue in the Psychology major.

    Prerequisite(s): Psychology major; and PSYC 1101  and STAT 1220 , STAT 1221 , or STAT 1222  with grades of C or above.

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 2103 - Research Methodology II

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Hands-on experience with experimental, observational, and correlational methods of psychological research. Communicating research results using APA Style is a major component of the course. Emphasis on methodology rather than content and applicability of methods to current topics in psychology. A grade of C or above must be earned within two attempts to continue in the Psychology major.

    Prerequisite(s): Psychology major; and PSYC 1101 ; PSYC 2101 ; and STAT 1220 , STAT 1221 , or STAT 1222 ; all with grades of C or above within two attempts.
    Other Requirements Satisfied: General Education - Writing in the Disciplines (W)

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 2110 - Introduction to Comparative Psychology

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Animal and human behavior from a comparative point of view. Includes the study of methodology, and classification of behavior patterns, as well as the origin of these patterns.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 1101  with grade of C or above.

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 2112 - Introduction to Behavior Modification

    Credit Hours: (4)

    Methods and constructs of behavior modification, including the application of the methods to laboratory research.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 1101  with grade of C or above.
    Hours of Lecture and/or Lab per week: Three lecture hours and one two-hour laboratory period a week.

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 2113 - Introduction to Brain and Behavior

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Physiological psychology, biopsychology, and neuroscience are rapidly expanding fields of scientific research. Reviews basic knowledge about how the brain works and applies this knowledge to basic behaviors. An introductory class that begins to link biology to psychology via examination of the biological underpinning of behavior.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 1101  with grade of C or above.

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 2120 - Child Psychology

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Psychological development in infancy and childhood, including such topics as biological change, learning, thought, language, social relations, intelligence, and morality.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 1101  with grade of C or above.

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 2121 - Adolescent Psychology

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Developmental and psychological characteristics of adolescents, with emphasis on the developmental transitions, social contexts, and problems of adolescence.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 1101  with grade of C or above.

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 2124 - Psychology of Adult Development and Aging

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Psychological development through adulthood and old age. Emphasis on processes underlying continuity and change in adulthood, including personality and socialization, cognitive development, and the psychophysiology of aging.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 1101  with grade of C or above.
    Cross-listed as: GRNT 2124 .

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 2126 - Introduction to the Psychology of Women and Gender

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Application of research in developmental, experimental, and clinical psychology to issues regarding women and gender. Topics include: gender-role development, gender differences in cognitive abilities and performance, psychological perspectives on women’s physical and mental health, and violence toward women.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 1101  with grade of C or above.
    Cross-listed as: WGST 3226 .

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 2130 - Introduction to Social Psychology

    Credit Hours: (3)

    The social behavior of individuals. Topics include: interpersonal attraction and relationship development; attitude change; social conflict; social interaction; social perception; and social influence processes; general theories of social behavior; and research approaches.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 1101  with grade of C or above.

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 2131 - Introduction to Forensic Psychology

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Overview of the field of forensic psychology, including the history of the discipline, and legal and ethical issues such as criminal profiling, definition of “insanity,” eyewitness identification, and jury selection.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 1101  with grade of C or above.

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 2137 - Introduction to Positive Psychology

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Examines the principal concepts, applications, and research paradigms of positive psychology in reference to various contexts such as everyday people, cross-cultural perspectives, adjustment to chronic illness, surviving natural disasters, terrorist attacks, and civil war.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 1101  with grade of C or above.

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 2150 - Psychology of Adjustment

    Credit Hours: (3)

    The study of the process of adjustment and factors that may influence adaptation. Consideration is given to psychological reactions to critical problems encountered in modern life. Introduction to different approaches to intervention and treatment.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 1101  with grade of C or above.

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 2151 - Introduction to Abnormal Psychology

    Credit Hours: (3)

    A history of psychopathology. Case studies, differential diagnosis, psychological dynamics of abnormal behavior, including theoretical, clinical, and experimental contributions in the field.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 1101  with grade of C or above.

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 2155 - Psychological Approaches to Diversity

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Examines processes and consequences of stereotyping of different cultures and demographic subgroups (e.g., disabled and racial/ethnic groups) and their social implications.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 1101  with grade of C or above.

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 2160 - Introduction to Health Psychology

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Introduction to the contributions of the discipline of psychology to the promotion and maintenance of health, the prevention and treatment of illness, and the improvement of the healthcare system. Topics include: the role of stress and physiological factors in illness, chronic pain disorders and pain management, lifestyle and psychosocial influences on health, and the influence of illness of interpersonal relationships.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 1101  with grade of C or above.

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 2165 - Introduction to Community Psychology

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Social forces, particularly within the context of organizations and/or communities, that affect the development of psychopathology and/or personal competency, with emphasis on preventing psychopathology and increasing competency. Topics include: the concept of prevention; assessment of organizations, communities, and other environments; methods of instituting organizational and community change; evaluating the effects of community interventions; social policy analysis; and ethical issues involved in community work.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 1101  with grade of C or above.

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 2171 - Introduction to Industrial/Organizational Psychology

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Study of people at work; what motivates people to work and what leads to satisfaction, alienation, or performance; how to lead others; the structure of an organization and processes of communication, decision making, and conflict; socialization through selection and training; measurement of individual contributions; the design of work itself; ways to change; and develop entire organizations.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 1101  with grade of C or above.

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 3001 - Topics in Psychology

    Credit Hours: (1-3)

    Examination of special psychological topics. May be repeated for credit with change of topic.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 1101  with grade of C or above and permission of instructor (depending on topic).

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 3002 - Topics in Psychological Research

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Examination of special psychological topics.  Preparation of one or more APA-style research papers required. May be repeated for credit with change of topic.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 1101 , PSYC 2101 , and PSYC 2103  with grades of C or above, or permission of instructor.
    Other Requirements Satisfied: General Education - Writing in the Disciplines (W)

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 3111 - Psychology of Learning

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Major theories and empirical findings in the area of learning.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 1101  and PSYC 2113  with grades of C or above. (PSYC 2103  is also strongly recommended.)

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 3113 - Physiological Psychology

    Credit Hours: (3)

    The relationship of physiological systems to integrated behavior and an introduction to brain-behavior relationships. Emphasis on neural regulation of behavior.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 1101 , PSYC 2101 , and PSYC 2113  with grades of C or above.

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 3114 - Motivation

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Current theories and research in the area of motivation. Consideration is given to the role of emotion in human motives.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 1101  and PSYC 2101  with grades of C or above.

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 3115 - Sensation and Perception

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Introduction to the sensory and perceptual processes that provide the means to experience and make sense of the physical world in which we live. Topics include: discussions of how sensory data are acquired, processed, and interpreted.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 1101  and PSYC 2113  with grades of C or above, or permission of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 3116 - Human Cognitive Processes

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Processes involved in such complex human behaviors as language (acquisition and usage), memory, and problem solving, with emphasis upon experimental findings and current theories.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 1101  and PSYC 2113  with grades of C or above, or permission of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 3117 - Hereditary Behavior

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Genetic and environmental contributions to behavior and psychological processes. History of the nature/nurture issue in psychology; animal and human research methods; statistical analysis of behavior-genetic data; and the heritability of learning ability, intelligence, personality, and psychopathology.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 1101  and PSYC 2113  with grades of C or above.

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 3118 - Research Methods in Physiological Psychology

    Credit Hours: (4)

    Current laboratory techniques in physiological psychology, including basic surgeries, lesioning, stimulation, recording, and histology.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 1101 , PSYC 2101 , PSYC 2103 , and PSYC 2113  with grades of C or above, or permission of instructor.
    Hours of Lecture and/or Lab per week: Three lecture hours and one two-hour laboratory period a week.

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 3122 - Cognitive and Language Development

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Theory and research on the development of thought and language in children, including such topics as theories of cognitive development, the development of perception, representation of knowledge, memory, language, and problem solving.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 1101 ; and PSYC 2113  or PSYC 2120 ; with grades of C or above.

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 3123 - Social and Personality Development

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Social and personality development of children, including such topics as infant social behavior, socialization practices, independence and achievement, aggression, sex-role development, and moral development.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 1101 ; and PSYC 2130  or PSYC 3135 ; with grades of C or above.

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 3125 - Older Worker and Retirement

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Physical characteristics, personal attitudes, and structural factors affecting the employment of persons over 40. Topics include: biological aging, myths and stereotypes about older workers, public policies, human resources practices, economics of retirement, and theories about career and life stages.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 2171  or permission of instructor.
    Other Requirements Satisfied: General Education - Writing in the Disciplines (W)

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 3135 - Psychology of Personality

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Current personality theories. Consideration given to psychoanalytic, physiological, trait and factor, the perceptual viewpoints in the light of contemporary research.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 1101  and PSYC 2101  with grades of C or above.

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 3136 - Sexual Behavior

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Explores the psychology of sexual behavior, including providing an overview of the major psychological theories, providing an understanding of the psychological factors that affect human sexual behavior, and examining current issues and controversies related to sexuality such as sexual dysfunction and sexual offenses.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 1101  and PSYC 2113  with grades of C or above.

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 3140 - Basic Processes in Psychological Assessment

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Psychological testing, including scaling procedures, reliability and validity, correlational techniques used in test construction, a review of various kinds of psychological tests, and basic approaches to test interpretation.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 1101 , PSYC 2101 , and PSYC 2103 ; and STAT 1220 , STAT 1221 , or STAT 1222 ; all with grades of C or above.

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 3152 - Child Psychopathology

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Principles of classification, assessment and treatment of children and adolescents who display deviant affective, cognitive, and social behavior.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 1101 , PSYC 2120 , and PSYC 2151 , all with grades of C or above.

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 3153 - Introduction to Clinical Psychology

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Overview of the field of clinical psychology, including the theory and practice of discipline.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 1101  and PSYC 2151  with grades of C or above.

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 3172 - Psychology of Personnel: Employee Selection and Classification

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Methods, techniques, and procedures used to select and classify employees.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 2171  or permission of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 3173 - Psychological Bases of Training Programs

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Application of alternative theories about adult learning to the development and conduct of training programs in industry. Topics include: how to develop training needs, a description of methods available to trainers such as programmed instruction and sensitivity training, and how to evaluate the effects of various training techniques.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 1101  and PSYC 2171 , both with grade of C or above, or permission of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 3174 - Organizational Psychology

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Application of psychological principles to group and organizational levels of analysis, with emphasis on work teams and business organizations. Topics include: group dynamics, teams and empowerment, organizational culture and diversity, and organization development and change.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 2171  with grade of C or above.

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 3216 - Introduction to Cognitive Science

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Interdisciplinary introduction to the science of the mind. Broad coverage of such topics as philosophy of mind; human memory processes; reasoning and problem solving; artificial intelligence; language processing (human and machine); neural structures and processes; and vision.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 2113  with grade of C or above or permission of department.
    Cross-listed as: ITCS 3216 .

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 3313 - Neuropsychology

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Brain function and behavior, especially in individuals believed to be brain damaged (e.g., by stroke, Alzheimer’s, or head injury); general principles of brain function and of human neuropsychology, including higher functions (e.g., memory and language); and neuropsychological assessment.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 1101 , PSYC 2101 , PSYC 2113 , and PSYC 3113  with grades of C or above.

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 3405 - Practicum in Applied Psychology

    Credit Hours: (1-4)

    Work in practical settings related to psychology under the supervision of a faculty member. Students must obtain approval in the semester preceding the semester in which the practicum is to be taken. Graded on a Pass/No Credit basis. May be repeated for credit with permission of department.

    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing, permission of instructor and department.

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 3407 - Service Learning in Psychology

    Credit Hours: (1-4)

    Work in practical settings related to psychology. Practicum setting may be local or international. Graded on a pass/no credit basis. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor.
    Other Requirements Satisfied: Service Learning (SL)

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 3806 - Undergraduate Research Assistantship

    Credit Hours: (1-4)

    Assist faculty with current research projects. Exact duties will depend of hours enrolled and the needs of the instructor. The student must obtain approval from the instructor listed in the schedule of classes in the semester preceding the semester in which the course is to be taken. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor, Psychology major, and a GPA above 2.0.

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 3807 - Peer Advising

    Credit Hours: (2)

    Students selected as Peer Advisors will earn 2 hours of PSYC 3807 credit each term in which they serve. The course activities involve weekly group training sessions; four writing projects pertaining to advising theory and practice; advising students during pre-registration and registration, and attending SOAR, Explore, and Majors Day. Peers also have 1-2 office hours per week, during which they advise students, maintain the informational bulletin boards, and complete other duties as necessary for the PASS Center. Selection is through a competitive application and interview process in February and March. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite(s): Psychology major, at least Junior standing, GPA greater than 2.75, participation is through competitive selection process, requires commitment for both the Fall and Spring terms.

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 3808 - Undergraduate Teaching Assistantship

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Undergraduate teaching assistants (UGTAs) assist faculty with the administration of courses, hold review and practice sessions for students needing assistance. All UGTAs will be expected to meet with the supervising faculty member once a week, attend all class meetings of the course in which they are assisting, hold a minimum of two office hours per week, and complete other activities as requested by the instructor. Students wanting to become UGTAs may apply to the faculty listed in the schedule of classes as PSYC 3808 instructors. The selection process is competitive. May be repeated for credit one time.

    Prerequisite(s): Psychology major, Junior standing, overall GPA of 2.75 or above, and a Psychology GPA of 3.0 or above.

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 4140 - Tests and Measurements

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Psychological and educational measurements in current use with emphasis on structure, administration and application of group tests. Individual tests such as Stanford-Binet, WISC and WAIS will be reviewed.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 1101  and STAT 1220 , STAT 1221 , or STAT 1222 , all with grades of C or above.

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 4152 - Psychology of Exceptional Children

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Assessing and treating the exceptional child. Emphasis on current research in several diagnostic categories, including the emotionally disturbed, learning disabled, intellectually challenged, physically disabled, and gifted.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 1101  with grade of C or above.

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 4316 - Cognitive Neuroscience

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Biological basis of consciousness and the neurobiology of mental processes by which we perceive, act, learn, and remember; representation of mental processes from electrophysiological and brain imaging techniques, clinical neurology, and computational science.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 1101  and PSYC 2113  with grades of C or above, or permission of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 4603 - History and Systems of Psychology

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Historical antecedents and origins of modern psychology. Emphasis on influential psychological systems such as behaviorism and psychoanalysis. May be used in fulfillment of the capstone requirement for the major.

    Prerequisite(s): Psychology major; Senior standing; PSYC 1101 ; PSYC 2101 ; PSYC 2103 ; and STAT 1220 , STAT 1221 , or STAT 1222 ; all with grades of C or above within two attempts.

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 4606 - Advanced Topics in Psychology

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Examination of special psychological topics. May be used in fulfillment of the capstone requirement for the major.

    Prerequisite(s): Psychology major; Senior standing; PSYC 1101 ; PSYC 2101 ; PSYC 2103 ; and STAT 1220 , STAT 1221 , or STAT 1222 ; all with grades of C or above within two attempts.

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 4612 - Seminar in Behavior Modification

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Current issues in behavior modification, including an integration of principles, techniques and practical experiences. Emphasizes development of written and oral communication skills.

    Prerequisite(s): Psychology major; Senior standing; PSYC 1101 , PSYC 2101 , PSYC 2103 , PSYC 2112 , PSYC 3112, and STAT 1220 , STAT 1221 , or STAT 1222 , all with grades of C or above within two attempts.

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 4613 - Seminar in Physiological Psychology

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Intensive study of selected topics in physiological psychology, such as psychopharmacology, biofeedback and self-regulation, and sleeping and waking. Emphasizes development of written and oral communication skills.

    Prerequisite(s): Psychology major; Senior standing; PSYC 1101 ; PSYC 2101 ; PSYC 2103 ; and STAT 1220 , STAT 1221 , or STAT 1222 ; all with grades of C or above within two attempts. (PSYC 3113  or equivalent strongly recommended.)
    Other Requirements Satisfied: General Education - Oral Communication (O), General Education - Writing in the Disciplines (W)

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 4619 - Seminar in Experimental Psychology

    Credit Hours: (3)

    In-depth examination of an area of current concern in the psychological laboratory. Each semester has a different focus such as discrimination, learning, memory, experimental analysis of behavior and attention. Emphasizes development of written and oral communication skills.

    Prerequisite(s): Psychology major; Senior standing; PSYC 1101 ; PSYC 2101 ; PSYC 2103 ; and STAT 1220 , STAT 1221 , or STAT 1222 ; all with grades of C or above within two attempts.
    Other Requirements Satisfied: General Education - Oral Communication (O), General Education - Writing in the Disciplines (W)

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 4625 - Seminar in Developmental Psychology

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Concentrated examination of selected current issues and research in a field of developmental psychology. Emphasizes development of written and oral communication skills.

    Prerequisite(s): Psychology major; Senior standing; PSYC 1101 ; PSYC 2101 ; PSYC 2103 ; STAT 1220 , STAT 1221 , or STAT 1222 ; all with grades of C or above within two attempts; and PSYC 2120 , PSYC 2121 , or PSYC 2124 , all with grades of C or above.
    Other Requirements Satisfied: General Education - Oral Communication (O), General Education - Writing in the Disciplines (W)

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 4630 - Seminar in Social Psychology

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Intensive study at the advanced level of topics of current research and theoretical interest in social psychology. Emphasizes development of written and oral communication skills.

    Prerequisite(s): Psychology major; Senior standing; PSYC 1101 ; PSYC 2101 ; PSYC 2103 ; and STAT 1220 , STAT 1221 , or STAT 1222 ; all with grades of C or above within two attempts; and PSYC 2130  with grade of C or above.
    Other Requirements Satisfied: General Education - Oral Communication (O), General Education - Writing in the Disciplines (W)

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 4650 - Seminar in Human Adaptation and Behavior

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Intensive reading and discussion in selected areas of psychology, such as stress, personality, emotions and psychopathology. Emphasizes development of written and oral communication skills.

    Prerequisite(s): Psychology major; Senior standing; PSYC 1101 ; PSYC 2101 ; PSYC 2103 ; STAT 1220 , STAT 1221 , or STAT 1222 ; all with grades of C or above within two attempts; and permission of department.
    Other Requirements Satisfied: General Education - Oral Communication (O), General Education - Writing in the Disciplines (W)

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 4655 - Seminar in Community Psychology

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Application of psychological research findings to specific problems in the community with emphasis on problems hypothesized directly to affect psychological well-being. Emphasizes development of written and oral communication skills.

    Prerequisite(s): Psychology major; Senior standing; PSYC 1101 ; PSYC 2101 ; PSYC 2103 ; STAT 1220 , STAT 1221 , or STAT 1222 ; all with grades of C or above within two attempts; and PSYC 2150  and PSYC 2165  with grades of C or above.
    Other Requirements Satisfied: General Education - Oral Communication (O), General Education - Writing in the Disciplines (W)

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 4660 - Seminar in Health Psychology

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Detailed examination of issues relevant to health and behavior. Readings and discussion of health-related concepts and controversies current in the professional literature. Emphasizes development of written and oral communication skills.

    Prerequisite(s): Psychology major; Senior standing; PSYC 1101 ; PSYC 2101 ; PSYC 2103 ; STAT 1220 , STAT 1221 , or STAT 1222 ; all with grades of C or above within two attempts; and PSYC 2160  with grade of C or above.
    Other Requirements Satisfied: General Education - Oral Communication (O), General Education - Writing in the Disciplines (W)

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 4670 - Seminar in Industrial Psychology

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Topics of current concern in industrial/organizational psychology and related disciplines, including issues that affect individuals at work and organizations in society. Emphasizes development of written and oral communication skills.

    Prerequisite(s): Psychology major; Senior standing; PSYC 1101 ; PSYC 2101 ; PSYC 2103 ; STAT 1220 , STAT 1221 , or STAT 1222 ; all with grades of C or above within two attempts; and PSYC 2171  with grade of C or above.
    Other Requirements Satisfied: General Education - Oral Communication (O), General Education - Writing in the Disciplines (W)

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 4690 - Honors Thesis I

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Initiation of independent Honors research, including the preparation and defense of a formal thesis proposal.

    Prerequisite(s): Psychology major; Junior or Senior standing; PSYC 1101 , and STAT 1220 , STAT 1221 , or STAT 1222  with grades of C or above within two attempts; PSYC 2101  and PSYC 2103  with grades of B or above; and permission of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes

  • PSYC 4691 - Honors Thesis II

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Completion of independent Honors research, including the preparation and defense of a formal Honors thesis. May be used in fulfillment of the capstone requirement for the major.

    Prerequisite(s): Psychology major; Junior or Senior standing; PSYC 1101 , and STAT 1220 , STAT 1221 , or STAT 1222  with grades of C or above within two attempts; PSYC 2101 , PSYC 2103 , and PSYC 4690  with grades of B or above; permission of instructor; and approval of a proposal through the Honors College Application to Candidacy process the semester prior to taking the course.
    Other Requirements Satisfied: General Education - Oral Communication (O), General Education - Writing in the Disciplines (W)

    Schedule of Classes

  • READ 3224 - Teaching Reading to Primary Level Learners

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Research, theory, and instructional practice related to the reading process and reading instruction in the elementary school with a focus on assessment of emergent reading behaviors; language development and reading; phonics and phonemic awareness; balanced literacy; and meeting the needs of diverse learners. Includes an extensive field-based component.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Teacher Education.

    Schedule of Classes

  • READ 3226 - Teaching Reading to Intermediate Grade Learners

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Research, theory, and instructional practice related to integrating the communication processes with all subject areas, vocabulary, comprehension, study skills, authentic, assessment based instruction, addressing the needs of diverse and struggling readers. Includes an extensive, field-based component.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Teacher Education.

    Schedule of Classes

  • READ 3255 - Integrating Reading and Writing Across Content Areas

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Theories, research, and instructional methods, associated with reading and writing in the content areas of the middle and secondary school curriculum. Includes an extensive field-based component.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Teacher Education.
    Other Requirements Satisfied: General Education - Writing in the Disciplines (W)

    Schedule of Classes

  • READ 4161 - Assessment, Design, and Implementation of Classroom Reading Instruction

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Techniques for assessing reading development and using assessment data to design and implement responsive reading instruction.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Teacher Education and the Minor in Reading Education; and READ 3224 .
    Pre- or Corequisite(s): READ 3226  or READ 3255 .
    Hours of Lecture and/or Lab per week: Includes a minimum of 10-15 hours of field experience.

    Schedule of Classes

  • READ 4205 - Reading and Writing Across Digital Spaces

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Pedagogical techniques in reading and writing instruction using Web 2.0 technologies and digital computing devices.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Teacher Education and the Reading Education Minor.
    Hours of Lecture and/or Lab per week: Includes 10 hours of field experience

    Schedule of Classes

  • READ 4270 - Investigating Reading Curriculum

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Examination of the current models and theories for teaching reading; the best practices for literacy growth and development; the instructional tools and techniques available to the teacher of literacy; and the materials for use in teaching reading in grades K-8. Emphasis is on teaching through a balanced literacy approach.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Teacher Education and the Minor in Reading Education; READ 3224 ; and READ 3226 .
    Hours of Lecture and/or Lab per week: Includes 10 hours of field experience.

    Schedule of Classes

  • RELS 1101 - Introduction to Religious Studies

    Credit Hours: (3)

    An introduction to the study of the religious dimensions of human existence. Fulfills the [C] or [T] requirement.

    Other Requirements Satisfied: General Education - Writing in the Disciplines (W)

    Schedule of Classes

  • RELS 1120 - The Bible and Its Interpreters

    Credit Hours: (3)

    An introduction to the history of biblical interpretation from the pre-canonical era to the present. Fulfills the [H] or [T] requirement.

    Schedule of Classes

  • RELS 1200 - World Religions

    Credit Hours: (3)

    A study of the historical origins, central teachings, and devotional practices of the major religious traditions - Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam - alongside those of smaller and newer religious movements.

    Schedule of Classes

  • RELS 2000 - Topics in Religious Studies

    Credit Hours: (1-3)

    Credit hours vary with topics.. Fulfills the [C] or [T] requirement. May be repeated for credit with change of topic

    Schedule of Classes

  • RELS 2101 - Introduction to Western Religions

    Credit Hours: (3)

    An introduction to Judaism, Christianity, Islam and other selected religions. Emphasis on the myths, stories, symbols, rituals, ideas, and ethical practices of these religions in their classical formulations and in their contemporary practices. Fulfills the [H] or [T] requirement.

    Schedule of Classes

  • RELS 2102 - Introduction to Asian Religions

    Credit Hours: (3)

    An introduction to Hinduism, Buddhism, and other selected religions such as Confucianism, Daoism, and Islam. Emphasis on the myths, stories, symbols, rituals, ideas, and ethical practices of these religions in their classical formulations and in their contemporary practices. Fulfills the [C] or [T] requirement.

    Schedule of Classes

  • RELS 2104 - Hebrew Scriptures/Old Testament

    Credit Hours: (3)

    The Hebrew religious tradition from the perspective of its development in the culture of the ancient Near East. Fulfills the [H] or [T] requirement.

    Schedule of Classes

  • RELS 2105 - New Testament and Christian Origins

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Emergence of Christianity in its cultural context. Analysis of selected early Christian writings in English translation. Fulfills the [H] or [T] requirement.

    Schedule of Classes

  • RELS 2107 - Native American Religions

    Credit Hours: (3)

    An introduction to various dimensions of the religious experience of North American First Peoples, including other-than human and human persons; myth and orality, sacred space, time and objects; lifeways and ceremonies; tradition and change. Special emphasis is placed on past and present imaginings of Native American religions. Fulfills the [C] or [H] requirement.

    Schedule of Classes

  • RELS 2108 - Religion in American Culture

    Credit Hours: (3)

    The role of religion in the shaping of American culture. Fulfills the [C] or [H] requirement.

    Schedule of Classes

  • RELS 2109 - Death and the Afterlife

    Credit Hours: (3)

    A survey of beliefs and rituals relating to dying, death, and the afterlife as found in religious, philosophical, and literary texts and in art and architecture.

    Schedule of Classes

  • RELS 2110 - Judaism

    Credit Hours: (3)

    The development of Jewish religious thought from antiquity to the present. Fulfills the [H] or [T] requirement.

    Schedule of Classes

  • RELS 2120 - Christianity

    Credit Hours: (3)

    The world-wide development of the thought and practices of diverse Christian traditions from antiquity to the present. Fulfills the [H] or [T] requirement.

    Schedule of Classes

  • RELS 2131 - Islam

    Credit Hours: (3)

    The development of the traditions in Islam with emphasis on Islamic culture, literature, and mysticism. Fulfills the [H] or [T] requirement.

    Schedule of Classes

  • RELS 2154 - Hinduism

    Credit Hours: (3)

    The ancient Vedic traditions and the development of Hinduism. Emphasis is on the role of Hinduism in Indian civilization. Fulfills the [H] or [T] requirement.

    Schedule of Classes

  • RELS 2157 - South Asian Buddhism

    Credit Hours: (3)

    The historical development of Buddhism during its first 2,500 years with particular emphasis on its diverse manifestations in South Asia. Fulfills the [H] or [T] requirement.

    Schedule of Classes

  • RELS 2166 - Daoism

    Credit Hours: (3)

    A thematic and historical exploration of a major indigenous religious tradition of China, with particular attention devoted to early, medieval, and modern practices and worldviews. Fulfills the [H] or [T] requirement.

    Schedule of Classes

  • RELS 2169 - Mahãyãna Buddhism in East Asia

    Credit Hours: (3)

    An exploration of the various ways the religious ideal of the bodhisattva has been imagined and employed in devotional practice in Mahãyãna Buddhist traditions in China, Korea, Japan, Vietnam, and the United States. Fulfills the [H] or [T] requirement.

    Schedule of Classes

  • RELS 2216 - The Modern Middle East

    Credit Hours: (3)

    An introduction to the history of this important and dynamic region. The course focuses on the issues that have defined the Middle East in the recent past and provides students with the historical context needed to understand the region, its peoples, and its conflicts in greater depth. Fulfills the [C] or [H] requirement.

    Cross-listed as: HIST 2216 .

    Schedule of Classes

  • RELS 2600 - Orientation to the Study of Religion

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Required of all majors as early in their program as possible. Examines basic concepts, theories, and approaches that are involved in the critical, academic study of religion. Attention given to basic research materials and to standard writing practices in the discipline.

    Prerequisite(s): Religious Studies major.
    Other Requirements Satisfied: General Education - Writing in the Disciplines (W)

    Schedule of Classes

  • RELS 3000 - Special Topics in Religious Studies

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Treatment of a special topic in religious studies. Same as RELS 3001 , but does not fulfill the General Education writing goal. Fulfills the [C], [H], or [T] requirement. May be repeated for credit with change of topic.

    Schedule of Classes

  • RELS 3001 - Special Topics in Religious Studies-Writing Intensive

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Treatment of a special topic in religious studies of topic. Same as RELS 3000 , but fulfills the General Education writing goal. Fulfills the [C], [H], or [T] requirement. May be repeated for credit with change

    Other Requirements Satisfied: General Education - Writing in the Disciplines (W)

    Schedule of Classes

  • RELS 3090 - Readings in Primary Texts

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Introductory and/or intermediate level readings of ancient and medieval primary source texts in languages such as Greek, Latin, Hebrew, Aramaic, Arabic, Sanskrit, or Chinese. Fulfills the [T] requirement. May be repeated for credit with change of topic.

    Schedule of Classes

  • RELS 3101 - Greek Myths and Religions

    Credit Hours: (3)

    The gods and goddesses, heroes and heroines in ancient Greek myths and religions; Greek myth and later Western religions; polytheism and monotheism; functions of myth; and contemporary interpretations of Greek myth. Fulfills the [H] or [T] requirement.

    Schedule of Classes

  • RELS 3104 - Prophecy and Prophetic Literature in Ancient Israel

    Credit Hours: (3)

    An examination of the phenomenon of prophecy in the religion of ancient Israel, with particular attention devoted to the writings about and writings attributed to named prophets in the Hebrew Bible. Fulfills the [H] or [T] requirement.

    Prerequisite(s): RELS 2104  or permission of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes

  • RELS 3107 - The Psalms and Wisdom Literature of Israel

    Credit Hours: (3)

    The origin and content of the Psalms and the place of wisdom literature in the development of Hebrew thought. Fulfills the [H] or [T] requirement.

    Prerequisite(s): RELS 2104  or permission of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes

  • RELS 3111 - Women in Judaism

    Credit Hours: (3)

    A survey of the roles and activities of Jewish women throughout Jewish history, as they are portrayed in a diverse sampling of Jewish religious literature and practice. Fulfills the [H] or [T] requirement.

    Cross-listed as: WGST 3111 .

    Schedule of Classes

  • RELS 3113 - Jesus

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Jesus and the religion he taught from the point of view of the synoptic gospels. Fulfills the [H] or [T] requirement.

    Prerequisite(s): RELS 2105  is recommended.

    Schedule of Classes

  • RELS 3115 - Early Christianity

    Credit Hours: (3)

    The history of Christianity in the second-seventh centuries C.E. Topics may include martyrdom and persecution, heresy andorthodoxy, constructions of gender and sexuality in early Christianity, church-state relations, asceticism and monasticism, Constantine and the Christianization of the Roman Empire. Fulfills the [H] or [T] requirement.

    Schedule of Classes

  • RELS 3116 - Paul

    Credit Hours: (3)

    A close study of the writings of the apostle Paul in their historical contexts with consideration of the ways in which they played a role in the development of the emerging Christian movement. Fulfills the [H] or [T] requirement.

    Schedule of Classes

  • RELS 3122 - Esoteric Traditions

    Credit Hours: (3)

    The study of one or more particular expressions of religious esotericism (e.g., Jewish Kabbalah; Hindu Tantra; etc.). May be repeated for credit with change of topic. Fulfills the [C] or [T] requirement.

    Schedule of Classes

  • RELS 3129 - Christian Controversies

    Credit Hours: (3)

    An exploration of Christian responses to ethical, cultural, political, and theological conflicts. The issues are selected to represent a range of time periods in the history of various Christian traditions. Fulfills the [H] or [T] requirement.

    Schedule of Classes

  • RELS 3135 - Religion in Nineteenth Century America

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Examination of religious thought, practices, and movements in nineteeth century America. Fulfills the [C] or [H] requirement.

    Schedule of Classes


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