Oct 17, 2024  
Undergraduate Catalog | 2015-2016 
Undergraduate Catalog | 2015-2016 Previous Edition

Financial Information

Tuition and Fees

UNC Charlotte is a publicly-supported institution and primarily receives its revenue from the State of NC appropriations in addition to tuition and fees.  It is the combination of tuition and fees that primarily supports the operations and expansion of UNC Charlotte.  Tuition and fees are approved by the Student Representatives, UNC Charlotte Board of Trustees, and the UNC Board of Governors.  Tuition rates are also approved by the NC General Assembly.  These fees are mandatory to every student and cannot be waived.

Tuition and fees are billed by the semester for Fall and Spring terms and by credit hour for Summer terms.  12 or more credit hours are considered full-time for undergraduates and 9 or more credit hours are considered full-time for graduates.  Students taking fewer than the 12 hours for undergraduate study or 9 hours for graduate study are charged a prorated portion of tuition and fees.

Charges for tuition and fees vary according to the student’s status as a resident or non-resident of North Carolina.  A non-resident student pays a higher rate of tuition than a legal resident.  For more details, see the heading for Residence Status for Tuition Purposes later in this section.

Following are the tuition and required fees for 2015-2016:

  1-5 Credit Hours 6-8 Credit Hours 9-11 Credit Hours 12+ Credit Hours
NC Resident Tuition (in-state) $453.50 $907.00 $1360.50 $1814.00
Non-NC Resident Tuition (out-of-state) 2100.00 4199.75 6299.75 8399.50
Campus Security Fee 6.25 10.00 15.00 15.00
Ed & Tech Fee 72.00 134.00 248.00 248.00
Food Service Facility Fee 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00
General Fee 389.00 714.25 1156.50 1156.50
ID Fee 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00
Transportation Services Fee 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00
UNC System Assoc Fee 0.15 0.25 0.50 0.50
Resident Total Tuition & Fees (in-state) $952.90 $1797.50 $2812.50 $3266.00
Non-Resident Total Tuition & Fees (out-of-state) $2599.40 $5090.25 $7751.75 $9851.50


The University reserves the right, with the approval of proper authorities, to make changes in tuition and fees at any time. The University also reserves the right to correct any clerical errors on a student’s account. For the most current listing of tuition and fees at The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, see studentaccounts.uncc.edu.

Tuition Surcharge

UNC Charlotte follows regulations regarding Tuition Surcharge established by the State of North Carolina.  These regulations change frequently.  The current state policy can be found at registrar.uncc.edu/common-requested-information/tuition-surcharge.

Required Fees

The required fees included in the Tuition and Fees table above are explained below.

Ed and Tech Fee

This fee is directly related to the infrastructure supporting student technology needs across campus including hardware and software applications, supplies for educational materials, web services, laboratory expenses and equipment, public student computing labs, central email and Internet services, training classes and classrooms, and central help desk services.

General Fee

This is a consolidated fee that relates to University debt service payments (to construct new facilities and purchase administrative computing systems) and to support other activities/operations including Athletics programs and events, the Student Health Center that serves our student population, Student Activity Center operations, and Student Union operations.  The following fees are consolidated into the General Fees:

  • Athletics - Funds intercollegiate athletics, including salaries and maintenance and operation of athletic facilities.
  • Health Services - Funds medical services for students, including the salaries, maintenance and operation of student health centers.
  • Student Activities - Funds non-academic student services (student unions, intramural facilities, student organizations, newspapers, yearbooks, and entertainment programs).
  • Debt Service - Funds the principal and interest for capital projects.  Examples for UNC Charlotte include the Student Union, Football Stadium, and Student Activity Facility.

ID Fee

This fee supports the University’s 49er Card operations and support.  The ID card is not only used for identification purposes, but also as a library card and as a campus card for dining and vending purchases.

Transportation Fee

This fee helps to fund the campus transportation shuttle system which operates during the fall and spring semesters. The shuttle serves to provide the UNC Charlotte campus with efficient and safe campus transportation, reduce vehicular congestion and decrease the demand for proximity parking.

UNC System Student Association Fee

This fee is a University of NC system-wide fee charged to all system students to support the University Of North Carolina Association of Student Governments. This association is a student led advocacy group whose main purpose is to ensure that the benefits of the University of North Carolina are extended to the people of North Carolina, as far as practicable, free of expense.

Additional Fees

The following additional college or course fees are charged to cover the cost of supplies or special materials:

Course Fee
College of Arts + Architecture General Student Fee $62.50
College of Computing and Informatics Student Fee $112.50
College of Engineering Student Fee $150
Experiential Learning Fee/Co-op $60
International Student Fee (students with Visa type F or J) $50
KNES 1290 - First Aid: Responding to Emergencies   $20
KNES 2219 - Scuba Diving and Laboratory   $60
KNES 2220 - Advanced Scuba Diving   $35
KNES 2290 - Emergency Medical Response   $20
KNES 2295 - Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries Laboratory   $30

Application Fee

A $60 application fee must be submitted with the application for admission. The fee is nondeductible and nonrefundable.

Credit by Examination Fee

A written examination for a course requires a fee of $15. A laboratory examination requiring the arrangement of such things as laboratory materials will require a fee of $25. A combination of a laboratory and written examination will require a fee of $30.

Graduation Fee

Each member of the graduating class is automatically charged a graduation fee of $57 (Bachelor or Certificate), $70 (Master’s), and $83 (Doctoral) at the time of application for the degree and/or certificate.  (Note: If a student needs to change their graduation term for any reason to a subsequent semester, they must resubmit an application for degree and/or certificate.)  This fee includes the cost of the diploma/certificate, the cap and gown, and the standard hood for graduate degree students.  Doctoral students have the option of ordering custom regalia through the bookstore for an additional fee.  No reduction of the fee is allowed for those receiving degrees in absentia.

Matriculation Fee

Instead of paying separate fees for such things as new student convocation, commencement, and hardcopy academic transcripts, UNC Charlotte students pay a matriculation fee and receive these and other services at no charge.  Students are charged the matriculation fee upon entry into a baccalaureate, graduate certificate, master’s, or doctoral program at UNC Charlotte.

Residence Status For Tuition Purposes

Tuition charges are based upon classification of a student as a resident or a non-resident of North Carolina for tuition purposes. UNC Charlotte shall determine whether a student is a resident or a non-resident for tuition purposes in accordance with North Carolina General Statutes that are summarized below. A more complete explanation of the statute and the procedures are contained in The North Carolina State Residence Classification Manual. Copies of the Manual are available for inspection in the Library, in the Residency Determination Office, and online at resdetermination.uncc.edu.


Generally, in order to qualify as a resident for tuition purposes, a person must be a legal resident of North Carolina AND must have been domiciled in North Carolina for at least twelve (12) consecutive months immediately prior to the beginning of the term. In order to be eligible for such classification, the person must establish that his or her presence in the state during such twelve-month period was for purposes of maintaining a bona fide domicile rather than for purposes of mere temporary residence incident to enrollment in an institution of higher education.

Initiative and Proof of Status

A student is responsible for seeking reclassification as a resident for tuition purposes. A student must (1) provide all of the information that the residency application requires for consideration of residence classification and (2) establish facts that justify classification as a resident for tuition purposes. (See Residence Application Procedure below.)

Parents’ Domicile

If a dependent student has living parents or a courtappointed guardian who maintain bona fide domicile in North Carolina, this fact shall be prima facie evidence that the student is also domiciled in North Carolina. This primary proof of the student’s legal residence may be supported or rebutted by other information relative to the applicant’s age and general circumstances.

If a student’s parents or legal guardian are domiciled outside of North Carolina, this fact shall be prima facie evidence that the student is also not domiciled in North Carolina, unless the student has lived in North Carolina for the five years preceding enrollment or re-registration at UNC Charlotte.

Domicile of Non-U.S. Citizens

If a student is not a U.S. citizen, he or she may or may not qualify for resident tuition on the same basis as a U.S. citizen. The type of immigration documentation held by the student will determine if he or she has capacity to (i.e., is legally able to) establish legal residence for tuition purposes. However, that person must still take the actions and have the intent necessary to establish legal residence.

Effect of Marriage

A person does not automatically obtain North Carolina domicile solely by marrying a North Carolina resident. If both student and spouse have established a North Carolina domicile and the spouse has met the 12-month requirement, the student who has not met the requirement may borrow his or her spouse’s domicile to meet the 12-month requirement. However, the two durations cannot be added together to meet the 12-month requirement.

Military Personnel

A North Carolinian who serves outside the State in the armed forces does not lose North Carolina domicile and thus North Carolina legal residence simply by reason of such service. Students in the military may prove retention or establishment of legal residence by reference to residentiary acts accompanied by residentiary intent.

An active duty service member stationed in North Carolina, as well as his or her spouse, dependent children, and dependent relatives who are living with the service member shall be charged the in-state tuition rate along with any applicable mandatory fees. Under this provision, the dependent relative must comply with any applicable requirements of the Selective Service System.

Also, members of the North Carolina National Guard may be eligible to pay the in-state rate while attached to a military unit in North Carolina. Only the Guard member is eligible for this benefit.

Tuition benefits based on military service may be enjoyed only if requirements for admission to UNC Charlotte have been met. The military service tuition statute does not qualify a person for or provide the basis for receiving derivative benefits under other tuition statutes.


Permanent full-time employees of The University of North Carolina who are legal residents of North Carolina qualify for the in-state rate even if they do not meet the twelve-month requirement. The employee’s spouse and dependent children (using income tax dependency as the standard) who are legal residents also qualify for this benefit.

Grace Period

If a student (1) is a legal resident of North Carolina, (2) has consequently been classified a resident for tuition purposes, and (3) has subsequently lost North Carolina legal residence while enrolled at UNC Charlotte, the student may continue to enjoy the instate tuition rate for a grace period of 12 months measured from the date the student lost his or her status as a legal resident. If the 12 month grace period ends during an academic term in which the student is enrolled at UNC Charlotte, the grace period extends to the end of that term. Marriage to one domiciled outside of North Carolina does not, by itself, cause loss of legal residence.


Minors (persons under 18 years of age) usually have the domicile and thus the legal residence of their parents. This presumption may be rebutted by other information in the case of divorce, legal separation, a deceased parent or a minor living with neither parent. Certain specific cases are recognized in determining residence for tuition purposes.

  1. If a minor’s parents live apart, the minor’s legal residence is deemed to be North Carolina for the time period(s) that either parent, as a legal resident of North Carolina, may claim and does claim the minor as a tax dependent. Under this provision, a minor deemed to be a legal resident will not, upon turning eighteen before enrolling at an institution of higher education, lose North Carolina legal residence if he or she (1) acts in a manner consistent with bona fide legal residence in North Carolina and (2) begins enrollment at UNC Charlotte no later than the Fall academic term immediately following completion of education prerequisite to admission at UNC Charlotte.
  2. If a minor has lived for five or more consecutive years in the home of adult relatives (other than parents) who are domiciled in North Carolina and if the relatives have functioned during this time as if they were personal guardians, the minor will be deemed a resident for tuition purposes for the enrolled term commencing immediately after the five years in which these circumstances have existed. Under this provision, a minor deemed to be a resident for tuition purposes immediately prior to his or her eighteenth birthday will be deemed a legal resident of North Carolina for the required 12 month period when he or she turns eighteen; provided he or she does not abandon North Carolina legal residence.

Re-Establishment of Domicile within 12 Months

If a student ceases enrollment at or graduates from an institution of higher education in North Carolina while classified a resident for tuition purposes and then abandons and reestablishes North Carolina legal residence within a 12-month period, that student shall be permitted to re-enroll at UNC Charlotte as a resident for tuition purposes without meeting the 12-month durational requirement. Under this provision, the student maintains the reestablished legal residence through the beginning of the academic term for which in-state tuition status is sought. A student may receive the benefit of this provision only once.

Transfer Students

When a student transfers from one institution of higher education to another, he or she is treated as a new student and must be assigned an initial residence classification for tuition purposes.

Admitted and Readmitted Students

A student accepted for initial enrollment at UNC Charlotte or permitted to re-enroll following an absence from the institutional program that involved a formal withdrawal from enrollment will be classified by the admitting institution either as a resident or as a non-resident for tuition purposes prior to actual enrollment.

Residency Application Procedure

A newly admitted student or continuing student who has been classified as a non-resident for tuition purposes may pursue reconsideration of the residency classification by submitting the Residence and Tuition Status Application and supporting documentation to the Residency Determination Office. The due date for submission of the NC Residence and Tuition Status Application in the Residency Determination Office along with all required documentation is by 5 p.m. on the 5th day of classes. Refer to the Residency Determination Office website at resdetermination.uncc.edu for application deadlines for each semester.

Appeal Procedure

A student, who has exhausted the residency application procedure and has been classified as a non-resident for tuition purposes, may request further consideration of that decision to the UNC Charlotte University Residence Status Appeals Board (URSAB) pursuant to the “Policy and Procedures for Determining Residence Status for Students at The University of North Carolina at Charlotte.” This request must be in writing to the Chairperson of the URSAB and must be submitted to the Residency Determination Office within twenty (20) business days from the date of the issuance of the letter of determination. The request may consist simply of the statement, “I wish to appeal the decision of my residence classification for tuition purposes.” It must be dated and signed and should indicate the applicant’s UNC Charlotte student identification number, academic term, mailing address, e-mail address, and phone number.

Dining, Housing, and Parking

Dining And Meal Plans


Meal Plans, the 49er Account, and the Optional Dining Account all reside on the UNC Charlotte 49er ID Card.

A Meal Plan purchase provides these advantages:

  • Convenience: One card for all campus dining purchases
  • Variety: many places to eat on campus
  • Flexibility and Lifestyle: Meal plans to fit your dining needs; night and weekend dining
  • Favorite Flavors: Many popular, national brands
  • Diet Preferences: Vegetarian, vegan and healthy options available at every meal

Overview of Meal Plans

  • All freshmen living on campus are required to purchase a meal plan as part of their housing agreement.
  • Unlimited meal swipe plans have been developed to maximize the dining variety and value offered by the new South Village Dining hall (SoVi) and Crown Commons in the Student Union.
  • Declining Balance funds attached to meal plans are offered in practical amounts that have proven sufficient for most students.
  • Prices listed include sales tax, and pricing and plans are subject to change.

Meal Plan purchase is required by:

  • All freshmen living on campus regardless of their housing assignment. A meal plan must be purchased each semester of occupancy. Freshmen are defined as students who have earned 29 or fewer credit hours.
  • Upperclassmen assigned to residence halls without private kitchens are also considered to be living in “required housing,” and must choose a meal plan as part of the housing contract. These residences include Hunt, Moore, Sanford, Scott, and the suites in Cedar, Hawthorn, Hickory, Lynch, Miltimore, Sycamore, Belk, Wallis, and Witherspoon.  Meal plans are offered based upon the student’s current balance of earned credit hours.

For a listing of available Meal Plans and Meal Plans Policies, visit the Meal Plans webpages at aux.uncc.edu/meal-plans.



The below figures are 2015-2016 rates per semester and include rent, all utilities, cable TV service, Internet connectivity, Wi-Fi, weekly laundry allowance (where applicable), and membership in the Resident Students Association (RSA). Prices and plans are subject to change. Current pricing can be found online at housing.uncc.edu/assignments/housing-rates.

Type Fee
Apartment $3,820 - $4,690
Greek Village $3,905 - $3,980
Highrise/Residence Hall - Double Room $2,830
Highrise/Residence Hall - Single Room (if available) $3,790
Suite $3,580 - $4,290 

Admission to UNC Charlotte does not guarantee residence hall space. Arrangements for on-campus housing are made, after admission, with the Office of Housing and Residence Life. Shared Residence Hall space is not available to spouses or children of enrolled students.

Housing Deposit

A $200 deposit must be submitted with all housing contracts. The deposit is not applied toward payment of fees. It is refunded only after the student has left oncampus housing and only if the student has met all financial obligations to the University. In the case of contract cancellation, the date of receipt of the written request for cancellation will determine, in part, the student’s financial obligation to the University (please see the Housing Contract for the current academic year for specific terms and cancellation dates).



Students attending UNC Charlotte (as well as faculty and staff) are required to register their motor vehicle(s) in order to park on campus.  Vehicle registration and permit purchase is available online.  Payment must be received before the permit is issued or mailed.  Permits are required at all times when parked on campus, unless parked in a visitor parking area or at a meter.  For students, two categories of permits are issued:  Resident (for students living on-campus) and Commuter (for students living off-campus).

For 2015-2016, the annual rate for a resident or full-time commuter student is $450.  Please reference pats.uncc.edu/parking/parking-permit-information for the most current fees listing and complete permit information including where each type of permit allows you to park.  Full-time permits are valid from August 15 of one year through August 14 of the following year.  Students who graduate in December may return their parking permit for a pro-rated refund. 

Two-day, discount remote lot, and night permits are reduced rate options available to commuters.  Night permits and two-day permits are sold by the semester.  Night permits are valid only after 3 p.m.  Parking before 3 p.m. requires parking and payment at the meters or in visitors’ spaces.  Two-day permits are valid on specified weekdays; parking on any other day requires payment at meters or in visitors’ spaces.

The primary factor that determines permit prices is the cost of new deck construction and replacing flat lots with decks.  Neither tuition dollars nor state funds are used toward parking facilities; therefore, parking fees must pay for construction and maintenance of all decks and lots and associated operations.

Penalties for Parking Violations

Violators of University parking regulations are subject to monetary penalties ranging from $20 to $250, depending on the severity of the violation.  Copies of parking regulations are distributed with the parking permit.  Additionally, citations enforced and penalties assessed can be found online at pats.uncc.edu.  If a citation is not paid or appealed within 10 days, the penalty will be applied to the student’s account with the University.  Subsequent registration may be withheld for non-payment.  Parking and Traffic regulations are enforced 24 hours a day, seven days a week.  Currently, permits are enforced at all times, and meters are enforced from 5 a.m. on Monday through 10 p.m. on Friday.

The Parking and Transportation Services website, pats.uncc.edu, is where you’ll find the UNC Charlotte parking ordinances, all parking policy information, permit and citation FAQs and updates, and changes or disruptions to parking areas.  Information about the campus shuttle and SafeRide services may also be found there.

Questions concerning parking on campus should be directed to Parking and Transportation Services Call Center at 704-687-0161, 5 a.m. on Monday through 10 p.m. on Friday, except on University Holidays or when the University is closed.  Office hours are 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday.  Emergency situations and questions at other times should be directed to the Campus Police at 704-687-2200.


Financial Aid


UNC Charlotte administers financial aid without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, or disability.

The University offers a comprehensive program of student financial aid (scholarships, grants, loans, and part-time employment) to assist both graduate and undergraduate students in meeting educational expenses. Reasonable educational expenses include tuition and fees, room and board, books, supplies, transportation, miscellaneous personal expenses, and expenses related to maintenance of a student’s dependents.


The programs of student financial aid are administered according to a nationally accepted policy that the family, meaning parents (or those acting in place of parents) and/or spouse, is responsible for a student’s educational expenses. Therefore, eligibility for financial aid will be determined by a comparison of a budget (educational expenses as defined above) for the period of attendance with what the student’s family can reasonably be expected to contribute.

A financial aid applicant will be considered for available assistance for which he/she is eligible if the student:

  1. Completes the application process and related forms only after thoroughly reading all instructions.
  2. Completes the admission application process and is accepted for enrollment at UNC Charlotte.
  3. Is working toward a degree or certificate and not simply taking courses.

Application Process

To apply for the following programs, students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid using the instructions provided online at www.fafsa.gov. The federal school code for UNC Charlotte is 002975.

  • Federal Direct Student Loan
  • Federal Pell Grant *
  • Federal Perkins Loan
  • Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant *
  • Federal TEACH Grant
  • Federal Work Study
  • UNC Need-Based Grant *
  • NC Education Lottery Scholarship *
  • University Loans

* For undergraduate students only

Renewal Process

Renewal of financial aid is based upon a student making satisfactory academic progress. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid is required each year that a student applies for financial aid.

Financial Aid Programs


Federal Perkins Loan
Loans of up to $4,000 per year are made available to students with the highest financial need who apply by the University’s established priority date of March 1. The interest rate is 5.0% with repayment beginning nine months after graduation.

Federal Direct Loans
Qualified undergraduate applicants may borrow up to $5,500 for the first year, $6,500 for the second year, and up to $7,500 per year for the remainder of undergraduate study. Graduate students may borrow up to $20,500 per year. Independent students may be eligible to receive additional loan amounts. As of this printing, the maximum interest rate on new loans is currently 6.8%, and repayment begins six months after the borrower ceases to be a student.

Short-Term Emergency Loans
Students may borrow up to $300 for unanticipated expenses that occur during the semester and up to $1,000 for tuition expenses. Loans have no interest and must be repaid within 30 to 60 days. Funds for these loans are provided by private donation and are limited.


Federal Pell Grants
These grants are for undergraduate students and can be as much as $5,730, based on the student’s financial need. It is an entitlement program, meaning that any student who applies and is determined to be eligible will receive funds.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants
These grants are for undergraduate students and can be as much as $1,000. Eligibility is based on financial need and is determined within the UNC Charlotte Office of Student Financial Aid, with priority to lowest income students who apply by the University’s priority date of March 1.

Federal Teach Grants
These grants are for undergraduate or graduate students enrolled in certain majors leading to teaching licensure in high-need subject area at a school serving low-income students. The $3,964 awards convert to Unsubsidized Federal Stafford Loans if the employment obligation is not met. A minimum GPA of 3.25 is required.

UNC Campus Scholarships
Funding for this program is provided by the General Assembly of North Carolina to each constituent institution of the UNC system. These awards are for North Carolina residents only. These limited awards are provided to students with exceptional financial need who apply by the University’s priority date of March 1.

UNC Charlotte Grants
UNC Charlotte administers several other grant programs funded by the State of North Carolina and requires North Carolina residency for consideration. These are available to both graduate and undergraduate students who apply by the established priority date of March 1.

UNC Need-Based Grants
These grants are available to undergraduate NC residents and are administered by the College Foundation, Inc. in Raleigh. All who complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid are considered for awards.

North Carolina Education Lottery Scholarships
These scholarships are available to undergraduate NC residents who demonstrate the most financial need as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid and are administered by the College Foundation, Inc. The award amounts will vary depending on Federal Pell Grant eligibility.


Please see the Student Life and Resources  section of this Catalog for details on off-campus and on-campus employment.

Other Assistance

Education For The Vocationally Disabled
Vocationally disabled students are eligible for aid provided by the North Carolina State Division of Vocational Rehabilitation. This aid takes the form of services that include vocational counseling and guidance and placement. Payment of expenses such as training, medical treatment, room and board, books, fees, and tuition may be available. A vocational rehabilitation officer is available in Charlotte for interviewing applicants. Appointments may be made by contacting Vocational Rehabilitation Services at 704-568-8804. Their offices are located at 5501 Executive Center Drive in Charlotte.

Veterans Benefits
UNC Charlotte’s Veterans Student Services Office (VSSO) works with the Veterans Administration to assist in administering the various programs of benefit to veterans or eligible relatives of veterans. The VSSO Certifying Official certifies enrollment and transmits necessary credentials and information to the proper Veterans Administrative Office.

Admission to the University should be obtained before the student makes application for veteran’s benefits. Applicants must be accepted into a degree program to receive benefits.

In order to be eligible for the full monthly allowance under any of the above laws, an undergraduate student must be enrolled for 12 or more semester hours and a graduate student must be enrolled for nine or more semester hours. Those enrolled on a part-time basis will be eligible for part-time compensation. Students are responsible for reporting any change in enrollment status to the VSO Certifying Official.

For details about available programs, please visit veterans.uncc.edu or call the VA’s toll-free number at 1-800-827-1000.

Children of Veterans
The North Carolina Department of Veterans Affairs awards scholarships for the children of certain deceased or disabled veterans. Those awarded “full” scholarships are entitled to tuition, mandatory fees, board allowance, and room allowance; those awarded “limited” scholarships are entitled to tuition and mandatory fees. Written requests for benefits information may be directed to: VA Atlanta Regional Office, Post Office Box 100022, Decatur, GA 30031-7002 (telephone 888-442-4551).

Before the time of registration, each eligible student who wishes to enter the University should: (1) apply for admission following University procedures and (2) apply for a scholarship award to the North Carolina Department of Veterans Affairs.


UNC Charlotte offers a comprehensive program of undergraduate scholarships. Some of these are awarded entirely on the basis of merit, while others consider financial need as well. The University’s major awards for merit are as follows:

Levine Scholarships
The Levine Scholarships are UNC Charlotte’s most prestigious scholarships for merit, Established by the generous contributions of Leon and Sandra Levine, these four-year scholarships include full tuition, fees, room & board, a grant to implement a service project of the Scholar’s own design, and four summers of experiences that will develop leadership skills, social awareness, and an international perspective. The total value of this four-year package is estimated at $90,000 per in-state student and $137,000 per out-of-state student.

Reese A. Overcash Scholarships
The Reece A. Overcash Scholarships, another of UNC Charlotte’s prestigious scholarships for merit, was established by the Overcash family in honor and memory of Reece A. Overcash, a member of the first class at the Charlotte Center of the University of North Carolina. This merit-based award seeks to attract students who demonstrate academic excellence, leadership, and service to others.

C.C. Cameron Scholarships
The C. C. Cameron Scholarships, established by First Union Corp., honor Mr. C. C. Cameron, who served as Chairman of First Union and as Chairman of the UNC Charlotte Board of Trustees. The purpose of the Cameron Scholars program is to bring outstanding students to UNC Charlotte. Recipients are selected on the basis of academic achievement, demonstrated leadership and service to others. Cameron Scholars are provided financial assistance and work experiences which encourage intellectual growth and stimulate the will to achieve full potential.

D.W. Colvard Scholarships
The D. W. Colvard Scholarships honor the late Dr. Dean Wallace Colvard, first chancellor of The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, and his wife, Martha, who were instrumental in founding Friends of UNCC. Throughout the years, Dr. and Mrs. Colvard personified the quest for excellence at UNC Charlotte. The Colvard Scholarships are awarded to applicants on the basis of their achievements in high school, college aptitude tests, and their promise of making meaningful contributions to society. Their roles as leaders and their service to school and community are weighed carefully.

Lloyd C. and Luella L. Danielson Scholarships
The Lloyd C. and Luella L. Danielson Scholarships were established by the estate of Lloyd C. and Luella Danielson to attract students of good moral character and great potential to UNC Charlotte’s Mechanical Engineering majors.

Cameron Morrison Scholarships
The Cameron Morrison Scholarships, first awarded in 1985, were established as a memorial to former Governor and Mrs. Cameron Morrison. The needbased scholarships recognize students who are public high school graduates from Mecklenburg County who seek self-improvement and demonstrate initiative and ability. Entering students ranking in the upper 10 percent of their high school graduating class are given preference.

Bonnie E. Cone Scholarships
The Bonnie E. Cone Scholarships have been endowed by Clara McKay (Mrs. Charles H.) Stone of Charlotte and other friends of Charlotte College. The scholarships honor the late Dr. Bonnie E. Cone, founder and developer of Charlotte College, from which UNC Charlotte developed. The Bonnie E. Cone Scholarships are awarded annually to students having high moral character, proven scholastic attainment, and whose further education at the University will, in the judgment of the scholarship committee, enhance the citizenship of the recipients and advance the service of UNC Charlotte as an institution of excellence.

R.L. Stowe Scholarships
The R. L. Stowe Scholarships were established in 1990 to honor R. L. Stowe who opened Belmont, North Carolina’s first spinning plant, the Chronicle Mill, in 1901.

E.K. Fretwell Scholarships
The E. K. Fretwell Scholarships were established in 1990 in recognition of Dr. E. K. Fretwell Jr., chancellor of UNC Charlotte from 1979 to 1989. The primary purpose of the awards is to attract students of great potential to the University. The scholarships’ founders believe that such students stimulate and challenge fellow students and faculty members. Fretwell Scholarships are awarded to graduating high school seniors based on achievements in school, college aptitude test scores, service to school and community, potential for leadership, and for making meaningful contributions to society.

John L. and Margaret S. Fraley Scholarships
The John L. and Margaret S. Fraley Scholarships were established in honor of John L. Fraley, Sr., retired Chairman of the Board and CEO of Carolina Freight, and his wife, Margaret, as a commitment to the continued strength of corporate America. The recipients must be North Carolina residents with majors within The Belk College of Business.

Provost Scholarships
The Provost Scholarships honor the position of the Provost of the University and are designed to attract students with great potential.

Fay and Cal Mitchell Scholarships
The Fay and Cal Mitchell Scholarships were established in 1974 for students representing academic excellence and an SAT score of at least 1100.

Clara McKay Stone & Charles H. Stone Scholarships
The Clara McKay Stone and Charles H. Stone Scholarships were established in 1986 and first awarded in 1987. Mr. and Mrs. Stone were early supporters and major benefactors of the University. Through their efforts the following were established: the Bonnie Cone Scholarships, the Charles H. Stone Professor of Chemistry, the Charles H. Stone Professors of American History, and the Charles H. Stone Collection of the University Library. The purpose of the Stone Scholarships is to provide scholarship assistance for worthwhile and deserving students and applicants for admission to the University who have high moral character and whose education at the University will better enable the recipients to live worthwhile and productive lives and to further the service of the University to society. The fund provides both merit awards and awards for students who are deserving, but may not have the ability for high academic attainment, and who are in need of financial assistance in order to further their education at the University.

J. Murrey Atkins Scholarships
The J. Murrey Atkins Scholarships were established in 1963 in memory of J. Murrey Atkins, Sr., the first Chairman of the Board of Trustees at Charlotte College, which later became UNC Charlotte. The recipient must be a North Carolina resident.

Detailed information about the scholarships named above, including minimum qualifications, selection criteria, and the amount of the stipends, may be obtained online from the Office of Student Financial Aid Scholarship Division’s website at finaid.uncc.edu/scholarships/search.

Need-Based and Departmental Scholarships
Numerous other scholarships are administered by the Office of Student Financial Aid. In most cases, there is no special application for these scholarships, and all aid applicants will be considered unless the scholarship is noted as an exception. Normally, those students with demonstrated need and a grade point average of 3.5 or above will be considered for scholarships.



The Office of Student Accounts bills students for tuition, room and board, and various other University charges. Each student receives an email around the 15th of each month at their UNC Charlotte email address informing them that their bill is available online at 49er Express. It is the student’s responsibility to regularly check their UNC Charlotte email account. Failure to receive a billing statement or view their account online will not exempt students from having their registration cancelled for nonpayment or from having a hold placed on their account blocking them from receiving their transcript and diploma.

Payment can be made by cash, check, online from a checking or savings account (eCheck), or by credit card (Visa, MasterCard, or American Express). All payments must be in U.S. currency. Remittance should be made payable to “UNC Charlotte” and identified with the student name and ID number. UNC Charlotte offers a payment plan which allows students to spread out their tuition and fees, oncampus housing and dining, and other charges billed to the student’s account into three installment payments.

Returned Check Policy

If a check is returned by the bank, a letter is sent to the maker indicating that a penalty of $25 has been assessed and the account must be settled within 10 working days or the check will be considered to be a bad check and be processed accordingly. A hold will be placed on the student’s record until the bad check is covered and the penalty is paid.

A student who pays a previous balance with a check in order to have a registration hold flag lifted will have their registration cancelled if the check is returned by the bank for any reason.

Parent Information/Authorized Users
Authorized users are family and friends that have been given the ability to access the students account information. In compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), student financial records may not be shared with a third party without your written consent. Adding an authorized user is the student’s written consent that an individual may view their account information and make payments on their behalf. Please note that authorized users DO NOT have access to a student’s stored payment methods, academic records, or other personal information.

Students can add Authorized Users by logging on to 49er Express at 49erexpress.uncc.edu. The student will then need to access their Student Account Information and on the Authorized Users page the student will have the ability to Add an Authorized User.

Authorized Users will receive an email informing them that they have been granted access to the student’s account information. The email notification will include access information that will be used when accessing the information from the UNC Charlotte Student Account Suite at https://ecom.uncc.edu/C21561_tsa/web/login.jsp.



A student who officially withdraws (drops all courses) from the University in the Fall or Spring semester will receive a refund as follows:

Period of Withdrawal Percent of Tuition and Fees Refunded
Before 1st Class Day 100%
Period 1 * 100% minus $25 withdrawal fee
Period 2 * 100% minus $75 withdrawal fee
Period 3 * 80%
Period 4 * 75%
Period 5 * 70%
Period 6 * 60%
Period 7 * 55%
Period 8 * 50%
Period 9 * 40%
After Last Period * 0%

* Generally, each period is one week in length; however, for specific dates of each period, please visit the Refunds Schedule located online under finance.uncc.edu/student-accounts/refunds.

Summer School Refunds

A student who officially withdraws (drops all courses) from the University prior to the fifth class day of the Summer session will receive a 100% refund. Students who officially withdraw (drops all courses) from the University on the fifth class day of the Summer session or later will receive no refund. Please review the Refunds Schedule available online on the Student Accounts website above.


Charges are refundable by administrative action on a prorated basis for the unexpired portion of the term for the following reasons: death of the student, withdrawal for adequate medical reason as certified by the University’s Student Health Center or family doctor, death in the immediate family that necessitates student withdrawal, and dismissal or suspension from school. Immediate family is defined as wife, husband, parent, child, brother, sister, grandparent, and grandchildren, and includes step-, half- and in-law relationships. Appropriate documentation must be submitted to the Dean of Students.

Appeal Procedure

Sometimes a student experiences extenuating circumstances that warrants consideration of a refund. In such situations, the student can submit an appeal for refund consideration. The Appeal for Tuition, Housing, and Dining Refund Form can be found online at finance.uncc.edu/resources/forms. The Offices of the Registrar, Student Accounts, Housing and Residence Life, and other offices must then research the request thoroughly. In some cases, the appeal for a refund must be forwarded to the Tuition, Housing, and Dining Appeals Committee. If the request must be forwarded to the Committee, the student will be notified of the date and time of the meeting and offered the option to present the request in person. Once a decision has been made regarding the appeal, the student will be notified by mail.

The contract period for academic-year housing contracts is the entire academic year (Fall and Spring semesters). The student and/or guarantor agree to pay the full amount of charges for residential services. To cancel residential services, the student and/or guarantor must send a signed written request for cancellation of the contract to the Housing and Residence Life Office. The date of receipt of the written request for cancellation will determine, in part, the student’s financial obligation to the University (please see the Housing Contract for the current academic year for specific cancellation dates). If, during the time of the Contract, the student loses the right to live in University housing by reason of disciplinary action, or breach of the Contract, no refund of housing charges for the term will be made.

The contract period for Summer School coincides with each term of the Summer School calendar; housing charges are refundable based upon the number of weeks of occupancy.