Undergraduate Catalog | 2023-2024 Previous Edition Undergraduate Catalog | 2023-2024 |
University Catalogs Policy
The University of North Carolina at Charlotte Undergraduate and Graduate Catalogs (hereby referred to as the “Catalogs”) are the official source of information regarding the University’s academic programs and courses. The Catalogs serve as a guide, in conjunction with regular academic advising, in planning a course of study and in meeting requirements for graduation.
The Catalogs are published annually in the Spring for the following academic year, which begins in the Fall. Although course offerings and academic requirements at UNC Charlotte are continually under examination and revision, the Catalogs are updated only once per year. This annual revision procedure helps ensure that users of the Catalogs will not find unexpected changes during their academic planning processes.
The UNC Charlotte Undergraduate Catalog and the UNC Charlotte Graduate Catalog are not irrevocable contracts. Regulations published in them are subject to change by the University at any time without notice. University regulations are policy statements to guide students, faculty, and administrative officers in achieving the goals of the institution. Necessary interpretations of these policies will be made by the appropriate authorities with the interest of the students and the institution in mind. Students are encouraged to consult an advisor if they have questions about the application of any policy.
The University reserves the right to change any of the rules and regulations of the University at any time, including those relating to admission, instruction, and graduation. The University also reserves the right to withdraw curricula and specific courses, alter course content, change the calendar, and to impose or increase fees. All such changes are effective as proper authorities determine and may apply not only to prospective students, but also to those who are already enrolled in the University.
Catalog Year Requirements
Major, Minor, Certificate
The requirements specified in the Catalogs apply to students who commence their studies at UNC Charlotte during that academic year and who remain in continuous enrollment (no enrollment interruption longer than 12 consecutive months) at the institution until they graduate. If program requirements for a major, minor, or certificate are changed in the Catalog, students remain by default under the old requirements. However, students may elect to follow these new requirements. The choice to apply the new requirements must be declared by students prior to applying for graduation by means of an academic petition. When students declare or change their major they may: 1) elect to stay with the program requirements in the Catalog at the time of their matriculation to the University, or 2) change to follow the program requirements of the current Catalog at the time of their major declaration.
The decision to change Catalog year requirements rests with the student with two rare exceptions: 1) if academic program accreditation and/or professional licensure requirements necessitate the change, or 2) if there is an undue academic burden placed on a department if a student elects to follow the Catalog year requirements of a previous Catalog (e.g., a specialized course is no longer offered).
General Education
The General Education requirements specified in the Catalogs apply to students who commence their studies at UNC Charlotte during that academic year and who remain in continuous enrollment (no enrollment interruption longer than 12 consecutive months) at the institution until they graduate. If the General Education requirements change, students remain by default under the old requirements. However, students may: 1) elect to continue under the requirements outlined in the Catalog at the time of their matriculation to the University or 2) change to follow the General Education requirements of the current Catalog. The choice to apply the new requirements must be declared by students prior to applying for graduation by means of an academic petition.
Readmission to the University
Students who are readmitted to the University are bound by the program and degree requirements in effect at the time of readmission, including General Education requirements.
Exceptions to these policies may be necessitated by changes in course offerings, degree programs, or by action of University authorities. In that event, every effort will be made to avoid penalizing the student.
Student Responsibility
Each student is responsible for the proper completion of his or her academic program, for familiarity with the Catalog, for maintaining the grade point average required, and for meeting all other degree requirements. Students assume academic and financial responsibility for the courses in which they enroll and are relieved of these responsibilities only by formally terminating enrollment. The advisor will counsel, but the final responsibility remains that of the student.
A student is required to have knowledge of and observe all regulations pertaining to campus life and student behavior. Students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with academic terminology located in the Glossary section of this Catalog.
Email is the official form of communication at the University; each student is responsible for checking their uncc.edu email regularly, as well as maintaining communication with the University and keeping a current address and telephone number on file with the Office of the Registrar.
While associated with the University, each student is expected to participate in campus and community life in a manner that will reflect credibly upon the student and the University. The University has enacted two codes of student responsibility –The UNC Charlotte Code of Student Academic Integrity and The UNC Charlotte Code of Student Responsibility – which are summarized in this Catalog and available in full online at legal.charlotte.edu/policies/chapter-400. As students willingly accept the benefits of membership in the UNC Charlotte academic community, they acquire obligations to observe and uphold the principles and standards that define the terms of UNC Charlotte community cooperation and make those benefits possible. This includes completion of institutional surveys as requested by the University for program assessment and improvement.
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