Feb 11, 2025  
Undergraduate Catalog | 2017-2018 
Undergraduate Catalog | 2017-2018 Previous Edition

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ECGR 4182 - Digital System Testing

Introduction to VLSI testing, test process and automatic test equipment, test economics and product quality, test economics, fault modeling, logic and fault simulation, testability measures, combinational and sequential circuit test generation, memory test, analog test, delay test, IDDQ test, design for testability, built-in self test, boundary scan, analog test bus, system test and core test.

Credit Hours: (3)
Restriction(s): Engineering major or minor.
Prerequisite(s): ECGR 3181  with grade of C or above or permission of department.
Most Recently Offered (Day): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years
Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

Schedule of Classes

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