Feb 05, 2025  
Undergraduate Catalog | 2017-2018 
Undergraduate Catalog | 2017-2018 Previous Edition

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ITIS 4420 - Usable Security and Privacy

Much of the work into security and privacy solutions ignore a critical element - the human who must interact with those solutions.  In this course, privacy and security from a user-centered point of view is investigated.  How do people think about privacy and security?  How do they interact with current applications and solutions?  What should be considered in designing user-friendly security systems?  A variety of usability and user-interface issues related to privacy and security, as well as an examination of potential designs and solutions, are introduced. 

Credit Hours: (3)
Prerequisite(s): ITIS 3130  and ITIS 3200 .
Most Recently Offered (Day): Spring 2016
Most Recently Offered (Evening): Spring 2018, Spring 2017

Schedule of Classes

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