Jan 19, 2025  
Undergraduate Catalog | 2024-2025 
Undergraduate Catalog | 2024-2025
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CHEM 1251 - General Chemistry I

A principles-oriented course for science and engineering majors. Fundamental principles and laws of chemistry; the relationship of atomic structure to physical and chemical properties of the elements. Topics include: measurements, chemical nomenclature, reactions and stoichiometry, thermochemistry, atomic structure, periodicity, bonding, and molecular structure. Three lecture hours and one Problem Session hour per week.  Students may attempt CHEM 1251 a total of three times. Withdrawing from the course after the Add/Drop deadline constitutes an attempt as does receiving any letter grade.  Students who have received credit for CHEM 1251 may not enroll in CHEM 1111  or CHEM 1111L .  Students who have received credit for CHEM 1251 with a grade of C or above may not enroll in CHEM 1200 .

Credit Hours: (3)
Prerequisite(s): MATH 1100  or MATH 1101  with grade of C or above (or equivalent test score) or CHEM 1200  (which is recommended for students who have not had chemistry in high school) with grade of C or above.
General Education Requirement(s) Satisfied: Natural Sciences

Schedule of Classes

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