Mar 13, 2025
WRDS 4400 - Writing, Rhetoric, and Digital Studies Internship Practicum Internships are off-campus experiential learning activities designed to provide students with opportunities to make connections between the theory and practice of academic study and the practical application of that study in a professional work environment. Internships are completed under the guidance of an on-site supervisor and a faculty sponsor who, in combination with the student, creates a framework for learning and reflection. This internship asks that students use the range of theories and methods from previous courses to study various aspects of power, organizations, and communication flows. Students work 8-10 hours per week and are assisted in finding placements that extend their learning experience.
Credit Hours: (3) Restriction(s): Junior or Senior standing; Writing, Rhetoric, and Digital Studies major or minor; and 2.0 GPA in all major or minor coursework. Pre- or Corequisite(s): WRDS 4225
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