Mar 14, 2025  
Undergraduate Catalog | 2024-2025 
Undergraduate Catalog | 2024-2025
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DANC 1512 - Local Arts/Humanities: Dance in the United States

All Local Theme courses explore the central, unifying question of what it means to be a member of the “local” community in which we live. Through the study of the experiences of different peoples, cultures, and communities in our city, our region, or our nation, students will be able to better understand themselves in the context of the complex and diverse society in which we live. We reflect on topics such as Indigenous practices, social justice, immigration/ migration studies, and critical cultural studies as they relate to the evolution of dance in the United States across theatrical, social, competitive, and musical theatre contexts. We situate dance within the American context as evidenced in choreography through lectures, discussion, film/video, and live dance performance. 

Credit Hours: (3)
General Education Requirement(s) Satisfied: Local Arts/Humanities

Schedule of Classes

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