Mar 03, 2025
PSYC 4691 - Honors Thesis II Credit Hours: (3)
Completion of independent Honors research, including the preparation and defense of a formal Honors thesis. May be used in fulfillment of the capstone requirement for the major.
Prerequisite(s): Psychology major; Junior or Senior standing; PSYC 1101 , and STAT 1220 , STAT 1221 , or STAT 1222 with grades of C or above within two attempts; PSYC 2101 , PSYC 2103 , and PSYC 4690 with grades of B or above; permission of instructor; and approval of a proposal through the Honors College Application to Candidacy process the semester prior to taking the course. Other Requirements Satisfied: General Education - Oral Communication (O), General Education - Writing in the Disciplines (W)
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