Feb 17, 2025  
Undergraduate Catalog | 2019-2020 
Undergraduate Catalog | 2019-2020 Previous Edition

Department of Geography and Earth Sciences

The Department of Geography and Earth Sciences is a cross-disciplinary unit offering different but related programs of study. Geography emphasizes the locational aspects of human activities as they are distributed over the Earth. Earth and Environmental Sciences include the study of the hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere, and surficial materials, and the interactions between those systems with humans. Geology examines the composition, history, and structure of the whole Earth. Meteorology provides a rigorous study of the fundamental atmospheric processes that lead to weather and climate. A unique advantage of the Department’s interdisciplinary curriculum is that all four programs of study are inter-related in many ways. For example, a geography student interested in land use planning might gain important experience and knowledge from coursework in soil science or hydrology. An Earth and Environmental Sciences major might better understand soil formation and chemical weathering with courses in petrology and optical mineralogy. Emphasis in one area should not preclude class work or interest in another. In fact, this type of interdisciplinary work is often critical to the student’s program of study.

Earth and Environmental Sciences

The Earth and Environmental Sciences program focuses on the suite of dynamic processes acting at or near the surface of the Earth.  Study spotlights the composition and dynamics of the atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere and/or surficial materials including environmental applications of these fields of study.  Coursework covers areas such as environmental geology, hydrology, remote sensing, surfaces processes, soil science, and Environmental Information Systems.  This program also offers Concentrations in Hydrologic, Atmospheric, or Environmental Sciences, which provide students the opportunity to be recognized for more focused academic work. 

Students majoring in Earth and Environmental Sciences pursue careers in environmental consulting, environmental planning, meteorology, land development planning, site analysis, terrain analysis, and teaching.  This degree also prepares students for graduate studies in hydrology and remote sensing.  There are employment opportunities in both government and private industry with the greatest range of positions available to students who earn graduate degrees.  For details, see the UNC Charlotte Graduate Catalog regarding the M.S. in Earth Sciences program.


The Geography curriculum is oriented toward the concepts and methodologies of social science that stress the importance of location.  Geography is the study of spatial variation - of how things vary from place to place on the surface of the earth; how places are connected to each other, and the factors that shape how places interact and change over time.

Geography is studied at many levels, from the local to the global, and from many perspectives (i.e., social, cultural, political, economic, and environmental). Conceptual treatment of geographic issues deal with urbanization; globalization; migration; sustainability; patterns of land use; transportation systems; the flow of goods, services, and information; business location; planning for the natural and built environment; and human-environmental interaction in both urban and rural settings.  Special emphasis is placed on how these factors shape our world, the places where we live and work, and the ways in which we interact.  Geographic analysis involves information technology; mapping and statistical analysis; social area analysis; remote sensing and satellite imagery; and especially the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS).  A host of courses prepare students in both the concepts and methods of contemporary spatial analysis.  The department also leads the interdisciplinary Minor in Urban Studies .  Geography majors find careers in urban and regional planning, cartography, GIS applications and development, marketing research, transportation planning, real estate development, and teaching.  While a wide range of career options are available to undergraduate geography majors, graduate studies provide additional options.  For details, see the UNC Charlotte Graduate Catalog regarding the M.A. in Geography program.


The Geology program examines the entire Earth as a dynamic natural system by focusing on its composition, history and structure.  Students pursuing a B.S. degree take coursework in areas of Earth Sciences and Geology such as mineralogy, geochemistry, structural geology, hydrogeology, sedimentology, stratigraphy, petrology, and optical mineralogy. 

Students majoring in Geology pursue careers in geotechnical engineering, environmental consulting, mining, oil and gas exploration, site analysis, and teaching.  Students should seek advising for guidance toward courses that meet the requirements for North Carolina Licensure as a Professional Geologist and/or Soil Scientist.  There are employment opportunities in both government and private industry with the greatest range of positions available to students who earn graduate degrees.  For details, see the UNC Charlotte Graduate Catalog regarding the M.S. in Earth Sciences program.


The Meteorology program focuses on the atmosphere.  Students pursuing the B.S. degree take courses describing and explaining processes in the atmosphere, with traditional coursework in synoptic, dynamic, physical and boundary layer meteorology.  Ancillary coursework in oceanography, applied climatology, and air quality modeling are also available.  Students majoring in meteorology pursue employment in weather forecasting - private and public, air quality, climatology or atmospheric research.  Students majoring in meteorology pursue employment in government with the National Weather Service or through service in the United States Air Force and careers in industry either through broadcasting or with consulting companies and public utilities.


The Department of Geography and Earth Sciences is housed in the McEniry building.  Supported Geography and Earth Science teaching and research activities include the areas of hydrology, fluvial processes, hydrogeology, geochemistry, soils, petrology, minerology, sedimentology, geomorphology, structural geology, meteorology and atmospheric science.

Numerous classrooms and laboratories are available for instructional and research purposes.  An extensive collection of rock, mineral and fossil samples are available for use in teaching.  Laboratory analytical capabilities present within the department include: ion chromatography, total carbon and nitrogen analysis, flow injection analysis, ICP-MS, atomic absorption spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray florescence (XRF), laser particle size analysis, gas chromatography and water isotope analysis.  Rock cutting and thin-sectioning equipment along with petrographic microscopes are available for studies in optical mineralogy and geochemistry.  Field studies are supported with deployable equipment such as total stations, GPS, surface and groundwater sampling and monitoring devices, data loggers, soil boring equipment and ground penetrating radar.  The Department has vans and a four-wheel drive truck available for transportation to field research sites and for class field trips.

The meteorology program includes a wide variety of resources for our students and faculty, including the meteorology computer lab (Linux with all standard packages, Matlab, and other analysis software), access to campus High Performance Computing resources, broadcast meteorology studio, rooftop weather station, additional weather stations for field deployment, a rooftop lightning sensor, weather balloon launch system, hand-held and laboratory-grade air quality monitoring equipment, hand-held Kestral weather monitors, solar flux monitors, and skew-T charts.  Graduate and undergraduate researchers working with faculty enjoy a shared office space, and a conference room with touch-screen presentation display and video conferencing capability.

Students have access to four Departmental computer labs, three PC labs and one Linux lab, three of which have pay-for-print printers.  The three PC labs contain geographic information system (GIS) and remote sensing software, including ArcGIS and ENVI software packages.  These workstations are used to support courses in GIS, remote sensing and image processing, and spatial decision support systems, as well as other classes in the department.  The Linux lab is used for our Meteorology classes and includes Matlab and other software.




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