Mar 11, 2025  
Undergraduate Catalog | 2020-2021 
Undergraduate Catalog | 2020-2021 Previous Edition

Department of Biological Sciences

The biological sciences are important in many areas of human endeavor encompassing wide-ranging career opportunities in human, dental, and veterinary medicine; allied health professions; education; environment; research; and industry.

Degree Programs

The Department of Biological Sciences offers undergraduate programs leading to the Bachelor of Arts degree and the Bachelor of Science degree. The B.A. degree provides a firm foundation in the basic principles of biology as background to understanding the biological world, and as preparation for many careers, such as secondary education and medical/pharmaceutical sales; while the B.S. degree provides opportunity for advanced studies in academic or professional programs. The Minor in Biology  is offered for students who desire some experience in biology as an adjunct to their major.

Biology degree programs can be tailored to fit the individual student’s needs and interests. Through course selection, the student can emphasize many areas within biology: plant sciences, including horticulture, systematics, and plant physiology and ecology; animal sciences, which include behavior, morphology and physiology; microbial sciences, including virology and microbial physiology; cellular/molecular studies, such as genetics, development, immunology and biotechnology; and environmental sciences, including ecology and evolution. Opportunities for individualized instruction occur at every level from undergraduate research and tutorials with faculty in the Junior and Senior courses to honors research projects in the Senior year.

Teacher Education

The Department of Biological Sciences; in collaboration with the Department of Middle, Secondary, and K-12 Education; offers a program of biology and professional education courses to prepare students for 9-12 teacher licensure in North Carolina. Students interested in biology education should declare this interest during the first semester of the Sophomore year to obtain appropriate advising and prepare for formal admission to a teacher education program. Students should contact the secondary education advisor for teacher education within the Department, as well as the Office of Student Academic Services in the College of Education for information about the requirements for admission to teacher education, coursework, and the culminating student teaching experience. Additional information about teacher education may be found in the College of Education  section of this Catalog.




    Honors Programs

    Early Entry Programs