Feb 17, 2025  
Undergraduate Catalog | 2017-2018 
Undergraduate Catalog | 2017-2018 Previous Edition

Classroom Policies and Attendance

Each instructor determines the classroom policies (including attendance regulations) for his or her courses.  In general, students are expected to attend punctually all scheduled sessions in the courses for which they are registered, to demonstrate civil behavior while in class, and to complete all of the course requirements.  Instructors may outline additional and more specific standards in the course syllabus, especially when attendance is part of the grading criteria for the class.  For online synchronous classes, instructors can choose to take attendance with any technology available to them.  Absences from class may be excused by the instructor for such reasons as personal illness or participating as an authorized University representative in an out-of-town event.  Whenever possible, students are expected to seek the permission of the instructor prior to absences.  Absences for religious holidays fall under University Policy 409, Religious Accommodation for Students.