The Minor in Operations and Supply Chain Management (OSCM) is designed to provide business and non-business students who have an interest in supply chain management, manufacturing, and service operations with a broad foundation of OSCM concepts and analytical methodology to be integrated into their major field of study.
The demand for graduates who are knowledgeableabout designing, planning, evaluating, and managing supply chains, production, and service systems continues to increase. There is also an increase in the demand of OSCM professionals who can define strategic and operational problems, collect relevant data, and apply advanced analytical techniques to improve the performance of firms. OSCM courses deal with supply chains, service systems, and manufacturing organizations. These areas examine the production function of an organization at a strategic level, as well as the plant and shop floor level. Areas included in the OSCM program include operations strategy, process analysis, product design, quality management, logistics management, procurement, supply chain management, project management, and waiting line management as well as analytical techniques such as optimization and simulation.
The minor offers graduates a competitive advantage in terms of the types of positions for which they qualify. The Minor in OSCM is directed not only at UNC Charlotte students majoring in business but also those majoring in other Colleges. The benefits of a minor in OSCM include increased marketability in the public and private sector and the ability to leverage one’s major discipline with a solid understanding of one business area, increased analytical thinking, problem-solving ability, and an understanding of internal and external environments of service and business organizations.