Jan 13, 2025
Undergraduate Catalog | 2021-2022 Previous Edition
Latin American Studies, Honors Program
This optional credential may be awarded to students with a minimum overall GPA of 3.25 and a GPA of at least 3.25 in Latin American Studies courses. To receive honors in Latin American Studies, a student must be approved by the Latin American Studies Honors Committee. Students who plan to graduate with “Honors in Latin American Studies” must complete the Application to Candidacy process for graduating with honors, as directed by the Honors College, beginning the semester prior to the semester they plan to graduate. They must register for 3 credit hours of LTAM 4700 during their Senior year and present an honors thesis based on in-depth research in primary sources to a committee composed of three members of the Latin American Studies faculty. One of these faculty members will serve as the student’s primary honors thesis adviser. Following an oral defense of the thesis, the committee shall award a grade. A thesis awarded a grade of A is acceptable for curricular honors. Students may also obtain honors through the University Honors Program.