Jan 13, 2025  
Undergraduate Catalog | 2021-2022 
Undergraduate Catalog | 2021-2022 Previous Edition

University Structure

UNC Charlotte is organized into five administrative divisions:  Academic Affairs, Business Affairs, Institutional Integrity, Student Affairs, and University Advancement.  These divisions, as well as Athletics, all report to the Chancellor.

Academic Affairs

The Division of Academic Affairs provides administrative oversight and academic leadership.  It includes Assessment and Accreditation; Enrollment Management; Faculty Affairs and Diversity Office; Institutional Research; International Programs; Library; OneIT; Research and Economic Development; Urban Research and Community Engagement; The Graduate School; Office of Undergraduate Education; and seven discipline-based colleges:  the Colleges of Arts + Architecture, Business, Computing and Informatics, Education, Engineering, Health and Human Services, and Liberal Arts & Sciences. 

Business Affairs

Business Affairs plans for and provides essential human, financial, facility, and administrative support services to the University that are customer-focused, results-oriented, fiscally sound, and integrity-bound.  The Division of Business Affairs includes Business Services; Facilities Management; Financial Services; Human Resources; Safety and Security; and Technical Operations and Planning.

Institutional Integrity

The Division of Institutional Integrity supports UNC Charlotte in its endeavors to achieve its academic mission and strategic plan while adhering to the University’s ethical, legal, and regulatory responsibilities.  The Division of Institutional Integrity consists of the  Office of Legal Affairs, the Office of Ethics and Compliance, the Title IX Office, the Internal Audit Department, and Enterprise Risk Management.

Student Affairs

The Division of Student Affairs advances the educational mission of the University by creating inclusive student-centered learning environments where students excel academically and develop personally into their best selves.  The Division of Student Affairs consists of the Center for Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS); Center for Wellness Promotion; Cone University Center; Dean of Students Office; Housing and Residence Life; Leadership & Community Engagement; New Student and Family Services; Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life; Office of Identity, Equity & Engagement; Popp Martin Student Union; Student Activity Center and Venue Management; Student Affairs Research & Assessment; Student Assistance and Support Services; Student Conduct & Academic Integrity; Student Health Center; Student Involvement; Student Niner Media; University Recreation; Venture Outdoor Leadership; and Veteran Services.

University Advancement

The Division of University Advancement supports the mission of the University by cultivating alumni, community, and government support and affinity, by raising funds for scholarships and major initiatives, by providing and coordinating community engagement opportunities, and by providing broad based communications leadership that articulates the mission of the University to the region, state and nation.  The Division includes Advancement Operations, Alumni Affairs, Community Relations, Constituent Relations, University Communications, University Development, and University Events.