Admission Requirements
Current UNC Charlotte Undergraduate Students
To be admitted into the Undergraduate Certificate in Game Design and Development, students must meet the general University requirements for admission into Undergraduate Certificate Programs. See University Admission Requirements .
In addition, the program expects a current working knowledge of two higher-level languages, including at least one procedural language; and a familiarity with computer applications. The following minimal background in mathematics is also required: two semesters of calculus and one semester of discrete structures. Individuals who have worked at a high professional level in the computer industry may be able to substitute work experience for specific subject area admission requirements.
Students who anticipate applying certificate courses toward an undergraduate degree program should seek advice from that program prior to enrolling. Admission to an undergraduate degree program does not ensure admission into a discipline-related certificate program.
Course Requirements
The certificate will be awarded upon completion of five to six undergraduate level courses (15-18 credit hours) in the area of game design and development. Up to a maximum of six transfer credits may be applied to the certificate. Course substitutions may be made at the discretion of the GDD Certificate Coordinator.