Undergraduate Catalog | 2015-2016 Previous Edition
Political Science, Honors Program
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To graduate with Honors in Political Science and have this fact affixed to the student’s transcript, a student must:
- Comply with all of the requirements for a Major in Political Science
- Complete at least two Honors courses in the University Honors Program or in individual departments with a GPA at UNC Charlotte of at least 3.25
- Have an overall GPA at UNC Charlotte of at least 3.25
- Have a GPA of at least 3.4 in all Political Science courses taken at UNC Charlotte
- Complete the Senior Thesis in Political Science (POLS 4990) with a grade of A and licensure of the Department Honors Committee that the thesis deserves a grade of A and is of Honors quality
To be certified as Honors quality, a thesis must contain original research and demonstrate a high degree of scholarship. Students seeking the Honors designation must notify the professor who is directing their thesis no later than the second week of classes that the thesis should be evaluated for Honors requirements. The directing professor will notify the Honors Committee. Students work on their thesis under the same procedures as all other students, but then submit their thesis for evaluation by the Honors Committee. Faculty members who serve on the Honors Committee do not evaluate Senior theses completed under their supervision. Instead, the Honors Committee asks another faculty member to evaluate the thesis in question along with the other two members of the Committee. If the Committee agrees to confer Honors on the student’s thesis, it certifies this to the Department Chair. If the Committee decides that the thesis does not warrant Honors, the student receives whatever grade the faculty member supervising the thesis had assigned.
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