HSMT 4400 - Health Systems Management Capstone Offers service learning experiences in a healthcare or related setting for students. The initial assumption is made that students participating in the experience have had limited hands-on exposure to healthcare systems. Students complete ePortfolios that include work samples and reflections generated throughout the Health Systems Management program.
Credit Hours: (3) (W) Restriction(s): Health Systems Management major Prerequisite(s): HSMT 3103 with grade of C or above; and HSMT 3201 , HSMT 3203 , HSMT 4101 , and HSMT 4103 with grades of D or above General Education Requirement(s) Satisfied: Writing in the Disciplines (W) Most Recently Offered (Day): Fall 2019, First Summer 2019, Spring 2019 Most Recently Offered (Evening): Fall 2019, Spring 2019
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