Sep 23, 2024  
Undergraduate Catalog | 2021-2022 
Undergraduate Catalog | 2021-2022 Previous Edition

Course Descriptions

Courses below are listed alphabetically by prefix.  To narrow your search, use the Course Filter box.  Additionally, when searching courses by Code or Number, an asterisk (*) can be used to return mass results.  For example, a Code search of 2* can be entered, returning all 2000-level courses.  Click on a course to read its description.  Click on the link again to close the description box.

Pre-Sorted Lists of Courses

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  • MATH 4080 - Topics in Geometry and Topology

    Topics in geometry or topology selected to supplement regular course offerings in this area of mathematics. Credit for M.A. degree in Mathematics requires approval of the department.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Permission of department.
    Repeatability: May be repeated for credit with permission of department.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MATH 4109 - History of Mathematical Thought

    A study of the development of mathematics in its historical setting from the earliest beginnings to modern times.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 1241  or permission of department.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Spring 2021, Fall 2021, Fall 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Summer 2021, Summer 2021

    Schedule of Classes

  • MATH 4122 - Probability and Stochastic Models

    Topics include: a brief review of probability, including joint and conditional distributions; Markov Chains; Poisson process with applications to actuarial science and replacement models; and binomial model of option pricing.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 2241 ; and MATH 3122   or STAT 3122 
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Spring 2020
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MATH 4128 - Risk Theory

    Topics include: modeling risk with Value-at-Risk (VaR) and related quantities; statistical estimation of VaR; back testing; risk management; forecasting risk and volatility modeling with GARCH; and Monte Carlo methods.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 2241 ; and MATH 3122  or STAT 3122 
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Spring 2019, Spring 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MATH 4161 - Number Theory

    A study of the elements of classical number theory including divisibility, congruences, iophantine equations, prime numbers and their distribution, quadratic reciprocity, number-theoretic functions, and famous unsolved problems. Not approved for the M.A. in mathematics degree.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 3163  with grade of C or above or permission of department.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Spring 2020
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MATH 4163 - Modern Algebra

    Groups, rings, integral domains, and fields.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 3163  or permission of department.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Fall 2019, Fall 2020, Fall 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MATH 4164 - Abstract Linear Algebra

    Vector spaces over arbitrary fields, linear transformations, canonical forms, and multilinear algebra.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 2164  and MATH 3163 , or permission of department.
    Repeatability: (Spring) Alternate Years
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Spring 2019, Spring 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MATH 4181 - Introduction to Topology

    Topics from set theory and point set topology such as cardinality, order, topological spaces, metric spaces, separation axioms, compactness and connectedness.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 2164  with grade of C or above.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Fall 2020, Fall 2020, Fall 2020
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MATH 4226 - Mathematics of Financial Markets

    A preparatory course for actuarial exam IFM.  Topics include: basic derivatives such as forwards and futures contracts, as well as vanilla, exchange, futures and exotic options; general properties of options; the binomial option pricing model; the Black-Scholes option pricing model; option greeks and risk management.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 3122  or STAT 3122  with a grade of C or above, or permission of department.
    Cross-listed Course(s): MATH 5226
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Fall 2019, Fall 2020, Fall 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MATH 4228 - Actuarial Science IIA

    Long-Term Actuarial Mathematics.  Introduction to long-term insurance; Survival distribution: probability functions, life tables, force of mortality, mortality laws, life expectancy, select mortality; Insurance: continuous and discrete, moments, recursive formulas; Annuities: continuous and discrete, actuarial present and accumulated values, moments, recursive formulas; Premiums: net premiums for continuous and discrete insurances, gross premiums, variance of future loss. This course is the first of two preparatory courses for Actuarial Exam LTAM.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 3122  or STAT 3122 ; and MATH 3228 ; or permission of department.
    Cross-listed Course(s): MATH 5228
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Fall 2019, Fall 2020, Fall 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MATH 4229 - Actuarial Science IIB

    Long-Term Actuarial Mathematics. Reserves: net and gross premium reserves, variance of loss; Markov chains: discrete and continuous probabilities, applications to premiums and reserves; Multiple decrement models; Multiple lives: joint life, last survivor, and contingent probabilities; Estimating mortality rates; Pensions and Profit Measures. This course is the second of two preparatory courses for Actuarial Exam LTAM.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 4228  with grade of C or above, or permission of department.
    Cross-listed Course(s): MATH 5229
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Spring 2019, Spring 2020, Spring 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MATH 4691 - Seminar

    Individual or group investigation and exposition of selected topics in mathematics.

    Credit Hours: (1 to 6)
    Restriction(s): Permission of department.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Spring 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MATH 4692 - Seminar

    A continuation of MATH 4691 .

    Credit Hours: (1 to 6)
    Restriction(s): Permission of department.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

Mathematics Education

  • MAED 3000 - Topics in Mathematics Education, Elementary

    Special topics in mathematics education for grades K-6.

    Credit Hours: (1 to 6)
    Restriction(s): Permission of department.
    Repeatability: May be repeated for credit with change of topic.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MAED 3040 - Topics in Mathematics Education, Middle Grades

    Special topics in mathematics education for middle grades.

    Credit Hours: (1 to 6)
    Restriction(s): Permission of department.
    Repeatability: May be repeated for credit with change of topic.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MAED 3070 - Topics in Mathematics Education, Secondary

    Special topics in mathematics education at the secondary level.

    Credit Hours: (1 to 6)
    Restriction(s): Permission of department.
    Repeatability: May be repeated for credit with change of topic.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MAED 3222 - Teaching Mathematics to Elementary School Learners, Grades K-2

    This course is designed to help students develop knowledge and understanding of school mathematics and methods for teaching mathematics to children in grades K through 2. The course focuses on the importance of learning through manipulative and concrete experiences, and on planning lessons in which students develop their ideas through action and discussion.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Students must be accepted as Elementary Education majors in the College of Education.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Fall 2021, Fall 2021, Fall 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Spring 2019, Spring 2020, Fall 2021

    Schedule of Classes

  • MAED 3224 - Teaching Mathematics to Elementary School Learners, Grades 3-6

    This course is designed to help students develop knowledge and understanding of school mathematics and methods for teaching mathematics to children in Grades 3 through 6. The course includes a focus on planning and developing mathematics lessons and also includes the study of a variety of techniques for assessing student learning.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): MAED 3222 .
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Spring 2021, Fall 2021, Fall 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Spring 2019, Spring 2020, Fall 2020

    Schedule of Classes

  • MAED 4103 - Using Technology to Teach Secondary School Mathematics

    Technology as a tool for exploring mathematical ideas and representing mathematical concepts, including lab assignments related to using technology throughout the secondary school mathematics curriculum.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Admission to Teacher Education or permission of department.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Spring 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Spring 2019, Spring 2020

    Schedule of Classes

  • MAED 4105 - High School Mathematics from an Advanced Standpoint

    Intended for students working towards a Minor in Secondary Education intending to become high school mathematics teachers.  Explores the study of high school mathematics topics from an advanced standpoint. Topics include: functions, geometry and transformations, analytic geometry, complex numbers and trigonometry, and statistics and probability.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Minor in Secondary Education or permission of department
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 3163 , MATH 3181 , and at least one STAT course
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Fall 2020, Fall 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Fall 2018, Fall 2019

    Schedule of Classes

  • MAED 4232 - Teaching Mathematics to Middle School Learners

    The initial teaching methods course for middle school mathematics teachers. Focuses on middle school mathematics and its relation to the K-12 curriculum. Topics include: the development of teaching strategies and activities in middle school mathematics with an emphasis on problem solving, mathematical connections, communication and assessment, including school-based field experiences.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Admission to Teacher Education or permission of department.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Spring 2019

    Schedule of Classes

  • MAED 4252 - Teaching Mathematics to Secondary School Learners

    The initial teaching methods course for secondary school mathematics teachers.  Focuses on secondary school mathematics and its relation to the K-12 curriculum. Topics include: the planning and implementation of high quality mathematics lessons with an emphasis on problem solving, mathematical connections, and communication, including school-based field experiences.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Admission to Teacher Education or permission of department.
    Prerequisite(s): MDSK 3100 ; MDSK 3151 ; MDSK 4210 ; and MDLG 3130  or SECD 4140 
    Corequisite(s): MDSK 4100L  and MDSK 4102 
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Fall 2020, Spring 2021, Fall 2021

    Schedule of Classes

Mechanical Engineering

  • MEGR 0699 - MEES Transfer Success

    This course is designed to facilitate the successful transition of new transfer students into the B.S. in Mechanical Engineering degree program and the UNC Charlotte community.  Students build a repertoire of strategies and resources as they connect with the campus community, including their advisor, faculty, staff, and students. This course will not replace credit that is required for any other course in the MEES curriculum.

    Credit Hours: (1)
    Restriction(s): Mechanical Engineering major
    Grading Method: Graded on a Pass/Unsatisfactory basis.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Spring 2021, Fall 2021, Fall 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 1100 - Foundations of Math and Science for Engineers

    The study of foundational math and science, including vectors, vector algebra, derivatives, units, Newton’s laws, atomic structure, properties of matter, ideal gas law, chemical bonding, etc. Lectures and breakout practice/lab sessions. 

    Credit Hours: (4)
    Restriction(s): Mechanical Engineering major
    Pre- or Corequisite(s): ENGR 1201  
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Fall 2021, Fall 2021, Fall 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 2090 - Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering

    The special topics covered in each offering of the course serve to advance knowledge at the sophomore level.  The content is determined by the instructor and number of credit hours.

    Credit Hours: (1 to 3)
    Restriction(s): Mechanical Engineering major
    Repeatability: May be repeated for credit with change of topic.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 2141 - Engineering Mechanics I

    Introduces the principles of particle and rigid body mechanics with engineering applications; force systems and resultants; the equilibrium of particles and rigid bodies; friction; and properties of areas and volumes.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Engineering major or minor.
    Prerequisite(s): PHYS 2101  and MATH 1242  with grades of C or above.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Fall 2021, Fall 2021, Fall 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 2144 - Introduction to Solid Mechanics

    Engineering theory of deformable solids and applications. Stress and deformation resulting from axial, torsion and bending loads. Shear and moment diagrams, Mohr’s circle for stress and strain and buckling of columns.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Engineering major or minor.
    Prerequisite(s): MEGR 2141  with grade of C or above.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Fall 2021, Fall 2021, Fall 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Spring 2020, Summer 2021, Summer 2021

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 2156 - Design Projects I Laboratory

    Introduction to design, as well as the fundamentals of manufacturing, including lathe and mill work.  Emphasis on design visualization, functional analysis, communication, and computer-aided design.  Students manufacture a design which then is verified for precision and accuracy.

    Credit Hours: (2)
    Restriction(s): Engineering major or minor.
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 1201 , ENGR 1202 , MEGR 2141 , PHYS 2102 , all with grades of C or above.
    Corequisite(s): MEGR 2180 .
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Fall 2021, Fall 2021, Fall 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Spring 2020, Spring 2020, Fall 2021

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 2180 - Manufacturing Systems

    A broad overview of manufacturing materials, processes, and procedures. Topics include: mechanical behavior and physical properties, basic materials, casting, rolling, forming, welding, cutting, surfaces, engineering metrology, quality assurance, and automation. Basic concepts of engineering economics and cost estimating. The economics of manufacturing are also introduced, including the time value of money, economic analysis, and cost estimating.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Engineering major or minor.
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 1202 , MEGR 2141 , and PHYS 2102L , all with grades of C or above.
    Corequisite(s): MEGR 2156 .
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Summer 2021, Fall 2021, Fall 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Spring 2021

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 2240 - Computational Methods for Engineers

    Automated engineering analysis and synthesis techniques based on software engineering principles. Overview of data representation and computing languages. Program development using programming languages and off-the shelf software packages. Study of numerical methods, potential errors, and computational stability. emphasis on effective design, testing, and debugging practices.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Engineering major or minor
    Prerequisite(s): MEGR 2141 
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Fall 2021, Fall 2021, Fall 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Fall 2020, Summer 2021

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 2279 - Introduction to Biomedical Engineering

    An examination of various aspects of Biomedical Engineering.

    Credit Hours: (1)
    Restriction(s): Admission to BSME Biomedical Engineering concentration and GPA of 3.0 or above.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Fall 2019, Fall 2020, Fall 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 2299 - Introduction to Motorsports Engineering

    An examination of various aspects of automotive and motorsports engineering presented by faculty and industry representatives. Participation as a Motorsports Trainee (MT) is required. MT’s are assigned to automotive projects on campus and/or with industrial partners.

    Credit Hours: (1)
    Restriction(s): Admission to BSME Motorsports concentration; and Sophomore, Junior, or Senior standing.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Spring 2021, Fall 2021, Fall 2021

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 2499 - Introduction to Energy Engineering

    An examination of various aspects of energy engineering.

    Credit Hours: (1)
    Restriction(s): Admission to BSME Energy concentration; Sophomore, Junior, or Senior standing; and a GPA of 3.0 or above.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Fall 2020, Spring 2021, Fall 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 2699 - MEES Seminar

    Students attend presentations given by Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Science (MEES) graduate students, external researchers, and MEES faculty on current research in Mechanical Engineering and related fields. This course will not replace credit that is required for any other course in the MEES curriculum.

    Credit Hours: (1)
    Restriction(s): Mechanical Engineering major
    Grading Method: Graded on a Pass/Unsatisfactory basis.
    Repeatability: May be repeated for credit.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Fall 2020, Spring 2021, Fall 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3090 - Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering

    Technical Elective. Builds upon and synthesizes the knowledge the students have gained from the mechanical engineering core curriculum. The specific topics covered in each separate offering of the course will serve as the vehicle for teaching engineering analysis, synthesis and design, while simultaneously affording an opportunity for the students to point themselves toward an area of specialization.

    Credit Hours: (1 to 4)
    Restriction(s): Engineering major or minor, and permission of department.
    Repeatability: May be repeated for credit.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Fall 2020, Summer 2021, Fall 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Fall 2019, Fall 2021, Fall 2021

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3092 - Special Topics in Motorsports Engineering

    Technical Elective. Builds upon and synthesizes the knowledge the students have gained from the mechanical engineering core curriculum. The specific topics covered in each separate offering of the course will serve as the vehicle for teaching engineering analysis, synthesis and design, while simultaneously affording an opportunity for the students to point themselves toward an area of specialization.

    Credit Hours: (1 to 4)
    Restriction(s): Engineering major or minor, and permission of department.
    Repeatability: May be repeated for credit.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Fall 2018, Fall 2018, Spring 2019
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Spring 2019, First Summer 2019, Summer 2021

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3094 - Special Topics in Energy Engineering

    Technical Elective. Builds upon and synthesizes the knowledge the students have gained from the mechanical engineering core curriculum. The specific topics covered in each separate offering of the course will serve as the vehicle for teaching engineering analysis, synthesis and design, while simultaneously affording an opportunity for the students to point themselves toward an area of specialization.

    Credit Hours: (1 to 4)
    Restriction(s): Engineering major or minor, and permission of department.
    Repeatability: May be repeated for credit.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Fall 2020, Fall 2020, Fall 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3097 - Special Topics in Biomedical Engineering

    Technical Elective. Builds upon and synthesizes the knowledge the students have gained from the Mechanical Engineering core curriculum. The specific topics covered in each separate offering of the course serve as the vehicle for teaching engineering analysis, synthesis and/or design, while simultaneously affording an opportunity for the students to point themselves toward the area of specialization of Biomedical Engineering.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Engineering major or minor
    Repeatability: May be repeated for credit.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Spring 2021, Fall 2021, Fall 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3111 - Thermodynamics I

    First and second laws of thermodynamics. Work and heat carnot cycle. Ideal and real gases. Non-reactive mixture of gases. Availability and irreversibility.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Engineering major or minor.
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 2171  and PHYS 2101  with grades of C or above.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Fall 2021, Fall 2021, Fall 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3112 - Thermodynamics II

    General thermodynamic relations; equations of state and generalized charts. Combustion, dissociation, and chemical equilibrium. Introduction to power cycles.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Engineering major or minor.
    Prerequisite(s): MEGR 3111  with grade of C or above.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Summer 2021, Fall 2021, Fall 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3114 - Fluid Mechanics

    Basic concepts of a fluid and the fundamentals of ideal and real fluid flow. Topics include: fluid statics, conservation principles, Bernoulli’s equation, fluid flow in pipes, and measurement devices.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Engineering major or minor.
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 2241  and MEGR 3121  with grades of C or above.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Summer 2021, Fall 2021, Fall 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3116 - Introduction to Heat Transfer

    One and two dimensional steady state conduction. Finite difference methods. Radiative heat transfer, emissivity, black body radiation. Heat exchange among two and multi-body systems. Introduction to concepts and applications of convective heat transfer.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Engineering major or minor.
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 2171  and MEGR 3111  with grades of C or above.
    Pre- or Corequisite(s): MEGR 3114 .
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Summer 2021, Fall 2021, Fall 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): First Summer 2019, Summer 2021

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3121 - Dynamics Systems I

    The kinematics and kinetics of rigid bodies. Work-energy and impulse-momentum principles and conservation laws. Introduction to the kinematics of mechanisms.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Engineering major or minor.
    Prerequisite(s): MEGR 2141  and MATH 1242  with grades of C or above.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Fall 2021, Fall 2021, Fall 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3122 - Dynamic Systems II

    Modeling of mechanical dynamic systems. Vibration of lumped mass systems. Analysis and design of mechanical systems using time domain and frequency domain methods.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Engineering major or minor.
    Prerequisite(s): MEGR 2240 , MEGR 3121 , and MATH 2171  with grades of C or above.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Spring 2021, Summer 2021, Fall 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Spring 2020, Spring 2021, Fall 2021

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3131 - Introduction to Electronic Materials

    Technical Elective. Electronic materials and devices with examples from crystalline and amorphous semiconductors, junction and MOS devices, thermoelectrics, lasers and super-conductors. Introduction to the quantum mechanics of electrons in solids, electron-atom interactions and energy band model, providing a basis for rationalizing a wide variety of electronic properties.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Engineering major or minor.
    Prerequisite(s): PHYS 2102  with grade of C or above.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3152 - Mechanics and Materials Laboratory

    Laboratory experiments related to the areas of mechanics and materials engineering. Three hours of laboratory each week.

    Credit Hours: (2) (W)
    Restriction(s): Engineering major or minor.
    Prerequisite(s): MEGR 2144 , MEGR 3121 , MEGR 3161  and MEGR 3171L , all with grade of C or above.
    General Education Requirement(s) Satisfied: Writing in the Disciplines (W)
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Fall 2021, Fall 2021, Fall 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Summer 2021, Fall 2021, Fall 2021

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3156 - Design Projects Lab II

    Study of the process of design and reduction to practice of engineering concepts in a team environment. Requirements definition, concept synthesis, concept of evaluation, project planning and execution.

    Credit Hours: (2)
    Restriction(s): Engineering major or minor.
    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 2161 , MEGR 2144 , MEGR 2156 , and MEGR 2180 , all with grades of C or above.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Fall 2021, Fall 2021, Fall 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3161 - Introduction to Engineering Materials

    Classifications of engineering materials. Introduction to property structure relationships. Ideal and defect atomic structures of solids with examples from metals, ceramics and polymers. Cold working and annealing effects. Phase equilibria in alloys; introduction to diffusional processes and transformation kinetics.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Engineering major or minor.
    Prerequisite(s): CHEM 1251  or MEGR 1100 ; MATH 2171 ; and MEGR 2144 ; all with grades of C or above.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Fall 2021, Fall 2021, Fall 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Fall 2020, Spring 2021, Fall 2021

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3162 - Mechanical Behavior and Strengthening of Solids

    Technical Elective. Mechanical properties of materials including elastic behavior, plastic flow, fracture, creep, fatigue, and elevated temperature effects. Correlation of properties with atomic and microscopic structure. Dislocation theory and its application to mechanical behavior and strengthening mechanisms. Alloy hardening effects; effects of processing and heat treatments. Applications in Fe-C alloys.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Engineering major or minor.
    Prerequisite(s): MEGR 3161 , with grade of C or above.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3171 - Introduction to Measurements and Instrumentation

    Statistical analysis of experimental data, curve fitting. Operational amplifiers and signal conditioning techniques for remote monitoring. Discussion of the principles involved in the use of sensors and transducers in measurements of linear and angular displacement, velocity and acceleration, temperature, force, pressure, torque and flow. Introduction to dynamic measurements and frequency analysis.

    Credit Hours: (2)
    Restriction(s): Engineering major or minor.
    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 2161  and MATH 2241  with grades of C or above.
    Corequisite(s): MEGR 3171L .
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Spring 2021, Fall 2021, Fall 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Summer 2021

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3171L - Instrumentation Laboratory

    Utilization of measuring equipment targeted to mechanical engineering applications. Experiments will focus on the use of instrumentation and computer interfacing methods for the optimization of measurement processes. Basic programming of scientific instruments.

    Credit Hours: (2) (W)
    Restriction(s): Engineering major or minor.
    Prerequisite(s): PHYS 2102L  with grade of C or above.
    Corequisite(s): MEGR 3171 .
    General Education Requirement(s) Satisfied: Writing in the Disciplines (W)
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Fall 2021, Fall 2021, Fall 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Fall 2021, Fall 2021, Fall 2021

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3210 - Automotive Power Plants

    Technical Elective. Energy analysis of internal and external combustion engines for vehicular propulsion. Thermodynamic principles for combustion efficient use of fuel combustion, different types of fuel use, and pollutant control.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Engineering major or minor.
    Prerequisite(s): MEGR 3112  with grade of C or above.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Fall 2019, Fall 2020, Fall 2021

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3211 - Road Vehicle Dynamics

    Technical Elective. An introduction to road vehicle Dynamics. Acceleration and braking performance, road loads, steady-state cornering, suspension, steering system and tire behavior.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Engineering major or minor.
    Prerequisite(s): MEGR 3122  with grade of C or above.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Fall 2019, Fall 2020, Fall 2021

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3212 - Heat Convection and Compact Heat Exchanger Design

    Technical Elective. Natural, forced internal and external heat convection, heat convection in phase change (boiling and condensation) and design of compact heat exchangers.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Engineering major or minor.
    Prerequisite(s): MEGR 3114  and MEGR 3116  with grades of C or above.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3214 - Refrigeration and Air/Conditioning

    Technical Elective. Thermodynamics and heat transfer applied to analysis, design of cooling/heating systems.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Engineering major or minor.
    Prerequisite(s): MEGR 3112  and MEGR 3116   with grades of C or above.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3216 - Thermal/Fluid Design

    Design of systems utilizing thermodynamic, heat transfer, and fluid flow principles. Topics include: thermal system design, thermodynamic modeling, design applications with heat transfer, thermo-economic optimization of simple and complex systems.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Engineering major or minor.
    Prerequisite(s): MEGR 3112 , MEGR 3114 , and MEGR 3116  with grades of C or above.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Fall 2018, Fall 2018, Spring 2019
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Spring 2020, Spring 2021

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3221 - Machine Analysis and Design I

    Technical application of basic principles of mechanical science to analysis of machines and mechanical systems. Design of typical machine elements. Strength and deflection requirements.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Engineering major or minor.
    Prerequisite(s): MEGR 3121  and MEGR 2144  with grades of C or above.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Fall 2020, Fall 2021, Fall 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3222 - Machine Analysis and Design II

    Technical Elective. Synthesis of machines and mechanical systems. Analysis, creative design and selection of machines and machine elements.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Engineering major or minor.
    Prerequisite(s): MEGR 3221  with grade of C or above.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3225 - Introduction to Finite Element Analysis

    Technical Elective. The basic concepts of finite element analysis (FEA) are introduced. The necessary concepts from linear algebra are reviewed. Simple elements such as truss and beam elements are emphasized, with an introduction to continuum elements for structural analysis. Introduction to heat transfer elements for steady state conduction and convection. Mathematics software is used to illustrate such concepts as the finite element assembly process, and the solution of the primary unknowns. A commercially available finite element code is also introduced.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Engineering major or minor.
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 2171 , MEGR 2144 , and MEGR 2240  with grades of C or above.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Fall 2020, Spring 2021, Fall 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Fall 2018, Fall 2019

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3231 - Advanced CAD/CAM

    Technical Elective. An introduction to advanced CAD modeling techniques, reverse engineering and Rapid technologies with a detailed application of these tools in engineering design.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Engineering major or minor.
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 1202  and MEGR 2156  with grades of C or above.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Spring 2021, Fall 2021, Fall 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3232 - Plastic Part Design

    Technical Elective. An introduction to the science and technology of polymer materials and processes with an emphasis on the application of these topics to engineering design.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Engineering major or minor.
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 1202  and MEGR 2156  with grades of C or above.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Spring 2019, Spring 2020, Spring 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3233 - Introduction to Biomaterials

    Technical Elective. An introduction to biomaterials science and engineering, focusing on traditional classes of materials used for biomedical applications (i.e., metals, ceramics, polymers, and composites).

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Engineering major or minor.
    Prerequisite(s): MEGR 3161  with grade of C or above.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Fall 2019, Fall 2020, Fall 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3234 - Introduction to Biodynamics

    Technical Elective. This course will introduce dynamic analysis of the human musculoskeletal system. Students will learn to develop lumped mass, planar rigid body and 3D rigid body models of human movement, and to learn to calculate internal forces in muscles and joints during daily and sports activities.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Engineering major or minor.
    Prerequisite(s): MEGR 2144  and MEGR 3121  with grades of C or above.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Spring 2019, Spring 2020, Spring 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3235 - Waves and Optics

    Technical Elective. An introductory study of optics covering geometrical optics, optical instruments, wave optics (interference and diffraction), Fourier analysis, and polarization.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Engineering major or minor.
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 2171  and MEGR 3122  with grades of C or above.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Fall 2018, Spring 2020, Spring 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3236 - Introduction to Nanoscale Science and Engineering

    Technical Elective.  Introduction to nanoscale science and engineering.  Topics include:  nanomanufacturing, nanomaterials and nanostructures, nanomechanics, experiments with nano-instruments, and related environmental issues.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Engineering major or minor.
    Prerequisite(s): MEGR 3161  and MEGR 3171   with grades of C or above.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3237 - Introduction to Control Systems

    Technical Elective.  Treatment of the theoretical and practical foundations for the design of automatic control systems; control-oriented modeling, idealized time-domain control design and real-world frequency-domain design techniques that can be used to address practical issues of environmental disturbances, model uncertainty, sensor imperfections, communication delays, and actuator dynamics.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): MEGR 3122  with grade of C or above
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Fall 2019, Spring 2020, Fall 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Spring 2021

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3238 - Microscopy for Engineering

    Technical elective. Theory and practical experience in microscopic techniques including optical microscopy and SEM; applications of microscopic techniques in engineering fields, such as morphology of microstructures, analysis of compositions, crystal structure determination, and sample preparation. 

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): MEGR 3161  with a grade of C or above
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Fall 2019, Fall 2020
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3240 - Advanced Automotive Powerplants

    Technical Elective.  This is a follow-up course to MEGR 3210 .  Topics include: engine power parameters, race engine design considerations, advanced engine cycles, component design, and fuel delivery/control strategies.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): MEGR 3210  with a grade of C or above
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Spring 2020, Spring 2021

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3241 - Advanced Motorsports Instrumentation

    Technical Elective.  A hands-on and practical approach to motorsport’s data acquisition.  Instruction to data analysis and industry leading data analysis software; a survey of motorsports centric sensors, wiring and hardware; discussion of real world applications of data analysis from go-karting to sprint cup racing.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Engineering major or minor.
    Prerequisite(s): MEGR 3171  with grade of C or above.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Fall 2020, Fall 2020, Fall 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3242 - Applied Vehicle Aerodynamics

    Technical Elective. Flow of air around streamlined and bluff bodies, aerodynamic forces, understanding flow separation and reattachments, aerodynamic tools, introduction to computational fluid dynamics, use of commercial CFD packages to solve fluid flow problems, computer simulation and analysis of flow around bluff bodies and road vehicles including racecars.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Engineering major or minor.
    Prerequisite(s): MEGR 2240 , MEGR 3111 , and MEGR 3114 , all with grade of C or above.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Spring 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Spring 2019, Spring 2020

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3243 - Automotive Powertrain Laboratory

    Technical Elective. Applications of test equipment, instrumentation, and data acquisition as applied to the powertrain. Includes ten one-hour labs and a racing engine team tour.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Engineering major or minor.
    Prerequisite(s): MEGR 3210  with grade of C or above.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3244 - Tire Mechanics

    Technical Elective.  In-depth analysis of the tire and its influence on vehicle performance, including: design, materials, construction, structural response, rolling resistance, force and moment generation, NVH, wet and dry traction, wear, high speed limit, and standards.  Tire models, their limitations, and their governing equations.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): MEGR 2144  with a grade of C or above
    Pre- or Corequisite(s): MEGR 3121  
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Spring 2020, Spring 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3245 - Advanced Experimental Methods

    Technical Elective. Incorporates lectures, research, and experimental labs relating to jet propulsion, rockets, underwater propulsion, high-speed vehicles, etc.  Labs involve configuring instrumentation and data acquisition as well as analysis of data collected during experiments.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Engineering major
    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 2161  with grade of C or above
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Fall 2019, Fall 2020, Fall 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3251 - Thermal/Fluids Laboratory

    Laboratory experiments related to the areas of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer. Three hours of laboratory each week.

    Credit Hours: (2) (W)
    Restriction(s): Engineering major or minor.
    Prerequisite(s): MEGR 3111 , MEGR 3114 , and MEGR 3171L , all with grades of C or above.
    General Education Requirement(s) Satisfied: Writing in the Disciplines (W)
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Fall 2021, Fall 2021, Fall 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Fall 2021, Fall 2021, Fall 2021

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3255 - Senior Design I

    First of a two-semester sequence leading to a major integrative experience in applying the principles of design and project management to the design of a major mechanical engineering system. Teamwork and communication skills are emphasized.

    Credit Hours: (2)
    Restriction(s): Engineering major or minor.
    Prerequisite(s): MEGR 3156  and MEGR 3171L  with grades of C or above.
    Pre- or Corequisite(s): MEGR 3152  and MEGR 3251 .
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Spring 2021, Summer 2021, Fall 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Spring 2021, Summer 2021, Fall 2021

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3256 - Senior Design II

    A continuation of MEGR 3255  including project execution leading to an oral presentation and final written report.

    Credit Hours: (2) (O)
    Restriction(s): Engineering major or minor.
    Prerequisite(s): MEGR 3255 .
    General Education Requirement(s) Satisfied: Oral Communication (O)
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Spring 2021, Summer 2021, Fall 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Spring 2021, Summer 2021, Fall 2021

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3260 - Clean Coal Technology

    Technical Elective. A treatment of conventional and high-efficiency low-emissions (HELE) coal-based energy conversion technologies, principles of coal combustion and gasification, pollutant formation and its effects on the environment, emissions regulations, and options for pollution control of existing and newly-constructed power plants.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): MEGR 3112  and MEGR 3114  with grades of C or above
    Pre- or Corequisite(s): MEGR 3116  
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Spring 2020, Spring 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3261 - Sustainable Energy

    Technical Elective. A treatment of global energy challenges, current energy usage, energy carriers, environmental impacts, future energy usage, transitions in energy usage and societal changes, and energy conversion technologies.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Pre- or Corequisite(s): MEGR 3112  
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Fall 2020, Fall 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3262 - Turbomachinery

    Technical Elective.  A treatment of the types, uses, and principles of operation of turbomachines; usage of fluid mechanics, thermodynamics and a blend of additional theory and applications for the selection, specification, and use of turbomachines.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): MEGR 3112  and MEGR 3114  with grades of C or above
    Pre- or Corequisite(s): MEGR 3116  
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Fall 2019
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3270 - Biomedical Fluidics: Microfluidics

    Technical Elective.  Exploration of micro/nanotechnology, microfluidics, and biomedical applications; design, analysis, manufacture, and use of microfluidic platforms; brain cell culturing; manipulation of cellular microenvironments in microfluidic platforms.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): MEGR 3114 , MEGR 2279 , BIOL 3111 , or CHEM 4165  with grade of C or above
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3271 - Biomedical Manufacturing: 3D Biofabrication

    Technical Elective. 3D biofabrication technologies, including 3D printing and its impact on health challenges including the regeneration of tissue, bones, and organs; application of computer-aided design software; 3D fabrication of non-biomaterials; brain cell culturing and 3D fabrication of biomaterials.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): MEGR 2156 , MEGR 2180 , or MEGR 2279  with grade of C or above
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3272 - Introduction to Bio-Polymers and Composites

    Technical elective.  Addresses the basics of polymer science and engineering and correlation between structural parameters and properties of the polymers including mechanical and biocompatibility properties.  Examples of medical devices made of polymers and used to fix artificial joints or augment tissue are discussed.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): MEGR 3161  with a grade of C or above
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Spring 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3275 - Biomedical Engineering Senior Design I

    First of a two-semester sequence leading to a major integrative experience in applying the principles of design and project management to the design of a biomedical engineering system or the solution of a biomedical engineering problem.  Teamwork and communication skills are emphasized.

    Credit Hours: (2)
    Restriction(s): Admission to BSME Biomedical Engineering concentration
    Prerequisite(s): MEGR 2279 , MEGR 3156 , and MEGR 3171L  with grades of C or above
    Pre- or Corequisite(s): MEGR 3152  and MEGR 3251 
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Spring 2021, Summer 2021, Fall 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Spring 2021, Summer 2021, Fall 2021

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3276 - Biomedical Engineering Senior Design II

    A continuation of MEGR 3275 , including project execution, project reporting, and leading to an oral presentation and a final written report.

    Credit Hours: (2) (O)
    Restriction(s): Admission to BSME Biomedical Engineering concentration.
    Prerequisite(s): MEGR 3275 .
    General Education Requirement(s) Satisfied: Oral Communication (O)
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Spring 2021, Summer 2021, Fall 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Spring 2021, Summer 2021, Fall 2021

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3281 - Numerical Control of Manufacturing Processes

    Technical Elective. Fundamental theory and application of numerically controlled machine tools including design principles, elements of machine structure, control systems programming methods. Role of numerical control in flexible manufacturing systems. Two lectures and a two hour lab per week.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Engineering major or minor.
    Prerequisite(s): MEGR 2180 .
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3282 - Statistical Process Control and Metrology

    Technical Elective. Introduction to metrology. Measurement of size, form and surface texture. Introduction to quality control, control charts for attributes and variables, acceptance sampling. Process capability estimation and process control.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Engineering major or minor.
    Prerequisite(s): MEGR 2180  with grade of C or above.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Fall 2020, Spring 2021, Fall 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Fall 2018, Spring 2019, Fall 2019

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3283 - Metrology and Precision Engineering

    Principles of precision design and their use in manufacturing and measurement; review of metrology and uncertainty, a case study of precision machine design, mechanical and optical methods of surface texture measurement, measurement of machine tool errors, coordinate metrology and its applications, and the role of vibration analysis in machine design.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Prerequisite(s): MEGR 2180  with a grade of C or above
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3299 - Professional Development

    An examination of various aspects of engineering as a profession.

    Credit Hours: (1)
    Restriction(s): Engineering major or minor.
    Grading Method: Graded on a Pass/No Credit basis.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3355 - Motorsports Senior Design I

    First of a two-semester sequence leading to a major integrative experience in applying the principles of design and project management to the design of an automotive engineering system. Teamwork and communication skills are emphasized. An examination of various aspects of automotive and motorsports engineering presented by faculty and industry representatives.

    Credit Hours: (2)
    Restriction(s): Admission to BSME Motorsports concentration
    Prerequisite(s): MEGR 2299 , MEGR 3156 , and MEGR 3171L , all with grades of C or above.
    Pre- or Corequisite(s): MEGR 3152  and MEGR 3251 .
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Spring 2021, Summer 2021, Fall 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Spring 2021, Summer 2021, Fall 2021

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3356 - Motorsports Senior Design II

    A continuation of MEGR 3355  including project execution, project reporting and leading to an oral presentation and a final written report. An examination of various aspects of automotive and motorsports engineering presented by faculty and industry representatives.

    Credit Hours: (2) (O)
    Restriction(s): Admission to BSME Motorsports concentration.
    Prerequisite(s): MEGR 3355 .
    General Education Requirement(s) Satisfied: Oral Communication (O)
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Spring 2021, Summer 2021, Fall 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Spring 2021, Summer 2021, Fall 2021

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3451 - Stationary Power Plant Systems

    Technical Elective. Thermodynamics and heat transfer applied to the analysis and design of stationary power plant systems.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Engineering major or minor.
    Prerequisite(s): MEGR 3112 , MEGR 3114 , and MEGR 3116 , all with grade of C or above.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3452 - Introduction to Nuclear Engineering

    Technical Elective. An introduction to the science and technology of nuclear engineering as applied to power plant operation and design.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Engineering major or minor.
    Prerequisite(s): MEGR 3112 , MEGR 3114 , and MEGR 3116 , all with grade of C or above.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Fall 2019, Fall 2020, Fall 2021

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3455 - Energy Senior Design I

    First of a two-semester sequence leading to a major integrative experience in applying the principles of design and project management to the design of a major mechanical engineering system with energy/power emphases. Teamwork and communication skills are emphasized.

    Credit Hours: (2)
    Restriction(s): Admission to BSME Energy concentration
    Prerequisite(s): MEGR 2499 , MEGR 3156 , and MEGR 3171L , all with grades of C or above.
    Pre- or Corequisite(s): MEGR 3152  and MEGR 3251 .
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Spring 2021, Summer 2021, Fall 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Spring 2021, Summer 2021, Fall 2021

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3456 - Energy Senior Design II

    Second of a two-semester sequence leading to a major integrative experience in applying the principles of design and project management to the design of a major mechanical engineering system with energy/power emphases. Teamwork and communication skills are emphasized. Education Seminar.

    Credit Hours: (2) (O)
    Restriction(s): Engineering major or minor.
    Prerequisite(s): MEGR 3455 .
    General Education Requirement(s) Satisfied: Oral Communication (O)
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Spring 2021, Summer 2021, Fall 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Spring 2021, Summer 2021, Fall 2021

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3695 - Mechanical Engineering Cooperative Education Seminar

    Required of Co-op students during semesters immediately following each work assignment for presentation of engineering reports on work done the prior semester.

    Credit Hours: (1)
    Restriction(s): Engineering major or minor.
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 3500  
    Grading Method: Graded on a Pass/No Credit basis.
    Repeatability: May be repeated for credit.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3890 - Individualized Study

    Technical Elective. Supervised individual study within an area of a student’s particular interest which is beyond the scope of existing courses.

    Credit Hours: (1 to 3)
    Restriction(s): Engineering major or minor, and permission of department.
    Repeatability: May be repeated for credit.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Summer 2021, Summer 2021, Fall 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Fall 2021

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 3990 - Undergraduate Research

    Technical Elective. Independent study of a theoretical and/or experimental problem in a specialized area of mechanical engineering. Topics originate from the student or the faculty member supervising the study.

    Credit Hours: (1 to 4)
    Restriction(s): Engineering major or minor, and permission of department.
    Repeatability: May be repeated for credit.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 4112 - Intermediate Fluid Mechanics and Vehicle Aerodynamics

    Technical Elective. A continuation of MEGR 3114 . Topics include: flow over body surfaces, lift and drag, boundary layers, ground effect, potential flow theory and compressible flow. Application of aerodynamics to ground vehicles and its effect on vehicle performance and handling.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Engineering major or minor.
    Prerequisite(s): MEGR 3111  and MEGR 3114  with grades of C or above.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 4113 - Energy Conversion I

    Technical Elective. Application of principles of thermodynamics, fluid flow and heat transfer to internal combustion engines, compressors, turbines, heat exchanges, refrigeration, and cryogenics.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Engineering major or minor.
    Prerequisite(s): MEGR 3112  and MEGR 3114  with grades of C or above.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Course has not been offered at this time in the past 3 years

    Schedule of Classes

  • MEGR 4127 - Introduction to Robotics

    Technical Elective. Modeling of industrial robots, homogeneous transformations, static forces, kinematics, velocities, dynamics, computer animation of dynamic models, motion trajectory planning, and introduction to vision, sensors and actuators.

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Restriction(s): Senior standing and Mechanical Engineering major.
    Most Recently Offered (Day): Spring 2021, Spring 2021, Spring 2021
    Most Recently Offered (Evening): Summer 2020, Summer 2021

    Schedule of Classes


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