Sep 23, 2024  
Undergraduate Catalog | 2015-2016 
Undergraduate Catalog | 2015-2016 Previous Edition

Course Descriptions

Courses below are listed alphabetically by prefix.  To narrow your search, use the Course Filter box.  Click on a course to read its description.  Click on the link again to close the description box.

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Other Courses

  • COMM 2110 - Women and the Media

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Examination of messages about women as conveyed in contemporary media (magazines, newspapers, videos, the Internet, video games, television, and movies.) The role of gender in the power structures of the media producers is also analyzed.

    Cross-listed as: WGST 2110 .

    Schedule of Classes

  • COMM 2120 - Black Images in the Media in the U.S.

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Examination of African American images projected through electronic and print media, historically and currently.

    Cross-listed as: AFRS 2105 .

    Schedule of Classes

  • COMM 2145 - Principles of Public Relations

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Familiarize students with basic concepts and principles of public relations within the context of communication theory. Acquaints students with the history, functions, roles, social contexts, tools, techniques, and strategies of the profession.

    Prerequisite(s): Communication Studies major or minor.
    Pre- or Corequisite(s): JOUR 2100 .

    Schedule of Classes

  • COMM 3050 - Topics in Communication Studies

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Timely and important areas relevant to communication studies. May be repeated for credit with permission of advisor.

    Prerequisite(s): COMM 1101 .

    Schedule of Classes

  • COMM 3051 - Topics in Health Communication

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Timely and important areas relevant to the study of health communication. May be repeated for credit with permission of advisor.

    Prerequisite(s): COMM 3115 .

    Schedule of Classes

  • COMM 3052 - Topics in Mass Media

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Timely and important areas relevant to the study of the mass media. May be repeated for credit with permission of advisor.

    Schedule of Classes

  • COMM 3054 - Topics in Organizational Communication

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Timely and important areas relevant to the study of organizational communication. May be repeated for credit with permission of advisor.

    Prerequisite(s): COMM 3141 .

    Schedule of Classes

  • COMM 3055 - Topics in Public Relations

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Timely and important areas relevant to the study of public relations. May be repeated for credit with permission of advisor.

    Prerequisite(s): COMM 2145 .

    Schedule of Classes

  • COMM 3056 - Topics in Communication Studies

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Timely and important areas relevant to communication studies.  May be repeated for credit with permission of the major advisor.

    Other Requirements Satisfied: General Education - Writing in the Disciplines (W)

    Schedule of Classes

  • COMM 3057 - Topics in Communication Studies

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Timely and important areas relevant to communication studies.  May be repeated for credit with permission of the major advisor.

    Other Requirements Satisfied: General Education - Oral Communication (O), General Education - Writing in the Disciplines (W)

    Schedule of Classes

  • COMM 3100 - Communication Research Methods

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Methods for systematic investigation of communication behavior in all primary communication contexts, including utilization of library materials and quantitative and qualitative techniques for data analysis.

    Prerequisite(s): Communication Studies major; COMM 2100 ; and STAT 1220  or STAT 1222 .
    Other Requirements Satisfied: General Education - Writing in the Disciplines (W)

    Schedule of Classes

  • COMM 3101 - Persuasion

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Emphasis on the theory and practice of persuasion. Topics include: attitude modification, theories of persuasion, source credibility, persuasive strategies, ethics, and audience analysis.

    Prerequisite(s): Communication Studies major and COMM 2101 .

    Schedule of Classes

  • COMM 3110 - Gender and Communication

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Examination of the relationship between language and gender. Topics include: how language shapes perceptions of men/women; gender differences in verbal and nonverbal communication; and gendered communication in relationships, friendships, and the workplace.

    Cross-listed as: WGST 3110 .

    Schedule of Classes

  • COMM 3115 - Health Communication

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Introduction to human communication in a healthcare context. Issues of social support, patient-health professional/caregiver interaction, organizational culture, planning health promotion campaigns, and cultural conceptions of health and illness.

    Prerequisite(s): COMM 2100  or HLTH 2101 ; Communication Studies major or minor, or Public Health major or minor.

    Schedule of Classes

  • COMM 3120 - Communication and Mass Media

    Credit Hours: (3)

    A survey of the function and history of print and electronic media as forms of communication, their influence upon society, and the legal and economic environments in which they operate.

    Prerequisite(s): COMM 2100  and Communication Studies major or minor.

    Schedule of Classes

  • COMM 3121 - Mass Communication and Society

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Examines important issues involving mass communication. Critical study of the effect mass communication exacts on society.

    Schedule of Classes

  • COMM 3125 - New Media for Communications

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Examines the theoretical perspectives and practical skills necessary to create and design content using digital tools. Course covers components of digital media including designing, writing and communication through the web, creating and editing online podcasts and original creation of online digital video.

    Schedule of Classes

  • COMM 3126 - Globalization and Digital Media

    Credit Hours: (3)

    An analysis of the role and impact of digital media on globalization. The course considers how the internet and social networks have changed our connection from a physical global society to a virtual culture and explores the ways in which digital communication has fostered the globalization of artistic styles, cultural forms, political relationships and economic transactions.

    Cross-listed as: INTL 3115 .

    Schedule of Classes

  • COMM 3127 - Global Media

    Credit Hours: (3)

    The course examines the theories and practices of globalization as related to mediated communication and the operation of global media, its consumption and impact. Specific issues studied include global media conglomeration, global media law, media systems, and international development.

    Cross-listed as: INTL 3127 .

    Schedule of Classes

  • COMM 3130 - Communication and Public Advocacy

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Examination of how symbols are used in public advocacy from both applied and theoretical perspectives with emphasis on rhetorical uses of language and non-verbal symbols in the creation and transmission of public messages.

    Prerequisite(s): COMM 2100 ; and Communication Studies major or minor, or Public Health major.

    Schedule of Classes

  • COMM 3131 - African American Oratory

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Oratory by African Americans using in-depth study of speech texts and video and general rhetorical principles to examine historic as well as lesser-known speeches.

    Schedule of Classes

  • COMM 3135 - Leadership, Communication, and Group Dynamics

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Study of leadership theories, behaviors, and group processes. Emphasis on group dynamics in organizations and the role of the leader. Assessment of leadership style.

    Schedule of Classes

  • COMM 3136 - Leadership, Service, and Ethics

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Leadership issues facing our society, the role of values and ethics in leadership, and servant leadership.

    Schedule of Classes

  • COMM 3141 - Organizational Communication

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Examines the importance of the operation of communication processes within organizations and between organizations and their environments.

    Prerequisite(s): COMM 2100 ; and Communication Studies major or minor, Public Health major, or Software and Information Systems major.

    Schedule of Classes

  • COMM 3142 - Applications in Organizational Communication

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Application of the principles, theory, and concepts of organizational communication to organizational settings. Explores how organizational theories are realized in everyday organizational life through case studies, interviews, various research methodologies, assessments, and evaluations.

    Prerequisite(s): Communication Studies major; and COMM 3141  or permission of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes

  • COMM 3150 - Gender, Culture, and Communication

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Addresses cultural experiences of gender through communication; material covered includes cultural constructions of femininity and masculinity, cultural socialization toward gender and sexuality, gendered communication in private and public settings, popular representations of gender and sexuality in U.S. media, and language diversity based upon ethnicity, class, gender, and sexual orientation.

    Cross-listed as: ANTH 3160 .

    Schedule of Classes

  • COMM 3160 - Business Communications

    Credit Hours: (3)

    The nature and problems of individual, interpersonal and organizational communication in business. Various verbal techniques such as business presentations and writing will be developed and practiced for effective organizational and individual performance.

    Prerequisite(s): INFO 2130  and Junior standing.
    Other Requirements Satisfied: General Education - Oral Communication (O), General Education - Writing in the Disciplines (W)

    Schedule of Classes

  • COMM 3245 - Public Relations Writing

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Instruction and writing practice designed to develop the professional-level writing skills expected of entry-level public relations practitioners. Extensive writing exercises in preparing plans, releases, newsletters, brochures, web pages, media kits and other public relations products. Individual and group projects required.

    Prerequisite(s): Communication Studies major, JOUR 2100 , JOUR 2160 , and COMM 2145 .

    Schedule of Classes

  • COMM 3246 - PR Strategy

    Credit Hours: (3)

    This course focuses on the planning, problem-solving, and management skills required in the contemporary practice of public relations. Students will analyze a variety of public relations models and will learn to develop problem statements, goals, objectives and tactics, identify and research target publics, and evaluate strategic program results.

    Prerequisite(s): Communication Studies major and COMM 2145 .

    Schedule of Classes

  • COMM 3403 - Debate Practicum

    Credit Hours: (2)

    Application of debate principles and practices as a member of UNC Charlotte Debate Team. Research, argument construction and tournament competition required. No more than four hours of COMM 3403  may be used toward requirements for the minor. May be repeated for credit up to four times.

    Prerequisite(s): COMM 2103  or equivalent and permission of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes

  • COMM 3880 - Independent Study

    Credit Hours: (1-3)

    Area of study beyond the scope of current offerings to be devised by student and faculty member. Three hours of COMM 3880  may be used toward the minor with prior approval of the department chairperson. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite(s): COMM 1101 , permission of instructor and major advisor.

    Schedule of Classes

  • COMM 3890 - Honors Thesis I

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Initiation of independent Honors research, including the preparation and defense of a formal thesis proposal.

    Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes

  • COMM 3891 - Honors Thesis II

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Completion of independent Honors research, including the preparation and defense of a formal Honors thesis.

    Prerequisite(s): COMM 3890 ; permission of instructor; and approval of a proposal through the Honors College Application to Candidacy process the semester prior to taking the course.

    Schedule of Classes

  • COMM 4050 - Topics in Communication Studies

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Timely and important areas relevant to communication studies. May be repeated for credit with permission of advisor.

    Schedule of Classes

  • COMM 4101 - Media and the Law

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Survey of legal rights, restrictions, and ethical considerations in field of communication including the First Amendment, libel, invasion of privacy, obscenity law, regulation of electronic media, relationships between media and judiciary.

    Prerequisite(s): Communication Studies major, Junior or Senior standing or permission of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes

  • COMM 4102 - Federal Interpretation of the First Amendment

    Credit Hours: (3)

    In-depth case analysis of tests determining Constitutional boundaries of expression, including clear and present danger, prior restraints, fighting words/symbolic speech, strict scrutiny, obscenity, indecency.

    Prerequisite(s): Junior or Senior standing or permission of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes

  • COMM 4115 - Seminar in Health Communication

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Course provides indepth examination of a major area of health communication utilizing extensive readings, discussion and written work.

    Prerequisite(s): COMM 3115 , Senior standing, and Communication Studies major.

    Schedule of Classes

  • COMM 4141 - Advanced Organizational Communication

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Critical examination of the communication practices of organizations which accomplish such tasks as establishing organizational identification, influencing organizational members, and making decisions. Includes application of research methods to assess and analyze an organization’s communication practices.

    Prerequisite(s): Communication Studies major and COMM 3142 .

    Schedule of Classes

  • COMM 4145 - Communication Campaigns

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Lectures, workshops, and guest speakers provide knowledge to enable students to research, design, implement, and complete public relations projects for community-based, not-for-profit organizations. The course is structured and run in a manner similar to a professional public relations agency with students assuming appropriate agency roles. May be repeated one time.

    Prerequisite(s): Communication Studies major, COMM 3245 , and COMM 3246 .

    Schedule of Classes

  • COMM 4147 - International Public Relations

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Examines the complexities of public relations practice in an international setting. Includes overview of the factors that complicate communication across cultures and borders and an examination of the effect those factors have on public relations practice in specific global regions.

    Prerequisite(s): Communication Studies major and COMM 2145 .

    Schedule of Classes

  • COMM 4410 - Professional Internship

    Credit Hours: (3 or 6)

    Students work 8-10 hours per week (total 120 hours per semester) for 3 credit hours, or 16-20 hours (total 240 hours per semester) for 6 credit hours in an approved placement. Graded on a Pass/No Credit basis. May be repeated for credit in a different internship placemen with permission of advisor and the Communication Studies Internship Coordinator.

    Prerequisite(s): Junior or Senior standing, Communication Studies major/minor or Journalism minor, and 2.0 GPA in all coursework in the major or minor.

    Schedule of Classes

  • COMM 4445 - International Professional Internship

    Credit Hours: (3 or 6)

    Similar to COMM 4410  (Professional Internship) but internship placements are with organizations reflecting a significant global/international component or focus. As with COMM 4410 , students work 8-10 hours per week (total 120 hours per semester) for 3 credit hours, or 16-20 hours (total 240 hours per semester) for 6 credit hours in an approved placement. Graded on a Pass/No Credit basis. May be repeated for credit in a different internship placement with permission of advisor and the Communication Studies Internship Coordinator.

    Prerequisite(s): Junior or Senior standing, Communication Studies major, and 2.0 GPA in all coursework in the major.

    Schedule of Classes

  • CUYC 3600 - Community Engagement Capstone Seminar

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Provides a culminating and comprehensive experience for students in the Minor in Urban Youth and Communities. Students synthesize the interdisciplinary theory and experiential learning around urban youth and education, communities, and social justice into a comprehensive community and school-based project lead by the student using practices of participatory action research.

    Other Requirements Satisfied: Service Learning (SL)

    Schedule of Classes

  • DANC 1109 - Pilates

    Credit Hours: (2)

    Introduction and practice of the Pilates Method of body conditioning and training. May be repeated for credit.

    Hours of Lecture and/or Lab per week: Three contact hours.

    Schedule of Classes

  • DANC 1201 - Foundations in Dance

    Credit Hours: (2)

    An introduction to dance as cultural practice, performing art, and interdisciplinary subject. Students are oriented to the practices that constitute the dance discipline.

    Corequisite(s): DANC 1280 .
    Hours of Lecture and/or Lab per week: Three contact hours.

    Schedule of Classes

  • DANC 1209 - Ballet for Majors IA

    Credit Hours: (2)

    Beginning Ballet technique. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite(s): Dance major or permission of instructor.
    Hours of Lecture and/or Lab per week: Three contact hours.

    Schedule of Classes

  • DANC 1210 - Ballet for Majors IB

    Credit Hours: (2)

    Beginning Ballet Technique. Continuation of DANC 1209 . May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of DANC 1209  with grade of C or above, or permission of instructor.
    Hours of Lecture and/or Lab per week: Three contact hours.

    Schedule of Classes

  • DANC 1212 - Ballet I

    Credit Hours: (2)

    Fundamentals of ballet technique, barre, and floor work. Recommended for non-majors. May be repeated for credit.

    Hours of Lecture and/or Lab per week: Three contact hours.

    Schedule of Classes

  • DANC 1213 - Ballet II

    Credit Hours: (2)

    Continuation of DANC 1212 . May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite(s): DANC 1212  or permission of instructor.
    Hours of Lecture and/or Lab per week: Three contact hours.

    Schedule of Classes

  • DANC 1214 - Modern Dance I

    Credit Hours: (2)

    Introduction to elementary modern dance styles. May be repeated for credit.

    Hours of Lecture and/or Lab per week: Three contact hours.

    Schedule of Classes

  • DANC 1215 - Modern Dance II

    Credit Hours: (2)

    Continuation of DANC 1214 . May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite(s): DANC 1214  or permission of instructor.
    Hours of Lecture and/or Lab per week: Three contact hours.

    Schedule of Classes

  • DANC 1217 - Modern Dance for Majors IA

    Credit Hours: (2)

    Beginning Modern dance technique. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite(s): Dance major or permission of instructor.
    Hours of Lecture and/or Lab per week: Three contact hours.

    Schedule of Classes

  • DANC 1218 - Modern Dance for Majors IB

    Credit Hours: (2)

    Beginning Modern dance technique. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite(s): DANC 1217  with grade of C or above, or permission of instructor.
    Hours of Lecture and/or Lab per week: Three contact hours.

    Schedule of Classes

  • DANC 1280 - Improvisation

    Credit Hours: (2)

    Exploring body movement in energy, time, and space to build an awareness of the human body’s propensity for movement while developing the discipline required for the study, appreciation, and expression of dance.  Three contact hours.

    Corequisite(s): DANC 1201 .
    Hours of Lecture and/or Lab per week: Three contact hours.

    Schedule of Classes

  • DANC 2016 - Choreographic Analysis

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Study of the form and content of choreographic dance works through observation, description, technical analysis, interpretation, and evaluation. Crafting tools and aesthetic communication is examined through daily guided discussion, formal debate, oral project presentation, and writing.

    Prerequisite(s): Dance major or minor, or permission of instructor.
    Hours of Lecture and/or Lab per week: Three contact hours.
    Other Requirements Satisfied: General Education - Oral Communication (O)

    Schedule of Classes

  • DANC 2119 - Anatomy for Dancers

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Study and application of basic anatomy and kinesiology principles to dance.

    Hours of Lecture and/or Lab per week: Three contact hours

    Schedule of Classes

  • DANC 2124 - Irish Traditional Dance

    Credit Hours: (2)

    An introduction to Traditional Irish Dance and music. May be repeated for credit.

    Hours of Lecture and/or Lab per week: Three contact hours

    Schedule of Classes

  • DANC 2125 - West African Dance

    Credit Hours: (2)

    An introduction to the theory and practice of selected West African traditional dance styles in terms of cultural context, function, and form. May be repeated for credit.

    Hours of Lecture and/or Lab per week: Three contact hours.

    Schedule of Classes

  • DANC 2126 - Tap Dance

    Credit Hours: (2)

    An introduction to tap dance. May be repeated for credit.

    Hours of Lecture and/or Lab per week: Three contact hours.

    Schedule of Classes

  • DANC 2127 - Latin Dance Forms

    Credit Hours: (2)

    An introduction to traditional Latin dances such as Salsa, Bachata, Merengue and Cumbia. May be repeated for credit.

    Hours of Lecture and/or Lab per week: Three contact hours.

    Schedule of Classes

  • DANC 2209 - Ballet for Majors IIA

    Credit Hours: (2)

    Beginning/Intermediate Ballet technique. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite(s): DANC 1210  with grade of C or above, or permission of instructor.
    Hours of Lecture and/or Lab per week: Three contact hours.

    Schedule of Classes

  • DANC 2210 - Ballet for Majors IIB

    Credit Hours: (2)

    Beginning/Intermediate Ballet technique. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite(s): DANC 2209  or permission of instructor.
    Hours of Lecture and/or Lab per week: Three contact hours.

    Schedule of Classes

  • DANC 2216 - Choreography I

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Exploration of fundamental elements, concepts, and crafting tools for composing dance.

    Prerequisite(s): DANC 1210 , DANC 1217 , and DANC 1280 , or permission of instructor.
    Hours of Lecture and/or Lab per week: Four contact hours.

    Schedule of Classes

  • DANC 2217 - Modern Dance for Majors IIA

    Credit Hours: (2)

    Intermediate Modern Dance Technique. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite(s): DANC 1218  with grade of C or above, or permission of instructor.
    Hours of Lecture and/or Lab per week: Three contact hours.

    Schedule of Classes

  • DANC 2218 - Modern Dance for Majors IIB

    Credit Hours: (2)

    Beginning/Intermediate Modern dance technique. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite(s): DANC 2217  with grade of C or above, or permission of instructor.
    Hours of Lecture and/or Lab per week: Three contact hours.

    Schedule of Classes

  • DANC 2222 - Ballet III

    Credit Hours: (2)

    Intermediate ballet, barre, and center-work. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite(s): DANC 1213  or permission of instructor.
    Hours of Lecture and/or Lab per week: Three contact hours.

    Schedule of Classes

  • DANC 2224 - Modern Dance III

    Credit Hours: (2)

    Intermediate modern dance technique. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite(s): DANC 1215  or permission of instructor.
    Hours of Lecture and/or Lab per week: Three contact hours.

    Schedule of Classes

  • DANC 2226 - Vintage Jazz Dance

    Credit Hours: (2)

    An introduction to the style and cultural context of this indigenous U.S. dance form that evolved in the first half of the 20th century. May be repeated for credit.

    Hours of Lecture and/or Lab per week: Three contact hours.

    Schedule of Classes

  • DANC 2227 - Contemporary Jazz Dance

    Credit Hours: (2)

    Selected contemporary jazz styles from the 20th and 21st centuries. Dance majors/minors only; others by permission of instructor. May be repeated for credit.

    Hours of Lecture and/or Lab per week: Three contact hours.

    Schedule of Classes

  • DANC 2228 - Music and Dance

    Credit Hours: (2)

    Selected music theory fundamentals and materials for dancers that explore the intellectual, affective, and physical relationships of music and dance through the study of the rhythmic structure. Music and dance as cultural forms provide examples and models for study, music creation, and performance.

    Prerequisite(s): DANC 1201 , DANC 1210 , DANC 1217  and DANC 1280 .
    Hours of Lecture and/or Lab per week: Three contact hours.

    Schedule of Classes

  • DANC 2251 - Lighting Design I

    Credit Hours: (3)

    An introduction to lighting design theory and techniques for theatre, dance, and opera.

    Cross-listed as: THEA 2250 .

    Schedule of Classes

  • DANC 2401 - Production Practicum - Dance Running Crew

    Credit Hours: (1)

    Practical application of production work in the areas of scenery, lighting, sound, costuming, properties, and stage management. May be repeated for credit.

    Schedule of Classes

  • DANC 2402 - Performance Practicum

    Credit Hours: (1)

    Technique course must be taken concurrently. Practical application of performance techniques within a production setting, including auditions, rehearsals and performances. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite(s): Audition.
    Corequisite(s): Any dance technique course.

    Schedule of Classes

  • DANC 3100 - Pointe

    Credit Hours: (2)

    Beginning Pointe technique. May be repeated for credit.

    Corequisite(s): A ballet technique course and/or permission of instructor.
    Hours of Lecture and/or Lab per week: Three contact hours.

    Schedule of Classes

  • DANC 3201 - Professional Training Certificate in Dance

    Credit Hours: (4)

    First year of a two-year program of pre-professional technical dance training in ballet, performance experience, and professional dance company observation with the North Carolina Dance Theatre. Emphasis on adagio vocabulary and partnering skills.

    Prerequisite(s): Audition or permission of department. Both DANC 3201  and DANC 3202  must be taken sequentially during the same academic year.

    Schedule of Classes

  • DANC 3202 - Professional Training Certificate in Dance

    Credit Hours: (4)

    First year of a two-year program of pre-professional technical dance training in ballet, performance experience, and professional dance company observation with the North Carolina Dance Theatre. Emphasis on adagio vocabulary and partnering skills.

    Prerequisite(s): DANC 3201  and audition, or permission of department. Both DANC 3201  and DANC 3202  must be taken sequentially during the same academic year.

    Schedule of Classes

  • DANC 3210 - Ballet for Majors III

    Credit Hours: (2)

    Intermediate / Advanced Ballet technique. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite(s): DANC 2210  with grade of C or above, or permission of instructor.
    Hours of Lecture and/or Lab per week: Three contact hours.

    Schedule of Classes

  • DANC 3218 - Modern Dance for Majors III

    Credit Hours: (2)

    Intermediate/Advanced Modern Dance technique. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite(s): DANC 2218  with grade of C or above, or permission of instructor
    Hours of Lecture and/or Lab per week: Three contact hours.

    Schedule of Classes

  • DANC 3221 - Dance History I

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Historical and cultural developments of theatrical/concert dance from the Renaissance through the 20th century.

    Schedule of Classes

  • DANC 3222 - Dance History II

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Historical and cultural influences affecting the development of concert dance in the Twentieth Century.

    Schedule of Classes

  • DANC 3227 - Ballet Pedagogy

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Methods and resources in the teaching of ballet techniques for young dancers. How, why, and when to teach the ballet vocabulary. Integration of concepts of anatomy, kinesiology, physics and the laws of motion and musical accompaniment.

    Prerequisite(s): DANC 2119  and DANC 2210 ; Dance major or permission of instructor.
    Hours of Lecture and/or Lab per week: Three contact hours.

    Schedule of Classes

  • DANC 3230 - Choreography II

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Methods and sources for dance composition, culminating in creative experience. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite(s): DANC 2216  and DANC 2217 .
    Hours of Lecture and/or Lab per week: Four contact hours plus a minimum of 2-3 hours lab time.

    Schedule of Classes

  • DANC 4001 - Topics in Dance

    Credit Hours: (1-3)

    Special topic in dance. May be repeated for credit with change in topic.

    Hours of Lecture and/or Lab per week: Two to six contact hours.

    Schedule of Classes

  • DANC 4110 - Communicating Across the Dance Discipline

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Sources from across the dance discipline and related professional communication are used as a basis for research, discussion, writing, and professional presentation.

    Prerequisite(s): DANC 3221 , DANC 3222 , Senior standing, and Dance major or minor.
    Other Requirements Satisfied: General Education - Writing in the Disciplines (W)

    Schedule of Classes

  • DANC 4201 - Professional Training Certificate in Dance

    Credit Hours: (4)

    Continuation of DANC 3201  and DANC 3202  with emphasis on allegro vocabulary, and technical precision of complex combinations.

    Prerequisite(s): DANC 3202  and audition. Both DANC 4201  and DANC 4202  must be taken sequentially during the same academic year.

    Schedule of Classes

  • DANC 4202 - Professional Training Certificate in Dance

    Credit Hours: (4)

    Continuation of DANC 4201  with emphasis on allegro vocabulary, and technical precision of complex combinations.

    Prerequisite(s): DANC 4201  and audition. Both DANC 4201  and DANC 4202  must be taken sequentially during the same academic year.

    Schedule of Classes

  • DANC 4227 - Dance Education Methods I

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Examination of dance, movement, pedagogic and assessment philosophies, theories and practices toward lesson planning, curriculum development, and classroom management for elementary education.

    Prerequisite(s): DANC 1201  ;DANC 1209 ; DANC 1217 ; DANC 2216 ; DANC 2228 ; DANC 3221 ; or DANC 3222 EDUC 1100  or EDUC 2100 ; SPED 2100 ; meet requirements for the Praxis Core Test; Criminal Background Check; and accepted application to the College of Education; or permission of instructor.
    Corequisite(s): DANC 4227L .

    Schedule of Classes

  • DANC 4227L - Elementary Clinical Experience

    Credit Hours: (1)

    Observation and teaching in an elementary school setting. Application of theories and methodologies introduced in DANC 4227 .

    Corequisite(s): DANC 4227 .
    Hours of Lecture and/or Lab per week: Four contact hours.

    Schedule of Classes

  • DANC 4257 - Dance Education Methods II

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Skill development in utilization of dance, movement, pedagogic theories and practices, and assessment toward lesson planning, curriculum development, and classroom management for middle school and high school education.

    Prerequisite(s): DANC 4227  and DANC 4227L , or permission of instructor.
    Corequisite(s): DANC 4257L .

    Schedule of Classes

  • DANC 4257L - Middle and High School Clinical Experience

    Credit Hours: (1)

    Observation and teaching in middle school and high school settings.  Application of theories and methodologies introduced in DANC 4257 .

    Corequisite(s): DANC 4257 .
    Hours of Lecture and/or Lab per week: Four contact hours.

    Schedule of Classes

  • DANC 4400 - Internship in Dance

    Credit Hours: (3-6)

    Research and/or inservice training for dance majors and minors in cooperating organizations. Specific content is based upon a contract between the students department and professional organization. Graded on a Pass/No Credit basis.

    Prerequisite(s): GPA of at least 2.5, Junior standing, and permission of department chair.

    Schedule of Classes

  • DANC 4467 - Student Teaching/Seminar: K-12 Fine and Performing Arts: Dance

    Credit Hours: (14)

    A planned sequence of experiences in the student’s area of specialization conducted in an approved school setting under the supervision and coordination of a University Supervisor and a Cooperating Teacher in an appropriate grade level and approved school setting in which the student demonstrates the competencies identified for his/her specific teaching field in alignment with state and national standards.

    Prerequisite(s): Approved application for student teaching from the College of Education; Senior standing; completion of professional education requirements and all coursework; GPA of 2.75 or above in all required Concentration in Dance Education courses; grades of C or above in all courses required for the concentration by the Department of Dance and College of Education; and an overall GPA of 2.5 or above. 
    Corequisite(s): Enrollment only in student teaching; additional classes may not be taken while student teaching. 
    Other Requirements Satisfied: General Education - Oral Communication (O)

    Schedule of Classes

  • DANC 4601 - Individual Project

    Credit Hours: (1-6)

    May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite(s): Permission of department chair.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 2103 - Computer Utilization in C++

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Introduction to the use of computers and computing methods to solve engineering problems. Structures and object-oriented programming design using C++.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 2104 - Computer Engineering Programming II

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Advanced topics in C++ such as: pointers, recursion, inheritance, polymorphism, and templates. Introduction to linked data structures and analysis of algorithms.

    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 2103  or equivalent.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 2111 - Network Theory I

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Introduction to Kirchoff’s laws and terminal equations. Circuit analysis techniques and network theorems. Singularity functions and signals. Transient and natural response of first and second order networks. State variable analysis.

    Prerequisite(s): MATH 1242  and PHYS 2101  both with grades of C or above.
    Pre- or Corequisite(s): MATH 2171  and PHYS 2102 , or permission of department.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 2112 - Network Theory II

    Credit Hours: (3)

    Continuation of ECGR 2111 . Introduction to sinusoidal steady state. Time frequency domain analysis. Power and energy. Two port networks. Fourier series. Introduction to Fourier and Laplace transforms.

    Prerequisite(s): ECGR 2111 , MATH 2171 , and PHYS 2102 , all with grades of C or above.

    Schedule of Classes

  • ECGR 2155 - Instrumentation and Networks Laboratory

    Credit Hours: (1)

    Network measurements and applications, introduction to laboratory equipment and techniques.

    Prerequisite(s): MATH 1242  with grade of C or above.
    Pre- or Corequisite(s): ECGR 2111  or permission of department.
    Other Requirements Satisfied: General Education - Writing in the Disciplines (W)

    Schedule of Classes


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