Mar 02, 2025
Undergraduate Catalog | 2016-2017 Previous Edition
Art, B.A.
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The Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Art requires 120 credit hours and is recommended for those interested in a double major, or for those intending to pursue a career in a discipline other than art. It is not intended for students interested in an in-depth study in a single studio area.
Additional Admission Requirements
A cumulative GPA of 2.5 is required for admission. All studio students must apply for Art major status by submitting a portfolio of work to the department. Portfolios are reviewed once per year in the Spring. Students cannot take any studio course without having Art major status. All studio students, even those seeking the B.F.A. degree, begin in the B.A. program. Major Courses (39 credit hours)
Basic Foundation Studios (12 credit hours)
Elective Studio Courses (15 credit hours)
Select five of the following. At least 9 credit hours must be taken at UNC Charlotte. - ARTx any 2000-level 2D studio course *
- ARTx any 2000-level 3D studio course **
- ARTx any 2000- or 3000-level studio course
- ARTx any 2000- or 3000-level studio course
- ARTx any 2000- or 3000-level studio course
*Options for 2000-Level 2D Courses:
**Options for 2000-Level 3D Courses:
Studio Concentrations
Students intending to pursue the B.F.A. program should complete the following courses in the anticipated area of studio concentration. These courses meet the B.A. Elective Studio requirements and will be required for the B.F.A. degree in the selected studio concentration. Students pursuing the Concentration in Art Education will have different requirements and must attend an Art Education Informational Session during their first semester at UNC Charlotte for specific information about the program and the calendar of courses. Art History Courses (9 credit hours)
Senior Seminar (3 credit hours)
*This Senior level course should be taken with the last Elective Studio during a student’s last one or two semesters of study at UNC Charlotte. Senior Seminar fulfills one of the two Writing Intensive (W)requirements in General Education, as well as the Oral Communication (O) requirement. Unrestricted Elective Courses (36-44 credit hours)
As needed. Degree Total = 120 Credit Hours
Grade Requirement
Students must receive a grade of C or above in all courses applied to the major. Honors Program
For details about the Arts + Architecture Honors Program, visit the AAHP program page . Suggested Curriculum
For the suggested course sequence toward completing the major, please see the Academic Plan of Study available online at academics.uncc.edu. Consultation with an advisor is required. |
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