Undergraduate Catalog | 2016-2017 Previous Edition
Department of Public Health Sciences
The Department of Public Health Sciences was originally founded as the Department of Health Behavior and Administration on July 1, 2002, as part of the transformed College of Health and Human Services. The new department was conceived in response to recommendations derived from UNC Charlotte’s Health Commission Report (2000) as well as a variety of initiatives placing emphasis on population health and health behavior research. In May 2007, the department was renamed to Public Health Sciences to better reflect the unit’s larger-scale set of current and planned research programs, degree offerings, and service activities. The department’s goals include creating North Carolina’s second accredited School of Public Health.
The Department of Public Health Sciences is a premier academic unit providing collaborative and integrated approaches to improving health and healthcare. An interdisciplinary, research-focused faculty provides educational experiences for researchers and practitioners that are relevant to contemporary public health and health care administration. The department supports an environment that enhances the preparation of competent leaders in community health behavior, healthcare administration and policy, and health services research at the baccalaureate, master’s and doctoral levels; for local, national, and international partnerships that enhance students’ knowledge of health care issues; and for its focus on vulnerable populations.
The Department of Public Health Sciences engages in research, teaching, and service to prepare future researchers and practitioners in public health, health care administration, and health services research at the baccalaureate, masters, and doctoral level that meets the needs of an increasingly diverse student body and workforce. An interdisciplinary faculty makes available local, national, and international educational opportunities through nationally accredited programs that support collaborative learning and integrated experiences to develop knowledge and understanding of public health and health care issues. Faculty research programs focus on individual and population health including: the prevention and management of disease across the lifespan; the health status of diverse, urban communities; and population health and health care analytics.
The Department of Public Health Sciences is committed to academic excellence. The department received the Provost’s Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2012, and the Bachelor of Science in Public Health degree program has been recognized by the Association of American Colleges and Universities as a model program. Our Public Health baccalaureate and master’s degree programs are accredited by the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH). The Master of Health Administration (MHA) degree program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Management Education (CAHME). The department is a member of the Association of Accredited Public Health Programs, Association of University Programs in Health Administration; and the College of Health and Human Services is an affiliate member of AcademyHealth. The University of North Carolina at Charlotte is an official testing site for the Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) exam.
The department supports the University’s core values encouraging diversity and equal educational and employment opportunities throughout the University community. These values are evident in the University’s non-discrimination policies, the Council on University Community, and the Multicultural Resource Center.
Degree and Minor Programs
The department offers the Bachelor of Science in Public Health (BSPH) and a Minor in Public Health (HLTH). Undergraduate interdisciplinary experiences provide students better flexibility in working across disciplines as well as within their own specialty as they grow their careers. The department also provides opportunities for students to work closely with individual members of the faculty through either Independent Study or Undergraduate Research experiences.
ProgramsMajorsMinorsEarly Entry Programs