Mar 02, 2025
Undergraduate Catalog | 2023-2024 Previous Edition
Architectural History and Criticism, Minor
The Minor in Architectural History and Criticism is open to students of any major and requires the completion of 18 credit hours of coursework. The requirements vary for architecture majors and non-majors.
All program-level Admissions and Progression Requirements are in addition to the University of North Carolina at Charlotte Admission Requirements .
Admission Requirements
Current UNC Charlotte Undergraduate Students Foundation Courses (6 credit hours)
Completion of the following courses with a grade of B or above is necessary to declare the minor. However, these 6 credit hours do not count towards the minor for Architecture majors. Required Courses (12 credit hours)
For architecture majors, ARCH 4203 and ARCH 4204 may count towards both the minor and the major. Elective Courses (6 credit hours)
Students with a Major in Architecture and Minor in Architectural History and Criticism must take an additional 6 credit hours of related coursework selected from the list below. Special topics or other courses not on this list may be approved by the Academic Advisor for Architecture. One course may count towards both the Minor in Architectural History and Criticism and another minor. - AFRS 2105 - Black Images in the Media in the U.S. (3)
- AFRS 2111 - Yoruba Language and Culture I (3)
- AFRS 2112 - Yoruba Language and Culture II (3)
- AFRS 2156 - African Civilization (3)
- AFRS 2206 - African Literature, Music, and Art (3)
- AFRS 3121 - Contemporary African Art (3)
- AFRS 3261 - Psychology of the Black Experience (3)
- AFRS 4101 - Modern African Literature in English (3)
- ANTH 2050 - Topics in Archaeology (3)
- ANTH 2125 - Urban Anthropology (3)
- ANTH 2151 - Introduction to Archaeology (3)
- ANTH 2152 - New World Archaeology (3)
- ANTH 2153 - Historic Archaeology (3)
- ARTH 2001 - Topics in Art History (3)
- ARTH 2003 - Pre-Columbian Art (3)
- ARTH 2110 - Contemporary Art History (3)
- ARTH 2140 - Medieval Art (3)
- ARTH 2614 - Writing Seminar in Art History (3)
- ARTH 3001 - Topics in Art History (1 to 3)
- ARTH 3121 - Contemporary African Art (3)
- ARTH 3318 - Mexica (Aztec) Art (3)
- ARTH 3320 - Ancient Egyptian and Near Eastern Art (3)
- ARTH 3322 - Ancient Greek Art (3)
- ARTH 3323 - Ancient Roman Art I (3)
- ARTH 3328 - West African Art and Display (3)
- ARTH 3350 - Northern Renaissance Art (3)
- ARTH 3351 - Italian Renaissance Art (3)
- ARTH 3360 - Northern Baroque Art (3)
- ARTH 3381 - Modernism (3)
- ARTH 3393 - History of Photography (3)
- ARTH 3395 - African American Art (3)
- ARTH 3810 - Independent Study in Art History (1 to 3)
- ARTH 4601 - Problems in Pre-Columbian Art History (3)
- ARTH 4602 - Problems in African Art History (3)
- ARTH 4603 - Problems in Ancient Art History (3)
- ARTH 4605 - Problems in Renaissance Art History (3)
- ARTH 4609 - Problems in Modern and Contemporary Art History (3)
- ENGL 2100 - Writing About Literature (3)
- ENGL 2106 - Film Criticism (3)
- ENGL 4167 - The Mind and Language (3)
- FRAN 2200 - French Civilization (3)
- FRAN 3003 - Advanced Topics in Francophone Studies (Arts and Literature) (3)
- GEOG 2121 - Introduction to Development Studies (3)
- GEOG 2165 - Patterns of World Urbanization (3)
- GEOG 2200 - Introduction to Urban Studies (3)
- GEOG 3100 - Geography of Cities (3)
- GEOG 3110 - Urban Political Geography (3)
- GEOG 3115 - Urban Transportation Problems (3)
- GEOG 3200 - Land Use Planning (3)
- GEOG 3205 - City Regions and Systems (3)
- GEOG 4209 - Small Town and Community Planning (3)
- GERM 3050 - Topics in German Culture: German Culture (English) (3)
- HIST 2000 - Topics in U.S. History (3)
- HIST 2001 - Topics in European History (3)
- HIST 2002 - Topics in Non-Western History (3)
- HIST 2003 - Topics in Comparative History (3)
- HIST 2004 - Topics in Applied History (3)
- HIST 2005 - Introduction to Historical Studies (3)
- HIST 2090 - Topics in U.S. History (3)
- HIST 2091 - Topics in European History (3)
- HIST 2092 - Topics in Non-Western History (3)
- HIST 2093 - Topics in Comparative History (3)
- HIST 2094 - Topics in Applied History (3)
- HIST 2105 - American Slavery and Emancipation (3)
- HIST 2110 - Technology and Science in Society I: Before the Industrial Revolution (3)
- HIST 2111 - Technology and Science in Society II: Since the Industrial Revolution (3)
- HIST 2120 - American Military History (3)
- HIST 2150 - U.S. Women’s History to 1877 (3)
- HIST 2151 - U.S. Women’s History Since 1877 (3)
- HIST 2152 - European Women’s and Gender History (3)
- HIST 2155 - Southern Women’s History (3)
- HIST 2160 - African American History, 1400-1860 (3)
- HIST 2161 - African American History Since 1860 (3)
- HIST 2162 - African American Women’s History to 1877 (3)
- HIST 2163 - African American Women’s History Since 1877 (3)
- HIST 2170 - Latino/as in the United States, 1846 to Present (3)
- HIST 2200 - Asian Civilization (3)
- HIST 2201 - History of Modern Asia (3)
- HIST 2206 - Colonial Latin America (3)
- HIST 2207 - Modern Latin America (3)
- HIST 2210 - Pre-Colonial Africa (3)
- HIST 2211 - Modern Africa (3)
- HIST 2215 - A History of Muslim Societies (3)
- HIST 2216 - The Modern Middle East (3)
- HIST 2221 - History of Greece (3)
- HIST 2222 - History of Rome (3)
- HIST 2225 - Medieval Europe (3)
- HIST 2226 - Renaissance and Reformation in Europe (3)
- HIST 2230 - Life in the Middle Ages (3)
- HIST 2235 - The Age of Revolutions in Europe, 1789 to 1917 (3)
- HIST 2237 - Nineteenth Century Europe, 1814 to 1914 (3)
- HIST 2240 - Twentieth Century Europe, 1914 to the Present (3)
- HIST 2242 - Eastern Europe After 1945 (3)
- HIST 2251 - Russian History from 1552 to 1861 (3)
- HIST 2252 - Russian History from 1861 to the Present (3)
- HIST 2260 - Britain to 1688 (3)
- HIST 2261 - Britain Since 1688 (3)
- HIST 2271 - Modern France (1774 to the Present) (3)
- HIST 2281 - Modern Germany (3)
- HIST 2297 - History of North Carolina, 1500 to the Present (3)
- HIST 2400 - History Internship (1 to 3)
- HIST 3600 - History Skills Seminar (3)
- HIST 3000 - Topics in U.S. History (3)
- HIST 3001 - Topics in European History (3)
- HIST 3002 - Topics in Non-Western History (3)
- HIST 3003 - Topics in Comparative History (3)
- HIST 3004 - Topics in Applied History (3)
- HIST 3005 - Topics in Law and History (3)
- HIST 3010 - Non-Western History and Culture through Film (3)
- HIST 3011 - History and Culture through Film (3)
- HIST 3090 - Topics in U.S. History (3)
- HIST 3091 - Topics in European History (3)
- HIST 3092 - Topics in Non-Western History (3)
- HIST 3093 - Topics in Comparative History (3)
- HIST 3094 - Topics in Applied History (3)
- HIST 3104 - Britain in the Age of Industry and Empire, 1815-1914 (3)
- HIST 3105 - Europe in the Age of the French Revolution and Napoleon (3)
- HIST 2265 - History of Ireland (3)
- HIST 3141 - World War I (3)
- HIST 3142 - World War II (3)
- HIST 3147 - The Third Reich (3)
- HIST 3148 - The Holocaust (3)
- HIST 3154 - Globalization in African History (3)
- HIST 3155 - Health and Healing in Africa (3)
- HIST 3160 - History of Modern China (3)
- HIST 3162 - Revolutionary Movements in Modern China (3)
- HIST 3165 - History of Modern Japan (3)
- HIST 3168 - Gandhi and Radical Dissent in the Modern World (3)
- HIST 3169 - Central Asia from 1800 to the Present (3)
- HIST 3171 - Comparative Genocide (3)
- HIST 3172 - Political Repression and Rebellion in the Contemporary World (3)
- HIST 3174 - Resistance and Adaptation: Indian Peoples Under Spanish Rule (3)
- HIST 3175 - Reform, Riots, and Rebellions in Colonial Spanish America, 1692-1825 (3)
- HIST 3176 - History of Mexico (3)
- HIST 3177 - The Cuban Revolution (3)
- HIST 3178 - History of Brazil (3)
- HIST 3179 - Authoritarianism in Latin America (3)
- HIST 3180 - Caribbean History (3)
- HIST 3181 - Afro-Latin American History (3)
- HIST 3190 - Slavery, Racism, and Colonialism in the African Diaspora (3)
- HIST 3201 - Colonial America (3)
- HIST 3202 - American Revolution, 1750-1815 (3)
- HIST 3203 - The Antebellum U.S., 1800-1860 (3)
- HIST 3211 - Civil War and Reconstruction, 1860-1877 (3)
- HIST 3212 - History of the South to 1865 (3)
- HIST 3213 - History of the South since 1865 (3)
- HIST 3215 - Southerners (3)
- HIST 3218 - Racial Violence, Colonial Times to Present (3)
- HIST 3239 - African American Music: History and Culture (3)
- HIST 3240 - Race and the Law (3)
- HIST 3241 - United States Social History to 1860 (3)
- HIST 3242 - United States Social History Since 1860 (3)
- HIST 3252 - United States in the 20th Century, 1932 to the Present (3)
- HIST 3255 - Democracy in America: A Historical Perspective (3)
- HIST 3256 - United States Foreign Relations, 1901 to the Present (3)
- HIST 3260 - The United States and Latin America (3)
- HIST 3270 - History of Capitalism in the U.S. (3)
- HIST 3275 - American Lives (3)
- HIST 3280 - Blacks in Urban America (3)
- HIST 3281 - American Cities (3)
- HIST 3288 - Modern American West, 1800 to Present (3)
- HIST 3289 - The Civil War and the American West (3)
- HIST 3381 - Introduction to Museums and Historic Sites (3)
- HIST 3382 - Introduction to Historic Preservation (3)
- INTL 3111 - Politics and Culture in Literature (3)
- INTL 3112 - Globalization and Culture (3)
- INTL 3116 - Cultures and Conflicts (3)
- INTL 3117 - Narratives and Conflicts (3)
- INTL 3127 - Global Media (3)
- JAPN 2209 - Introduction to Japanese Civilization and Culture (3)
- JAPN 3140 - Anime and Japanese Popular Culture (3)
- JAPN 3060 - Topics in Japanese Film (3)
- JOUR 2160 - Introduction to Journalism (3)
- JOUR 3163 - Visual Communication in Media (3)
- LTAM 2117 - Cultures of the Caribbean (3)
- LTAM 3220 - The Caribbean from Slavery to Independence (3)
- LTAM 3255 - Ancient Latin America (3)
- LTAM 3257 - South American Prehistory (3)
- LTAM 3260 - Slavery, Racism, and Colonialism in the African Diaspora (3)
- LTAM 3270 - Afro-Latin American History (3)
- LTAM 3274 - Resistance and Adaptation: Indian Peoples Under Spanish Rule (3)
- LTAM 3275 - Reform, Riots, and Rebellions in Colonial Spanish America, 1692-1825 (3)
- LTAM 3276 - History of Mexico (3)
- LTAM 3277 - The Cuban Revolution (3)
- LTAM 3278 - History of Brazil (3)
- LTAM 3300 - Maya Art (3)
- LTAM 3301 - Mexica (Aztec) Art (3)
- LTAM 3302 - Andean Art (3)
- LTAM 3313 - Pre-Columbian Art (3)
- LTAM 3360 - Studies in Hispanic Film (3)
- LTAM 4116 - Culture and Conflict in the Amazon (3)
- LTAM 4317 - Topics in Hispanic Culture and Civilization (3)
- MUSC 4298 - Jazz History (3)
- PHIL 3201 - Ancient Philosophy (3)
- PHIL 3202 - Modern Philosophy (3)
- PHIL 3204 - Twentieth-Century Philosophy (3)
- PHIL 3203 - Nineteenth-Century Philosophy (3)
- PHIL 3212 - American Philosophy (3)
- PHIL 3213 - Existentialism (3)
- PHIL 3009 - Major Figure in Philosophy (3)
- PHIL 3231 - Aesthetics (3)
- PHIL 3241 - Knowledge and Reality (3)
- RELS 3210 - Religion and Popular Culture (3)
- RUSS 3209 - Russian Civilization and Culture (3)
- SOCY 2112 - Popular Culture (3)
- WGST 2110 - Women and the Media (3)
- WGST 3110 - Gender and Communication (3)
- WGST 3220 - Feminist Thought (3)
- WGST 4140 - African American Feminism (3)
Minor Requirements for Non-Architecture Majors
Foundation Courses (6 credit hours)
Completion of the following courses with a grade of B or above is necessary to declare the minor. Required Courses (12 credit hours)
Two of the following courses may be counted towards the Minor in Architectural History and Criticism and another major or minor. Progression Requirements
Students must maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 in all courses counted toward the minor. |