Feb 15, 2025  
Undergraduate Catalog | 2023-2024 
Undergraduate Catalog | 2023-2024 Previous Edition

Actuarial Studies, Undergraduate Certificate

An actuary is a business professional who uses mathematical skills to aid in the design and pricing of insurance policies and pension programs.  Actuaries are employed by insurance companies, government agencies, health service organizations, large corporations, and consulting firms.

The Certificate in Actuarial Studies prepares undergraduate and post-baccalaureate students for a career as an actuary.  The coursework provides students with the background knowledge that they need to successfully pass two or three of the professional actuarial exams and obtain Validation by Educational Experience (VEE) credit that is required to become an Associate of the Society of Actuaries  (SOA) or the Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS).  Coursework towards the Certificate in Actuarial Studies can be used for credit towards the Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics.  Students in the certificate program have access to resources provided by the UNC Charlotte Actuarial Science program, such as information sessions by employers, presentations by actuaries, and networking events.  The certificate may be pursued concurrently with any of the undergraduate degree programs at UNC Charlotte.

All program-level Admissions and Progression Requirements are in addition to the University of North Carolina at Charlotte Admission Requirements .

Admission Requirements

To be admitted into the Certificate in Actuarial Studies program, students who already have completed a Bachelor’s degree must meet the University requirements for admission into undergraduate certificate programs. See University Admission Requirements 

Their undergraduate coursework must include Calculus I, II, III or equivalent courses.  For students in either the B.A.  or B.S.  in Mathematics or the B.S. in Mathematics for Business  at UNC Charlotte, a form to declare the certificate is available on the Department of Mathematics and Statistics webpage.

Certificate Requirements

The certificate requires 18 credit hours of mathematics and Statistics coursework that prepare students for Actuarial Exams and VEE Credits. Note that MATH 3227  and MATH 3228  are prep courses for Exam FM - Financial Mathematics, STAT 3122  and STAT 3123  for Exam P and VEE Probability, MATH 4228  and STAT 4227  for Exam FAM - Fundamentals of Actuarial Mathematics, MATH 4229  for Exam ALTAM - Advanced Long Term Actuarial Mathematics, and STAT 3110  and STAT 3150  for Exam SRM - Statistics for Risk Modeling.  

Total = 18 Credit Hours