Undergraduate Catalog | 2023-2024 Previous Edition
Department of Chemistry
Chemistry is a discipline fundamental to a wide variety of careers in industry, research, and the allied health fields. A strong foundation in chemistry is necessary for careers in medicine, molecular biology, biochemistry, industrial or government research, pharmacy, high school teaching, and chemical engineering. A background in chemistry may also be useful for careers in chemical sales, industrial management, business administration, and environmental management.
Degree Programs
The Department of Chemistry offers two B.S. in Chemistry degree programs approved by the American Chemical Society (ACS), two non-ACS-certified B.S. degree programs and a research-based M.S. degree, which provide the background necessary for a career in industry or for further graduate studies in chemistry and related fields. In addition, a B.A. in Chemistry degree program is available for students who plan to pursue a career in chemical industry, secondary education, or professional studies in areas such as medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, and optometry. The Minor in Chemistry is offered for students who desire some experience in chemistry as an adjunct to their major. Programs leading to careers in pharmacy and chemical engineering are available in cooperation with other institutions. Please see the Preparation for Professional Schools section under the Honors College heading section in this Catalog for details.
Academic Advising
Students are urged to consult with their academic advisors every semester. Students should work with their academic advisors to develop a long-range plan for academic progress rather than merely selecting courses on a semester-by-semester basis.
Honors Programs
Early Entry Programs